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 200+ posts, Feedback and Criticism

Lots more threads, lots more rp partners, lots more happening.

Nouqai/Falentra has been through three populates, an invasion and a few skirmishes.

She was Darth Assimilus Darth Assimilus 's padawan then fell - its a whole thing - became apprentice to Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr . Had a rocky romantic relationship with Koto Demascón of House Marr Koto Demascón of House Marr . Has a bionic heart and a computer enhanced brain. Likes alchemy and sithspawning. Accidentally got kidnapped by sith empress Srina Talon Srina Talon . Adopted a pet/warmount rancor. Still besties with childhood friend Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell . Lost a fight and was put in a in a Jedi Mental Institution, (thanks Raphael Gallustrade Raphael Gallustrade ). 'Broken out' by the Lightsworn whom she is currently with getting very brainwashed.

Thats all her story that has played since April.

Personality... well... psychologically complex??? she is (in my opinion) very precious and quite sensitive emotionally. Loyal-ish and perhaps too trusting with whoever treats her nice (in her POV). She can be fiesty. Always wants to impress never dissappoint so she works hard which gets her gainz, and much skills for her age (ofc with her computer brain too) you wouldn't expect at first glance. She could kick ass, but she arguably undermines her own strength and abilities.

She's come far. But I would like to hear what different takes there are of her. How do you see Falentra/Nouqai. Is there any feedback on her and my writing styles? All would be appreciated. I know I have issues with planning things too far ahead or going too 'fast' or seeming a bit too upfront or pushy with ideas which is not my intention unfortunately. Anyway, lets get going.
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Balun's opinion of Nouqai Veil Nouqai Veil is biased in all the right ways. (Though he will never going to call her Falentra)

As a writer, however, I've thoroughly enjoyed our threads together and finding a new friend on Chaos.

Writing a Sith Spawn was an interesting take, especially as she started within the New Jedi Order. You've done very well so far to balance the light and the dark; Nouqai has, of course, turned to the Darkside, and yet I haven't seen her committing absolutely horrendous acts as of yet.

It's intriguing to think about the potential conflict between Balun and Nouqai. If she were to cross a line and take a life, it would not be a fight to the death, but a struggle for redemption.

I've seen you writing with multiple factions to pursue her storyline in what you feel is suitable for your character, and I dig this. I enjoy seeing the ups and downs and surprises that come from her threads, and I've even taken an interest in Darth Assimilus Darth Assimilus since he initially apprenticed her. By extension, Balun's found himself in some interesting positions, noting the Lightsworn with Bernard Bernard and Nouqai.

I honestly feel like my characters' stories would have felt a bit hollow without their friendship growing up in the Jedi Temple together. Nouqai has given me a good deal of content for my characters' backstories, and she will always be close to Balun's heart. Whether that becomes his Achilles heel or not is yet to be seen!

Nouqai's one of my fav's around Chaos at the moment thanks to our writing together and she's an enjoyable read <3
im so glad you enjoy reading her! really enjoyed our threads together as well, balan is one of the existing connections to her time as jedi apart from grwun and raphael. i can definitely see some future conflict/tension between nouqai and balun, there has already been some with the two others.

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