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Approved NPC 303 Fighter Wing "Black Wing"

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  • Intent: To create starfighter wing that will provide support in combat threads for my curent character
  • Image Credit: None
  • Role: Support for my and Allied characters in combat threads
  • Permissions: None
  • Links: Technoid Manufactorium, Sith Empire, New Imperial Order
  • Unit Name: 303 Space/Aerial Superiority Starfighter Unit
  • Affiliation: New Imperial Order(X)
  • Classification: Fighter Pilots
  • Description: 303 is wing of Starfighters utilized in many kinds of operations. Veterans of many kinds of warfare in space. 303 is unit that takes care of Pirates, smugglers but in most cases will be send to ensure Succes of New Imperial Order in space and aerial superiority battles. TIE's used by this squadron usually are painted black and pilots have white stripes on Uniform.
COMBAT INFORMATION: 3 Squadrons of Pilots each with 10 pilots, Veteran pilots with vast variety of tactics and tricks to use in combat, avaible during Important Imperial operations but also Officers with enough influence to make their actions theatre most prioritized(even if it is not too important), Transported by any starship with enought big hangar, but can also travel on short distances trought hyperspace on their own.
  • Unit Size: Medium(30 Pilots)[3 Squadrons]
  • Unit Availability: Unique
  • Unit Experience: Veteran
    • 191 Squadron - Veteran
    • 203 Squadron - Veteran
    • 190 Squadron - Veteran
  • Equipment:
    • Fighters:
      • TIE/HF Slasher(X)
      • TIE/HB Bruiser(X)
      • TIE/GA Mauler(X)
  • Combat Function: Providing Support for Bombers, Capital ships or Planetary forces in operations
  • Piracy, 303 during it history was dealing with pirates on Territories of Both New Imperial Order and Sith Empire Territories, due to long history of doing so most of Pilots in it know how to imitate Pirate atack on convoys

  • Rage of The Empire, Most of 303 Pilots are Extreme Nationalists, their atacks if aren't planed as Pirate Atack Imitation usually is fast Strike that is devastating to opposing forces, this also leads to pilots Rather commit suicidal Atack if it can give big benefits in battle rather than capitulate themselves.

  • Leave no one allive, when "Black Wing" arrives on battlefield, Enemies in cities or bases controlled by them, they cannot feel safe anywhere, 303 never takes prisoners. Often after hostile starfighter bases that were atacked by 303 there is nothing more than ash.
  • Limited Force, due to it's elite status among Imperial Forces, 303 is not always avaible and even if it is often it may be utilized to other operations, the Wing can not be Everywhere, and due to this, commanders are using their influence to make their Operation the one that 303 will be assigned to, this cause 303 to be often moved from one fringe of NIO space to another

  • We don't have "our" Home, 303 do not have any Star Destroyer or Starfighter Base anywhere that they would stay for longer than one assignment, this often is also Administrative problem because Officers sometimes do not know where the 303 is Right now
303 was once a Sith Empire unit, but it rarery ever saw any serious combat. And inmany Battles of Sith against Jedi adn other Factions they were mostly failing what led pilots of it to become lessat atached to life. Only Few Battles in Sith Ranks brought successes to 303. When the New Imperial Order Emerged almost whole 303 became Traitors to Sith and Flew to NIO. 303 was on start a militia force rather than serious military. Mostly defending convoys and atacking pirates the real glory of 303 started when new pilots that were trained in NIO academies joined it ranks, frech blood and experienced pilots together created great team. One of Pilots fast promoted among ranks of 303 and fast became Commander of Starfighter Wing, his first battle on this rank was also great success, this Pilot name is Cartr Arkhis, young Chiss still comands 303 and by himself made regular Starfighetr wing that used to be militia into Elite Force of NIO. For long time 303 was compared to 181 and many times was called shadow of it due t oit's history a weak unit that became one of Empire finest. Old Guard that remember flying under Sith banner are giving their experience to youngsters from Wing. "Black Wing" Became Veteran Unit and started to participate in important battle and win, slowly the opinion about Wing was becoming better and soon it stopped being compared to legendary One Eight First, and became the symbol of how the NIO Starfighter Pilots work, this magnificent Pilots without mercy burn enemies with Rhypalm and alone on their own destroy capital ships. "Three Zero Three the "Black Wing" Pilots always Follow orders and No matter what the Order will be executed even if it sounds impossible, my pilots will always do their Job" - Cartr Arkhis during Siege of Bastion about his man
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