Nyra Mazul
Sith Thief

Image Source: Google image search, black whip.
Intent: Make a whip.
Development Thread: Worm Hunt
Manufacturer: Nyra Mazul
Model: Whip
Affiliation: Nyra Mazul
Modularity: Nope
Production: Semi Unique
Material: Tikulini Leather. Black Dye.
Size: One Handed.
Length: 4.6m
Weight: 317.5 grams or 11.2 ounces
Telescopic: The whip is capable of reaching out and touching an opponent at long range. (about 14-15 feet with the cracker)
Supersonic: A whip is the first supersonic weapon ever created by mankind. A whip is capable of moving at speeds past the sound barrier faster than the eye can trace. In addition the whips trajectory can be change in mid swing making it a hard weapon to counter.
Flexible: The weapon is flexible and can be wielded like almost any other flexible weapon such as a hook dart (replacing the dart with the handle) or a flail, or even a nunchuk like device.
Low Lethality: While capable of killing (In real life you can kill a cow with a whip to the back of the head….) it doesn’t. Not really. It is a low lethality weapon. Sure you can choke an opponent but it isn’t a sword or a lightsaber that can literally eviscerate someone.
No Armor Penetration: Are you wearing armor? This probably won’t hurt past the kinetic impact and maybe if the user uses one of the stun charges... but not on a basic hit.
As a thief Nyra Mazul uses a whip. It was a good weapon to use to disarm people and had added utility which allowed her to swing to and fro while on second story jobs. However she is also a Sith and in her dealing she quickly realized that a whip was severely inadequate for dealing with threats she would face or even her own associates. To this end she went with her associate Mr. Velok ([member="Velok the Younger"]) on a wonderful little hunt.to obtain the flesh of a Tikulini. From the tanned the hide and created appropriate strips for a pleated braid creating her whip. At the end of the whip she has a multi thong cracker capable of doing severe damage should someone take a hit from it.
The whip itself is capable of using all traditional angles of attack as presented in Form I. It can even stab, using a non traditional sliding of the wrist to make the whip telescope out instead of swing to the side, making it harder to block. The whip is supersonic, and capable at breaking the sound barrier giving it the trademark crack that people here. Being a supersonic weapon means the whip moves faster than a human eye can perceive and thus blocking it requires reading body motion. A whip however can change course at nearly any time in its flight with a simple flick of the wrist.
In addition the leather whip is capable of stopping a lightsaber blade, although blocking is a bit difficult needing to take and hold the whip in your hand and use it as a blunt instead of flexible weapon. Instead the leather was collected primarily to give the weapon longevity so it wouldn’t simply be slice in half by the first Jedi or Sith who blocked it.
Because Nyra was paranoid and didn’t trust the people to know that a whip could break bone if caught in the hand outside of a controlled environment like say a Holovid she installed a little device in the handle which would send an ionic pulse out through the central cord of the whip stunning anyone foolish enough to catch her whip or find themselves wrapped in its coil. There is, however but three meager charges for this and so it is only used as a last resort or against an entangled armored opponent who would otherwise be immune to this weapon.
Because of the size of the worm Nyra has collected enough hide to make replacement whips as needed. (Aka come steal them from me if you want one).
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