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1st GBA Tourney - Nazo vs Garrus Garon

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Coruscant is home to some of the largest man-made structures in the galaxy.

The megascraper that our fighters find themselves on is no exception. They find themselves on top of a massive building that tapered to a 30 meter square that towered over the skyline. There's no significant cover, save for four durasteel aircon units in the center. Each unit is one cubic meter, with a half meter aisle in between.

At this altitude, wind is a fact of life, and the platform is swept with powerful gusts that can send the careless fighter over the side.

Even at this height, speeders dart to and fro as the denizens of the metropolis planet go about their business. They present no threat to the fighters, but a resourceful combatant can use them to their advantage.

[member="Garrus Garon"]
...Coruscant was home to massive skyscrapers that stretched towards the heavens. The Megascraper was tall enough that if he'd looked over the edge Garrus doubted that he could have seen the bottom but such was commonplace here. Gale force winds could sweep across the rooftop ensuring care was needed the further away from the center an individual went and the Speeders zooming in all directions around the outskirts could be a source of distraction or defeat for the unwary. Looking across the rooftop Garrus saw the four aircon units in the center that could serve as cover and hunkering down into a crouch he'd begin moving towards them, maintaining a low center of gravity to avoid the winds as he worked his way inwards towards the aircon units...

...the Mandalorian was outfitted in his Heavy Beskar'gam. On his right arm an integrated Micro-Grenade Launcher could clearly be seen as part of the armor. A Sonic Carbine was held in his arms, the butt sucked into the crevice of his right arm while the remainder stretched out across his midsection and came to rest over his left forearm. The hilt of his Beskad extended up over his right shoulder, the weapon was sheathed across his back ready to pulled with an easy grip from its masters hand. All in all Garrus appeared very much ready for combat however he didn't make the first attack...

...keeping low he moved hard and fast towards the aircon units. Optics switched over to infrared so that he could track the heat signature of his opponent and anything else that might have been on the rooftop with him. As he came closer to the aircon units he'd suck tight to the right most one from his point of view ensuring he could make use of maximum cover. Underneath the cover of his helm Garrus grunted once; he much preferred a close quarters engagement however he'd come equipped to wage a long range battle as well. At this point the type of engagement was undetermined...

...when he was crossing Garrus thought he saw his opponent on the opposite side of the megascraper rooftop from him. That was all; he could wait to engage. Once his back was against the aircon unit Garrus would begin to sweep around to the outside so that he could work his way around the cover and close on [member="Nazo"] while making a sweep of the area so that he could attempt to keep eyes on the man? creature? well whatever he was...
Some would see towers, others saw spires - monuments, castles, and symbols. The bipedal creatures calling this massive thriving planet their home, tourists and citizens alike - the lot of them were rather predictable, if not altogether foreign to a creature quite a bit more alien than your average Trandoshan, Twilek, or Toydarian. None of these things had been been an apt description to the creature that had found purchase upon one of the many megascrapers that littered Coruscant's planet-wide cityscape. So much more unique in the philosophical madness of his mind, the slug had seen an entirely different pictures. As if the cavern of a great beast's maw was pulled back, unhinged and drawn into a seamless globe, Nazo saw one thing with these monolithic creations; he saw teeth.

Coruscant was a world turned inside out, especially with the recent acquisition of the thriving Sith Empire. While allied with them in the spirit of the law, his own purposes and penchants rested outside their grasp for power, and desire for conquest. Rarely did he even entertain the notion of spending time with any of them. Misanthropic to a fault - companions on his travels were few and far between, as the creature's foreign heritage left much to be desired in a social setting. This building however, this placement upon a single 'tooth' of a great mouth was fitting for Nazo - the devourer.

Seven feet tall, the figure was hard to miss, especially with the purple, red, and gray hues covering his frame, whipping against the skeleton beneath. Even the headdress that adorned that porcelain white mask bent and shifted with the drag of wind itself in constant uproar. Hundreds of meters in the air, amid the lanes of constant sky traffic - wind sheer ripped up and down the sides of the building, only adding a more inhospitable climate for other beings. Nazo however seemed to care not about the circumstances, as his purpose for being here was of his own accord.

While the journey was seemingly never done, there was a consistent premise in everything that the Acolyte encountered, and that need was a very primal and innate one for his species. He had to feed. The abundance of actual food supply was never an issue, as the flavors and types of food available were limitless when one could tear down matter itself. Standing near one of the satellite arrays, where the antennas sailed overhead skyward to ping signals back and forth from on and off the planet. A beacon of holonet activity that was prominent on nearly every building as well to host that intergalactic virtual trade of eCommerce. His back turned, and his attention on the cabling structure as it's lining consisted of tight ferrocarbon - something of a delicacy to his particular palette.

Almost in ritualistic pursuits, the act of eating itself was almost cathartic to his maddening level of genius intellect. His species were known for their intelligence - if they were known at all. Even in the most elite think-tanks, the sentients there would postulate on the complexity of Nazo's species. Rarely though did they ever encounter any, for the near gibberish they could spew out was often unintelligible - especially since they couldn't actually speak. Amid the act however, a notion of life sprung into his dual mind - as Nazo felt the presence of life closer than any other. This was not from the whizzing sky traffic around them, or the sentients in the building several stories beneath his stance - but on this same level. In a most unusual marionette like movement, the robed torso turned while feet remained planted, the porcelain mask and headdress turning to lock lifeless beady eyes on the approach of an undercover anomaly. Metallic digits reached out, drawing through the air in manners akin to casting an absurd little spell. In point of fact, there was nothing going on, but the gesture continued.

"The maw will gnash the sky, sentients below will flee and cry, the beast will awaken, it's teeth will shred - and blood red pigments will paint the dead." The voice that called out was inaudible, without even the ability to speak. The sound itself was only telepathic, and came in the dual toned vocal structure that this mysterious figure preferred. That of the raspy tones of a demonic presence, mixed with the innocence of a small child. The combination was haunting if not altogether disturbing. It's only source to find was the ping of life that rested in Garrus' presence upon the roof-like structure. There was no visual queues for Nazo to pinpoint, but only the Force's guide that allowed communication to float through and penetrate so that he could communicate with the unseen.

[member="Garrus Garon"]
...Garrus was making his sweep around the aircon units, back sucked tight against them when he felt the intrusion occur. Like an intruder in his mind he heard the words that began to fill it start to form which was enough for him. The Mandalorian had experience dealing with force users meaning that when [member="Nazo"] had started to breach his mind Garrus understood what was happening to some extent and even what he was up against. He might not know what Nazo is but he now understood that he could use the force. Before the raspy tone of the presence invading his mind could finish Garrus stood from behind cover while continuing to use an aircon unit to its maximum defensive potential. At a cubic meter the aircon unit should have still covered Garrus from the waist down as he came up from behind it...

...almost immediately after coming up from behind the aircon unit Garrus spotted his opposition, the thing that was speaking into his mind. Seven feet tall, humanoid from what the Mandalorian could tell and wearing a strange blend of rags and armor and with a metallic looking hand stretched out. No matter. The Sonic Carbine had come up as Garrus rose as well, the butt sinking into the crevice of his right shoulder while his left arm supported the stock of the weapon. Nazo might not have been able to finish what Garrus considered a gibberish. Aiming for center mass, the largest target, Garrus popped up from behind cover with his weapon trained ahead and squeezed the trigger a total of three times in semi rapid succession...

....the recoil of the Sonic Carbine meant it jerked Garrus shoulder backwards causing him to compensate after every shot before squeezing the trigger again. The Sonic Carbine was unique among weapons in that it didn't fire a physical or energy based projectile. Not in the sense a blaster weapon did anyways. It fired sonic energy, capable of bypassing armor to target the flesh underneath which it likewise was capable of battering and bludgeoning as it transferred its force unto it. At least that was the general premise. Regardless of how effective it actually was Garrus knew from experience that it packed quite a punch...

...that was it, a quick attack. Ducking back down behind the aircon unit after he'd fired Garrus would continue to use to for cover, his back pressing into it securely while he began to sweep back in the opposite direction allowing him to relocate so that it was difficult to pinpoint him in the traditional sense. As he ducked back down Garrus only muttered from beneath his helm...
"Right, great."...with regards to whatever poetic rhetoric or gibberish that Nazo had been whispering into his mind. It had come off as unsettling but as battle hardened as Garrus was it would take more than a raspy voice with a few demonic qualities whispering into his mind to unnerve him. Let the games begin...
Alright, so the two weeks have come and gone, but there's not actually been much fighting. If you guys want to try this once more with feeling, I'll give you another week. Otherwise, I'll have to go with what I've got, and that's not a whole hell of a lot.

[member="Garrus Garon"]
Well, damn. If that's the case, you move on by default. There's not enough here to give a proper judgment, but I'll still go through and critique what I can.

[member="Garrus Garon"]
Alright, there's not much to go on here in terms of fighting, but the writing was excellent. Seriously top notch stuff. Unfortunately, if [member="Nazo"] is on LOA, then the win goes to [member="Garrus Garon"] by default.

If you have any questions or concerns, shoot me a PM and we'll talk.
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