Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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New Feature 2024 New Mandates

Link for the lazy:

2024 Mandates

12. Capital Gains

"When solving problems, dig at the roots." -Anthony J. D'Angelo
  • Strength: Each hex in this Major Faction's influence cloud is a Major Faction Capital Hex.
  • Strength: Whenever this Major Faction declares an Invasion, this Major Faction may relocate the defending Major Faction's Capital Hex.
  • Strength: Whenever this Major Faction succeeds in defending a Major Faction Capital Hex, it may nullify three non-Capital hexes of the invading Major Faction's influence cloud.

13. Kingmaker
"Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success." – Henry Ford
  • Strength: Whenever this Major Faction completes a Junction with another Major Faction, they may claim an additional hex for free.
  • Strength: Whenever this Major Faction submits a completed Dominion to the Map Update thread, they may gift an additional legal hex to another Major Faction of their choosing.
  • Strength: Whenever this Major Faction submits a completed Dominion to the Map Update thread, they may begin a Junction with a Major Faction regardless of limits or rules.

14. Techno Boom
"Technology made large populations possible; large populations now make technology indispensable." - Joseph Krutch
  • Strength: In the place of Dominion threads, this Major Faction may submit four quality Factory submissions by four unique writers completed that month to the Map Update thread.
  • Strength: In place of Invasion threads, this Major Faction may opt instead for a Technology Race. During a Technology Race, each faction submits technology, vehicle, starship, lore, or location submissions with their Major Faction listed as the Affiliation in the submission. In lieu of roleplaying in the Invasion, writers post a single link to a submitted submission, with roleplay writing optional. The Major Faction with the most submissions submitted within 30 days is declared victor. A successful Invasion will obey normal rules, but upon failure to win, the defending Major Faction is granted two free hexes.

15. Strength Of The Matriarchy
"We can endure much more than we think we can." -Frida Kahlo
  • Strength: Each PvE thread that rewards hexes rewards double that many hexes. This only triggers if the overwhelming amount (66%>) of characters involved in the thread are all female.

16. Functional Parity
"Equality is the soul of liberty; there is no liberty without it." -Frances Wright
  • Strength: This Major Faction may select another Major Faction to be listed as a Target of this mandate. Whenever the Target gains a hex for any reason, this Major Faction also gains a hex so long as it owns less hexes than the Target.
  • Weakness: Whenever the Target loses one hex or more, this Major Faction loses as many hexes.

17. Megacorpopolis
"Greed is good." -Gordon Gekko
  • Strength: This faction may pay 100,000 credits to a SWRP Staff Administrator to gain a hex for their faction, up to a maximum of six times per month. This does not count as a Dominion.

18. Extragalactic Planetary
"The probability is almost certain." -Buzz Aldrin
  • Strength: This Major Faction may target planetless hexes outside the blue Galaxy.
  • Weakness: So long as this Major Faction exists on the map, other Major Factions may invade and own hexes an Extragalactic Planetary mandate previously owned. Once this Major Faction leaves the map entirely, other Major Factions may not continue to own hexes outside the blue Galaxy unless another Major Faction has this mandate.
19. Horcrux
"I am the captain of my soul." -William Ernest Henley
  • Strength: Once this mandate is chosen, this Major Faction loses all hexes it doesn't share with another Major Faction and targets another Major Faction's influence cloud to "share". For the purposes of existing as a Major Faction, the target influence cloud is also considered this Major Faction's influence cloud.
  • Strength: Whenever this Major Faction submits a Dominion, Junction, or Invasion to the Map Update thread, it must list its Mandate, its Major Faction name, and the Major Faction it shares an influence cloud with. Successful Dominons, Junctions, and Invasions add hexes to the shared influence cloud. PvE thread and PvP thread limits are not shared between Major Factions that share an influence cloud.
  • Strength: Whenever this Major Faction changes its mandate from Horcrux to another mandate, it may reapply to be a new Major Faction. If accepted by the SWRP Staff Team, this Major Faction will start with the number of hexes it gained while sharing an influence cloud. These must be new hexes, as the target will keep all hexes gained during this Major Faction's tenure as a Horcrux.
  • Weakness: This Major Faction must keep track of the hexes it gains while in a shared influence cloud, though the Major Faction Owner may periodically request this number be added next to it in the Major Faction Mandate Update list. This only includes hexes gained by this faction, not any other faction in the shared influence cloud.
  • Weakness: This Major Faction may not possess its own influence cloud while it shares another's.
  • Weakness: This Major Faction does not have a Capital Hex.
  • Weakness: This Major Factions' target may invade or annihilate its own hexes. If this Major Faction loses the Invasion/Annihilation, it is disbanded and may not reclaim hexes through this mandate.
  • Weakness: If this Major Faction or its target loses any Invasion, the attacking Major Faction may opt to remove this Major Faction's mandate. If lost in this manner, this Major Faction may not reclaim hexes through this mandate.

20. Wild Magic
"People believe the only alternative to randomness is intelligent design." -Richard Dawkins
  • Strength: Each time this Major Faction submits a Map Update, they may make a request in their update to have the SWRP Staff Administrator add or remove a hex from any Major Faction on the map, to include their own. This is decided by flip of the coin.
  • Strength: The Major Faction Owner of this Major Faction may determine the success of any PvP thread their Major Faction is involved in by requesting a public flip of a coin, performed by a SWRP Staff Administrator.
  • Strength: Whenever this Major Faction submits a completed Junction, a SWRP Staff Administrator will flip two coins. If both heads, this Major Faction will receive an extra hex. If both tails, another Major Faction in the Junction will receive an extra hex at the Administrator's discretion. If mismatched, no extra hexes are rewarded.
  • Weakness: Each time this Major Faction makes a request using the Wild Magic mandate, this Major Faction may lose any number of hexes as determined randomly by the coin flip of an SWRP Staff Administrator. This may only happen a maximum of once per month.

21. Eternal Fleet
"You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending." -Unknown
  • Strength: Each time this Major Faction submits a Map Update, the Major Faction Owner may opt to move it's Major Faction Capital Hex up to two hexes away from its original starting position. If the target hex is owned by another Major Faction, unless it is the opposing Major Faction's Capital Hex, this Major Faction nullifies that hex then gains it.
  • Strength: Whenever this Major Faction moves its Major Faction Capital Hex, it gains all hexes not adjacent to it's Major Faction Capital Hex that do not belong to another Major Faction's influence cloud.
  • Strength: There is no limit on how many Invasions this Major Faction may simultaneously initiate.
  • Weakness: This Major Faction may not exceed more than 7 hexes, to include its Major Faction Capital Hex. If any event supercedes this due to another mandate, the Major Faction may not gain more hexes until it has fewer than 7.
  • Weakness: Whenever this Major Faction moves its Major Faction Capital Hex, it loses all hexes not adjacent to it's Major Faction Capital Hex.
  • Weakness: This Major Faction may only initiate Invasions on hexes adjacent to it's Major Faction Capital Hex.
22. Rebellion
"To steal from the Empire, you just walk in like you belong." -Cassian Andor
  • Neutral: This Mandate may only be chosen by a newly established Major Faction as its first Mandate, and must be announced during its Major Faction application.
  • Strength: This Major Faction may choose three connected hexes a Major Faction owns as it's starting location, with one as its Major Faction Capital.
  • Weakness: This Mandate may only target Major Factions that occupy 12 or more hexes.

23. Beyond The Void
"Nothing exists but atoms and the void." -Democritus
  • Strength: This Major Faction owns an artifact that can be activated in one of two ways during an Invasion or Annihilation.
    • It can dampen the usage of the Force, nullifying it to negligible levels.
    • It can dampen the usage of any announced technology, forcing ships down from the sky.
  • Weakness: The artifact can only be used while this Mandate is active.

24. Wrath Of God
"Damnation does not slumber." -Jonathan Edwards
  • Strength: Annihilations this Major Faction initiates will count instead as three simultaneous Invasions against up to three target Major Factions, with starting and ending hexes decided by the Major Faction Owner. If the Annihilation is won, all three Invasions are won, and all legal hexes between this Major Faction's cloud and the target hexes are gained.

I like to think I've personally gotten pretty good at writing rules for Chaos. I think a lot of our stuff looks good, makes sense for the most part. Functional. And over the years, has risen the bar for my colleagues to also come up with cool ideas. But there's a lot of stress on it, sometimes. To be good, look eloquent, be understandable. Be simple. So, we instituted a process of review, among the Administrators. It's pretty much their number 1 job, when it comes to rule writing. Review. Discuss. Cover my back, have me cover theirs, on documentation.

Balance things.

I hate Balance.

So, for this update, we just stopped doing it.

This isn't a video game. Let's just get a little nutty, damn the complaints.

No Mandates have been changed.

13 new Mandates have been added.
Tefka Tefka

14. Techno Boom
"Technology made large populations possible; large populations now make technology indispensable." - Joseph Krutch
  • Strength: In the place of Dominion threads, this Major Faction may submit four quality Factory submissions by four unique writers completed that month to the Map Update thread.
  • Strength: In place of Invasion threads, this Major Faction may opt instead for a Technology Race. During a Technology Race, each faction submits technology, vehicle, starship, lore, or location submissions with their Major Faction listed as the Affiliation in the submission. In lieu of roleplaying in the Invasion, writers post a single link to a submitted submission, with roleplay writing optional. The Major Faction with the most submissions submitted within 30 days is declared victor. A successful Invasion will obey normal rules, but upon failure to win, the defending Major Faction is granted two free hexes.

Reading this, I see an emphasis placed on unique writers in the first strength, but not the second. Was this intentional?

If so, will there be a standard defined for a submission made under a Techno Boom?

Lastly, this mandate plays well as a defensive take. Pre-write dozens of submissions in preparation to post them when invaded, potentially win, and earn two hexes as a result. Is this a viable playstyle in your opinion?

Advice to any faction who wants to get big and have some hexes:

19. Horcrux
"I am the captain of my soul." -William Ernest Henley
  • Strength: Once this mandate is chosen, this Major Faction loses all hexes it doesn't share with another Major Faction and targets another Major Faction's influence cloud to "share". For the purposes of existing as a Major Faction, the target influence cloud is also considered this Major Faction's influence cloud.
  • Strength: Whenever this Major Faction submits a Dominion, Junction, or Invasion to the Map Update thread, it must list its Mandate, its Major Faction name, and the Major Faction it shares an influence cloud with. Successful Dominons, Junctions, and Invasions add hexes to the shared influence cloud. PvE thread and PvP thread limits are not shared between Major Factions that share an influence cloud.
  • Strength: Whenever this Major Faction changes its mandate from Horcrux to another mandate, it may reapply to be a new Major Faction. If accepted by the SWRP Staff Team, this Major Faction will start with the number of hexes it gained while sharing an influence cloud. These must be new hexes, as the target will keep all hexes gained during this Major Faction's tenure as a Horcrux.
  • Weakness: This Major Faction must keep track of the hexes it gains while in a shared influence cloud, though the Major Faction Owner may periodically request this number be added next to it in the Major Faction Mandate Update list. This only includes hexes gained by this faction, not any other faction in the shared influence cloud.
  • Weakness: This Major Faction may not possess its own influence cloud while it shares another's.
  • Weakness: This Major Faction does not have a Capital Hex.
  • Weakness: This Major Factions' target may invade or annihilate its own hexes. If this Major Faction loses the Invasion/Annihilation, it is disbanded and may not reclaim hexes through this mandate.
  • Weakness: If this Major Faction or its target loses any Invasion, the attacking Major Faction may opt to remove this Major Faction's mandate. If lost in this manner, this Major Faction may not reclaim hexes through this mandate.
  1. Connect to GA.
  2. Write your faction narrative as good guys who are helping the core in lieu of coming invasions.
  3. Milk the hell out of it so any action taken against you is wild. (I recommend writing good guys and going into their thread to help with activity if you do this.)
  4. Do this for a few months to safely store hexes up under a safe faction cloud.
  5. Reapply as major elsewhere as a new faction.
  6. Profit
Edit: I'm tempted to come through here and write up some play suggestion ideas for people who might not see opportunity with these. A few of them do seem cool and get the gears turning in my brain.
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With Techno Boom i dunno. I just wanted a Factory centric mandate but I was adamant with the Admins that it has to compete for appeal against the others.

Many of the new mandates are “overpowered” when compared to the old ones. Its due to the philosophy that to be appealing, weaknesses shouldn’t be on a mandate unless absolutely necessary.

Is Techno Boom a viable defense? Yes. Is it anti-RP? Kinda. Its the closest we’ve had to it imo. But screw it, it seems kinda cool, and if players hate it we’ll axe it. And probably cause a fuss with whoever is using it at the time, but I’m willing to sacrifice fuss for new ideas.
Connect to GA.

This is viable. If you’re just simply pushing mechanics, totally viable. But remember, if you go down the “break this mechanic” rabbithole, SWRP Staff controls like 20 things that can prevent this from getting out of control, starting with Major Faction Approvals.

Just be aware of that before you get too trigger happy.
This is viable. If you’re just simply pushing mechanics, totally viable. But remember, if you go down the “break this mechanic” rabbithole, SWRP Staff controls like 20 things that can prevent this from getting out of control, starting with Major Faction Approvals.

Just be aware of that before you get too trigger happy.

This is more to the effect of playing the game! But thank you!

Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
21. Eternal Fleet
"You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending." -Unknown
  • Strength: Each time this Major Faction submits a Map Update, the Major Faction Owner may opt to move it's Major Faction Capital Hex up to two hexes away from its original starting position. If the target hex is owned by another Major Faction, unless it is the opposing Major Faction's Capital Hex, this Major Faction nullifies that hex then gains it.
  • Strength: Whenever this Major Faction moves its Major Faction Capital Hex, it gains all hexes not adjacent to it's Major Faction Capital Hex that do not belong to another Major Faction's influence cloud.
  • Strength: There is no limit on how many Invasions this Major Faction may simultaneously initiate.
  • Weakness: This Major Faction may not exceed more than 7 hexes, to include its Major Faction Capital Hex. If any event supercedes this due to another mandate, the Major Faction may not gain more hexes until it has fewer than 7.
  • Weakness: Whenever this Major Faction moves its Major Faction Capital Hex, it loses all hexes not adjacent to it's Major Faction Capital Hex.
  • Weakness: This Major Faction may only initiate Invasions on hexes adjacent to it's Major Faction Capital Hex.

Tefka Tefka

I just had a couple questions:

a. For 16, Funcitonal Parity, does MF A have to take a free hex if MF B does a dominion?

b. For 17, is there a way to send credits to people? Does the MFO pool the money on their account then sends it?

All of them are sick regardless.
Major Faction


OOC Writer Account
This is probably a dumb question (I haven't been back to Chaos for very long, so bare with me) but how do we use these mandates for invasions? I recently set-up the invasion thread between the EotL and SO (with the amazing help of SO-EotL staff, very co-operative experience) and these (rules?) never came up in the discussion.
This is probably a dumb question (I haven't been back to Chaos for very long, so bare with me) but how do we use these mandates for invasions? I recently set-up the invasion thread between the EotL and SO (with the amazing help of SO-EotL staff, very co-operative experience) and these (rules?) never came up in the discussion.

So in that invasion the SO is originating from their vassal state. As such their mandate is already in play. It came up in the planning just not as directly. In that sense it’s a perfect example of how mandates can impact invasions.
Joy Joy

Mandates aren't rules, but flavours that can be given to a Major faction. To affect an invasion they would need to be chosen by the MFO before the invasion is declared.

I'd give the Mandates section of the rules a read, and if there's something you don't understand we can help explain that.

Clarification, mandates are technically rules, but they’re just the most flexible, subject to change, and mechanically driven.

I think what John is trying to say is, they’re not very applicable to most situations so you dont need to stay up to date on them to be able to roleplay. Nor do they impact your ability to start invasions…

But if you’re planning invasions, you should definitely keep up with what the defending faction has and what you have.

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