- Intent: To Codify New Imperial Order, 1st Stormcommando's, Aurek Squadron
- Image Credit: https://www.goodfon.com/wallpaper/victor-strang-conqueror-star.html
- Role: Spec Ops Squadron for RP with.
- Permissions: None
- Links:
- Unit Name: 1st Stormcommando's, Aurek Squadron
- Affiliation: New Imperial Order
- Classification: Light Infantry, Engineers, Recon, Fighter Pilots, Black Ops
- Description: This Unit handles the Direct and Indirect action missions that need to remain classified or off the record. They can also serve as Light Infantry in timees of need. Overall they have no distinctive insignia or logo save their black armor.
- Unit Size: Small
- Unit Availability: Unique
- Unit Experience: Trained
- Equipment:
[ Minor ] Storm Armor Mk. IV | Flame | Snow | Shore
[ Minor ] Storm Recon Mk. I
[ Minor ] Combat Assault Tank Armor Mk. I
[ Minor ] Flight Suit Mk. I
[ Limited ] Tenebrae Commando Armor Mk. II
[ Limited ]
[ Mass ] SFR-58 Bozdugan Blaster Rifle
[ Mass ] REC-DC/01 "Thunderwasp" Particle Blaster Rifle
[ Mass ] REC-DC/02 "Sabrewasp" Particle Blaster Carbine
[ Mass ] REC-DC/04 "Feverwasp" Particle Blaster Pistol
[ Mass ] REC-SMC/01 "Unmaker" Sustained Maser Rifle
[ Mass ] REC-CBS/01 "Doombringer" Combat Scattergun
[ Mass ] REC-EFP/01 "Lawgiver" Pattern Maser Pistol
[ Mass ] CF6 Concussion Rifle
[ Minor ] AK-57x Charric Rifle
[ Minor ] SBR-60x Battle Rifle
[ Minor ] IL-18a Disruptor Carbine
[ Minor ] SE-61x Particle Beam Carbine
[ Minor ] SFP-60x Particle Beam Pistol
[ Minor ] IL-22b Assault Carbine
[ Minor ] IL-41d ICWS
[ Minor ] BH-Durin Charric Blaster Pistol
[ Minor ] BH Saria ICWS
[ Minor ] LS-1 Angry Owl Light Sniper Rifle
[ Limited ] REC-DC/03 "Viperwasp" Modular Particle Blaster Rifle
[ Limited ] TSF-SBR/01 Heavy SmartBlaster™ Rifle
[ Limited ] TSF-SBP/01 Heavy SmartBlaster™ Pistol
[ Limited ] BAW-63 Heavy Rotary Blaster Cannon
[ Limited ] IL-25x Sniper Rifle
[ Limited ] DSP-61x Hybrid Pistol
[ Limited ] CK-60 01x Disruptor Carbine
[ Limited ] IDR-854 Stopilka Ion Disruptor Rifle
[ Mass ] REC-SPM/01 "Godendac" - Pattern Power Maul
[ Mass ] REC-VKN/01 "Tekko" - Pattern Vibroknuckler
[ Mass ] REC-ACS/01 “Batillum” - Pattern Entrenching Tool
[ Mass ] REC-RCB/01 Enforcement Baton
[ Mass ] ZXR-1 "Precision" Energy Sword
[ Minor ] BH-Specter Slicer Vibroknife
[ Minor ] ZW-001 iFrit Pattern Heated Vibroweapon
[ Minor ] SRG66 Painkiller Powerhammer
[ Limited ] VBS-01 Streiter Vibrosword
[ Canon ] Thermal Detonator
[ Canon ] Concussion Grenade
[ Canon ] CryoBan Grenade
[ Canon ] Ion Grenade
[ Canon ] Stun Grenade
[ Canon ] Sonic Detonator
[ Mass ] KS-9 Firestorm Grenade
[ Mass ] ABDG-01x Null Grenade
[ Mass ] IL-62g Smart Grenade
[ Minor ] Rhypalm
[ Mass ] IL-MDD Magnetic Disruption Device
[ Mass ] SBG-01x Bodyglove
[ Mass ] IL-99x Undersuit
[ Mass ] Electric Eye Optics System
[ Mass ] Revealer
[ Mass ] Thyrsian Battle Oil
[ Mass ] GC/8487-C4K35 "Escalation" - Pattern Wrist Rocket(s)
[ Limited ] YHC-01x Ysalamiri Cradle
[ Limited ] IL-99b Doppelganger Stealth Projector
[ Mass ] WG 211 Self Propelled Artillery 'Powerhammer'
[ Mass ] REC TT-01 Pernach-class Turbo Tank
[ Minor ] AT-MPT Light Walker
[ Minor ] AT-TD Assault Walker
[ Minor ] AT-SAT Assault Walker
[ Minor ] AT-SB Heavy Walker
[ Minor ] AT-ATx Heavy Walker
[ Minor ] XT-60a Cataphract Main Battle Tank
[ Minor ] HMP-60x Missile Platform
[ Minor ] MALRAS Mobile Artillery
[ Minor ] HARP Hypervelocity Artillery Platform
[ Minor ] XV-60a 01x APC
// STARFIGHTERS [1-50m] //:
[ Minor ] TIE/D Drone Droid Starfighter
[ Minor ] TIE/HF Slasher Heavy Starfighter
[ Minor ] TIE/INx Interceptor
[ Limited ] TIE/VX Vanguard
[ Minor ] TIE/HB Bruiser Heavy Bomber
[ Minor ] RDAGx Rapid Deployment Assault Gunship
[ Limited ] TIE/GA Mauler Ground Attack
[ Limited ] Petard-Class Droid Starfighter
- Combat Function: In combat this unit serves as Elite Light Infantry, or Indirect action support elements. They come equipped with a demolition/engineer, commo/tech, Weapons, and Medical expert. All of them are trained in close quarter battle, a variety of weapons, vehicles and star-ships as well as guerilla wayfarer. This unit favors ground combat using light vehicle platforms such as AT-RT, 74-Z Speeder Bike. The Teams primary means of insertion is air to ground. If they fly in space they use a variety of either Modded TIE fighters or TIE Interceptors.
- Versatile
- Rapid Deployment
- Small numbers
- Equipment fragile to ion/EMP
- Strain: Team Sergeant/Sniper/Weapons
- Sarah Dekler: Unsubbed NPC: Commo/Tech
- Dak Kess: Unsubbed NPC Medic/surgeon
- Connor Norek: Unsubbed NPC: Demo/Engineer
Formation and First Blood
Formed at the Imperial academy 1st SC, Aurek Squadron was the answer to the myriad insurgencies and spec ops conducted against the Imperial state. Asnwering directly to the ISB they are the striking arm of the NIO in the shadows. 1st SC, Aurek was first sent into battle at Ord Thoden and then later saw action at Oben. working as guerilla strike teams they helped cripple enemy resistance and bring about Order in each system. As of yet they have not seen direction action against an enemy State. Currently the team moves around from ship to ship, fleet to fleet going where their skills and expertise are needed.
Campaign List:
Onward | Dominion of Ord Thoden | NIO
Where Eagles Dare | Dominion of Oben | NIO