Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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30 Day Hold On Invasions

No Invasions will be declared in the next 30 days. New rules are nearing completion and will drastically affect how Invasions are conducted.

There will be a map update this coming weekend.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
The Noble Scoundrel said:
Looks like someone finally got informed about the loophole people found to exploit dying factions and Rebellions.
Given that both of those are very public things and neither can pass without Staff's approval, I truly don't know what you're on about.

There are no "exploits" in forum role-playing. It's too easy to report, and too easy for Staff to shut it down.


Disney's Princess

Nobody has seen the new rules. So everybody should just be sitting on their hands until they come out. Nobody gonna do anything for 30 days.
sabrina said:
[member="Tefka"] can they declare intent to invade, so after 30 days they can begin neogation, under new rules.
I mean, sure. We can discuss intentions all day, so long as no Invasions take place in the period of time Staff has decided (30 days).

It'd be foolish, imo, but they're definitely free to do so.


But Tefz, how else will I grow my e-peen or increase the magical power of my giant hentai tentacle monster map cloud?!

I know! I'll just submit all the things they submitted, only better!
No invasions. Has Tefka secured peace for our lifetime? Or will [member="Darth Vornskr"] be lurking in the shadows and waiting with a big bag of salt for time to run out?! Find out next month on Chaos Ball Bay!

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