Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Work In Progress ??????


  • Intent: To create a new species for a character
  • Image Credit: XX
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Name: Mortuss
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Atriod Minor
  • Average Lifespan: 400 years
  • Estimated Population: Rare
  • Description: The species traditionally has an athletic frame and build, more toned than muscular designed for agility purposes. Their skin is a pale gray with black tribal markings, each marking different according to the individual, that are actually flesh, not inked designs. The eye socket region is a dark black that encompasses their red eyes, have black hair and bat-like ears.
  • Breathes: Type I, Type II
  • Average Height of Adults: 1.77 meters (Females), 2 meters (Males)
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Pale Gray
  • Hair color: Black
  • Distinctions: The females tend to be more athletic, toned, and slenderer, where the males tend to more muscular than toned. Males tend to keep short, styled hair or completely shaved, whereas the females keep long hair, sometimes braided or dreaded or simply resting past their shoulders.
  • Races: N/A
  • Force Sensitivity: All
  • The Force (The Dark Side): The Mortuss are born with an extremely high midichlorian count, making them powerful in the Force which grants more powerful affects to Force abilities. However, they are born with the Dark Side, which also can enhance dark side corruption more rapidly on physical features; and in rare cases can damage health and mental facilities. However, this only applies through proper training. Though they are not properly trained, they do have a basic understanding of how to use the Force like Telekinesis and basic abilities.
  • Invisibility: The species can actually render themselves invisible, without the illusionary tricks of bending light and sound around them. The effect only last for a few minutes and though they cannot be detected by sight, they still can be detected by heat sensors and by other Force users, the latter only sensing their presence but still unable to physically see them.
  • Excellent Sense of Hearing: The Mortuss have long, bat-like ears that can pick up the quietest of sounds from a high level of distance, around 243 meters, even further if the sound is carried on higher winds
  • Heightened Agility: They are extremely agile, possessing a great sense of athleticism. Their movements are so fluid and precise that it makes it nearly impossible to track them or hit them in combatant situations.
  • Speechcraft: Mortuss have a soothing, lullaby like tone to their voice that can lure weak willed or minded individuals into a near-like trance state, making them more prone to suggestive ideas or thoughts. This ability is not affected by or adds to Force abilities that have similar applications.
  • Excellent Vision: Their red eyes, sometimes mistaken for night vision accessibilities, are constructed with highly advanced optic nerves. Through these nerves, they can detect or pick up the slightest of details in a more magnified manner and allows them a comfortable range of seeing as far as 200 meters.
  • Hunger: The craving to consume the Force is comparable to a substance addiction, which the Mortuss call The Dark Craving, that can force them to feed more often than any other sentient species, and because they lack a traditional metabolism, each individual's physical body differs slightly by consumption habits. If a Mortuss fails to consume from a Force source within an hour of the Dark Craving manifesting, they grow extremely weak and could perish within a day or less.
  • Extreme Temperatures: Mortuss are not built, physically, to sustain extreme temperatures of heat and cold. Long exposure to frigid temperatures can put them in a stasis like state that will lead to death. In the case of long exposure to extreme heat, their lungs begin to constrict leading to death by asphyxiation.
  • Extreme Lighting: With the advancement of the optic nerves in their eyes, they suffer from light sensitivity when exposed to extreme lightning, including prolong exposure to suns. When exposed, their vision becomes blurry then turning to temporary blindness; their sight will return after several minutes after removing themselves from the light source.
  • Bacta: The healing gel has been covered throughout the galaxy for time immoral, healing the most serious of wounds and injuries. However, to the Mortuus it's like a poison. If exposed to just a dash can make them sick, rashes breaking out in the touched area(s), but if they come into contact with heavy doses, such as being submerged for example, they will literally die from cardiogenic shock and pulmonary edema.
  • Consumable Foods: Mortuss do not possess a digestive system, since their food source is energy based. If they consume food or drinks like most species, they will literally die in minutes as if they were suffering from Anaphylactic shock.
  • Slow Healing Regeneration: One of their greatest weaknesses is their inability to heal from severe wounds or injuries even in a basic form. The ability to regenerate from wounds and injuries comes from a poorly constructed biological process from a low immunity system. It takes three times as long for them to heal compared to a standard species ability to heal.
  • Diet: The Living Force. They possess the ability through physical touch, normally with their hands, to drain the Force from plants, animals, and sentient species. The higher the midichlorians, the more essence they can consume. Through this ability to feed, it doesn't kill the food source, only drains them leaving them weak, with overtime the Force slowly returns to the food source. So in theory, one individual could sustain an individual of this species for years.
  • Communication: The species once possessed their own unique language that was communicated verbally based off a complex alphabet system. The language is now practically dead, with only a few remaining species left in the galaxy. Galactic Basic was the secondary language, but now is the primary language used.
  • Technology level: Galactic Standard
  • Religion/Beliefs: N/A
  • General behavior:
  1. Mates For Life: When two Mortuss come into a union, for the concept of marriage is unknown to them, it is for life. Together they can have children or not, there is not limit on offspring or pressure to bear them. In the event one of them dies, the survivor will not take on a new mate out of respect and love for their lost one. Only the mated couple, or single parent, raises and educates their children including the ways of using the Force, but only in the skill level they are aware.
  2. Inventors / Tinkerers: The Mortuss are master craftsmen, taking deep pride in their inventions or making old inventions better through updating them. They have extensive knowledge and understanding how complex systems work like computers, weaponry and mechanics, robotics, armor, and armor mechanics.
  3. Isolationists: By definition, the Mortuss are considered anti-social, but on rare occasions some of the species have gone on to interact with the galaxy. Thier villages and small cities once held policies restraining trade and interactions with outsiders.
  4. Political: The Mortuss could defend themselves from physical attack, having militias and such to defend their interests but their true strength laid in politics. Because they have the ability of speechcraft, they made great strides in the political game.


The Mortuss, like the Artiodac, where one of the two major sentient species on the planet of Artiod Minor. The two species rarely had interactions with one another both being solitary species. Where the Artiodac could be found in the swampy areas of the planet, the Mortuss preferred the forestry regions, rarely delving into the swamps. From the time period of 24,500 BBY - 2,300 BBY, the Mortuss thrived as a flowering community. They lived relatively in peace, conducting trading with off-worlders occasionally, and with their inventive minds created many marvelous items, constructed fabulous wooden-based buildings, and unique robots and weapons. They were the political platform on the planet.

However, around 2,300 BBY the planet had been invaded by the Zygerrian Slave Empire and like the Artiodac, they too fought only too be enslaved. Thier cities and villages destroyed, their culture ruined, and everything they held dear was cast into the fire. Those that survived the enslavement era fled the planet and became scattered across the galaxy, though the species continued to survive with couples giving birth over the years; but collectively they were no more.

Though life didn't become any easier for them. Because they were born with the Dark Side inside them, Mortuss were often mistaken by the Jedi as Sith agents or sympathizers. During high tensions between the Republic and the Jedi against the Sith Empires, the Mortuss were caught in the crossfire, delegated as collateral damage. With the disappearance of the Sith 1,000 BBY, the Mortuss tried to reform again but many of the remaining species felt it would cause them more despair banded together, so they became singular nomads, travelling the galaxy as a single individual, a family, or a small group of goal-minded individuals and to avoid drawing attention from the Jedi.

During the Great Jedi Purge by the Empire and the Inquisitors, the Mortuss were once again hunted, not mistaken as a Jedi but as a threat to the Empire; being they were Force sensitive. After the fall of the Empire, once more the Mortuss went into hiding, their numbers dwindled yet again. Today, centuries after their initial downfall by the hands of the slavers, their numbers are unknown. It is rare to see a Mortuss in the galaxy, less they wish to be seen, as they tend to stay away from civilization or heavily populated planets.

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