A little red outline surround the right uppermost box/field of her vision indicating something was amiss. No longer paying much attention to cleaning the muck from the surface of her boots, her attention span set upon one of her nine droid remotes. The HUD display responded to her eye movements and superimposed the image she was looking for so that it appear larger than the other ones, which appeared smaller to accommodate for its size.
"Well, what is this?" Triam grinned. It was some woman, strolling around in the ruins just like her. "Scan her, send it up to um... kark, what did I name that damn ship? The big fancy one. Ya know what, I like that one name better. Make it official, The Big Fancy One. I want her face checked for bounties and other related queries." The remote merely beeped, as its scanners worked on the woman.
A few minutes later, and a return ping indicated the remote was receiving the proper information from The Big Fancy One up in orbit. It found something interesting.
"A KUHN?" A rage set into the hot headed mercenary, and while she sat down next to her puddle with her arm resting on a fallen stone pillar, her arm came down and cracked the damn thing to pieces. That was probably a priceless relic to somebody.
"Nobody told me there was more of them! Well, send me to hell if I don't make sure this one stays dead. I don't even care if nobody pays me. This queen is dead." That was a lot more cold hearted than was typical of Akovin, but she had a deepening hatred for the One Sith and their taint on this galaxy, and Alric Kuhn was the public face of its industry... and she was going to kill him for his bounty, until he "died". Recently she discovered he was alive, and found herself involved in his blasted company. She planned to eventually usurp it from him, but if she could fork in a low blow to the man's family and pose it as a case of mistaken identity... all the power to her. She had a feeling her Jedi tutor wouldn't approve.
Yet, she was no Jedi.
She was the Relentless.
Bolting upwards, she hefted her blast rifle up as she mobilized her micro-swarm of droid remotes to surround the general area concerning one [member="Lisette Kuhn"], subtly... unsuspectingly. This was an ambush of a single woman. She ran through rubble to find a nice sturdy spot behind cover, that was above her target for a better view of the ruins. She sat atop some sort of weird giant stone head thing or another. Her rifle aimed, and steadied itself. The scope weighed down on her rifle, and she compensated... though she hoped it wasn't too much.
Ready to take a shot, a droid remote would pop out from one its hiding positions and fired a stun shot, followed by four others if it could manage, and a moment later her rifle expunged a bolt of plasma at her... then again, and again. Trigger pull, trigger pull, adjust, trigger pull, etc...
The objective in this maneuver was clear, disorientate with the surprise of ambush to make it easier to shoot at her.