The Waking Nightmare
- Intent: To create a religious (lore) text for the Nardithi Nghtsisters
- Canon: N/A
- Permissions: N/A
- Links: Book of Law I Book of Shadows I Dathomir Magic
- Media Name: Leabhar na Scathanna
- Format: Book
- Distribution: Rare
- Length: Long
- Description: The Leabhar na Scathanna contains the sacred texts and contents of the Nardithi Nightsister Clan, a sect of Nightsister Witches on Dathomir. The grimoire's true intention is to create an overall complete interpretation based from previous texts; the Book of Shadows, The Book of Law, and the concept of Dathomir Magic, as well as incorpate entries from the Book of Spells previously written by the Mistwalker Clan.
- Author: Variable authors which include Allya I Gethzerion I Mother Talzin
- Publisher: Nardithi Nightsisters
- Reception: The Leabhar na Scathanna is revered by the Nightsisters of the Nardithi Clan, but it has been deemed heretical by other Nightsister Clans solely based on differing ideologies. Because of the excerpts and contents surrounding the Jedi and Sith Orders, the Sith deem it blasphemous and the Jedi refuse to acknowledge its existence. Historians, who managed to obtain a copy, believe it to be historically non-fictional, however find it difficult to prove the accuracy of all its contents.
The Leabhar na Scathanna is completely written in the ancient Dathomirian Tongue, which causes great difficulties for non-Nightsisters to read it without a means of interpterion. The book covering is constructed from cured and dried rancor hide with arcane symbols associated with the spirit ichor , while the pages are from refined snowbark trees, while inked from the ingredients of mushling plants.
The Leabhar na Scathanna consists of the four aspects that the Nardithi Nightsisters consider theological in nature. The four parts cover the The Fanged God, Spirit Ichor, Dathomir Magic, Surge of the Brier, Each section contains a brief look into the focal topic.
- Chapter 1 - The Fanged God
The Fanged God is believed to be from the realm of Mortis, where he believed to take the form of a gargoyle, as well as his humanoid form, and is associated with the Dark Side of the Force; and it known also as Son. The Son, along with Father and Daughter, rule over Mortis and collectively are known as The Ones, or the Mortis Gods. In respect to his alignment to the Dark Side, he is considered to be adherently evil by some Nightsister Clans, and those Clans that favor him are too, by proxy, considered unfavorable.
- Chapter 2 - Spirit Ichor
The darker form of the spirit ichor has led to the discover of magic that Clans have refused to acknowledge or use, some even associating it with Sith magic because of its constructs and have outlawed certain spells: Chant of Resurrection and Possession for example.
- Chapter 3 - Dathomir Magic
It was during this schism that the two schools of magic took shape, and thus the Book of Laws written under moral and ethical teachings that followed Allyan Magic whereas the Book of Shadows followed Shadow Magic which did not follow traditional rituals or chanting. Over generations Dathomir Magic changed taken different forms, including the discovery of Spirit Ichor.
- Chapter 4 - Surge of The Brier
The exact date of the original copy is not known, estimated around 80 BBY, which was eventually lost sometime during The Clone Wars when the invasion of Dathomir took place under Darth Tyranus a.k.a. Count Dooku. It was during this time that the Clans became scattered and near extinction, and the Nardithi Nightsisters fell into obscurity. It was hundreds of years later that the Nardithi Nightsisters returned and with it came the practice of a new theology.
It was during the reformation of the Coven that a copy from the original book had been discovered inside an abandoned Imperial Base. The newly appointed Clan Mother, along with her most prized advisors, dissected the book page by page finally reassembling it and creating what now became the thesis for the Coven's pagan-like religion. The book reads like a religious tome, or icon, for the Nardithi Nightsister Coven; followed thoroughly. To prevent their original copy from befalling a similar fate as the original hundreds of years previously, few copies had been created whilst the original was buried away inside a crypt in a temple to the Fanged God.
For those Nightsisters among the Coven that were Force sensitive, they were taught directly from the book, specifically chapters 2 and 3 respectively. These two chapters became the foundation of the Coven's magical prowess. For some of the Nightsisters who were not sensitive to the Force followed chapter 1 to the point they became dedicated to the Fanged God, essentially starting an abbey, and taking on the roles of Fanged Sisters, a religious cloister in his dedication. And still others flocked to the teachings of chapter 4 finding themselves starting their own little sect, Sisters of the Brier
The Coimeadai Seanchais, the appointed lore keeper and guardian of the Leabhar na Scathanna, is the only one to touch or see the original copy. When a copy is to be made, it's her duty to do so alone.
The Leabhar na Scathanna essentially contains all the dogmatic views of their religion, thus becoming the main source behind their cultural traditions as well as secular convictions. Thier culture has evolved from the matriarchal hierarch it once was, with the presence of other sects grown from the religious book, becoming more of a republican forum.
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