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Approved NPC 23rd Blackened Infantry Company

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———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


  • Intent: To create a company that is part of the 23rd Blackened Valkyrie Regiment
  • Image Credit: My own art, Isaac Kellis
  • Role: This unit is part of the forces that is under the ownership of Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax
  • Permissions: X
  • Links: N/A

  • Unit Name: 23rd Blackened Infantry Company
  • Affiliation: The Kainite Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Darth Carnifex
  • Classification: Conscript, Infantry
  • Description: Infantry units are the backbone of any military force, composed of versatile soldiers trained for ground-based combat. These warriors can perform a wide range of operations, from offensive assaults and defensive maneuvers to reconnaissance and urban warfare. Equipped with blasters, protective gear, and various support tools, infantrymen engage enemy forces directly, secure and hold terrain, and conduct close-quarters battles. Their ability to operate in diverse terrains and adapt to different combat situations makes them indispensable for achieving strategic and tactical objectives on the battlefield.

  • Ambush — Laying in wait and surprising the enemy, often from concealed positions.
  • Attrition Warfare — Wearing down the enemy through continuous losses and prolonged conflict.
  • Blitzkrieg — A fast, overwhelming attack meant to break through enemy lines quickly.
  • Breaching — Using specialized equipment and tactics to breach enemy obstacles and defensive lines.
  • Combined Arms — Coordinating infantry, armored units, artillery, and air support to maximize combat effectiveness.
  • Counterattack — A retaliatory attack against an enemy force that has initiated an offensive operation.
  • Defense in Depth — Layered defensive positions to absorb and slow down enemy attacks.
  • Encirclement — Surrounding the enemy on all sides to cut off escape routes and supply lines.
  • Flanking Maneuver — Attacking the enemy from the sides to catch them off guard and create chaos in their ranks.
  • Guerrilla Tactics — Hit-and-run attacks, ambushes, and sabotage by smaller, mobile units.
  • Interdiction — Preventing the enemy from moving freely or accessing critical areas by targeting supply lines and communication routes.
  • Pincer Movement — A tactical maneuver in which forces simultaneously attack both flanks (sides) of an enemy formation.
  • Scorched Earth — Destroying resources and infrastructure to deny the enemy their use.
  • Siege Warfare — Surrounding and isolating a target, cutting off supplies and reinforcements before launching a concentrated assault.
  • Urban Warfare — Fighting within city streets, buildings, and other close-quarters environments.
  • Reconnaissance in Force — Deploying units to gather information and probe enemy positions while maintaining combat readiness.
  • Force Abilities (Force User Units Only): N/A


  1. Versatility: Infantry units are highly adaptable and capable of performing a wide range of combat operations, including offensive assaults, defensive positions, reconnaissance, and urban warfare, making them essential in various battlefield scenarios.
  2. Mobility: Infantry can navigate diverse terrains, including forests, mountains, and urban environments, allowing them to reach and secure areas that may be inaccessible to heavier, mechanized units.

  1. Limited Firepower: Compared to mechanized units and heavy armor, infantry generally have less firepower and protection, which can put them at a disadvantage against heavily fortified or armored enemies.
  2. Vulnerability to Mechanized Forces: Infantry units are susceptible to being outmaneuvered and overwhelmed by mechanized forces, particularly in open terrain where their mobility and firepower advantages are diminished. This vulnerability necessitates careful coordination with armored and air support to counter mechanized threats effectively.

In 900 ABY, Darth Carnifex, leader of the Kainite, sought to bolster Darth Pellax's military strength. Darth Carnifex founded the 23rd Blackened Infantry Company. This unit was conceived to be a versatile and adaptable force within the 23rd Blackened Valkyrie Regiment, capable of performing a wide
range of combat operations, from offensive assaults to defensive maneuvers, reconnaissance, and urban warfare.

The first recruits of the 23rd Blackened Infantry Company were meticulously selected from among the promising soldiers within the Kainite ranks. These recruits underwent intensive training designed to maximize their effectiveness in diverse combat scenarios.

They were equipped with advanced gear, including the Taral-type Sith Trooper Armor for enhanced protection, PMP-7 Icharus-type Gravpacks for increased mobility, and KCR-62 Kainate Combat Rifles for firepower. Additionally, they were provided with DS-102 Aegis-type Personal Energy Shields and Neahtid Earpieces, ensuring their survivability and communication efficiency in the heat of battle.

The training regimen emphasized traditional infantry tactics such as ambushes, attrition warfare, blitzkrieg assaults, and flanking maneuvers. The company also mastered the art of combined arms operations, integrating seamlessly with other military units, including mechanized forces and artillery, to maximize combat effectiveness. The recruits were taught to excel in both conventional warfare and guerrilla tactics, enabling them to adapt to rapidly changing battlefield conditions.

Despite their rigorous training and advanced equipment, the 23rd Blackened Infantry Company faced challenges inherent to their role. Their limited firepower compared to mechanized units made them vulnerable in direct confrontations with heavily armored enemies. Additionally, their reliance on mobility meant that they had to maintain a high level of physical fitness and combat readiness at all times.

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