Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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36 hour LOA

I'm climbing a mountain! Okay so it is a small mountain, but definitely more than a hill.

Because it's there, that's why.

Thought I ought to let you all know while I'm in this weird spot that inexplicably has signal.. Back some time tomorrow! Unless I'me eaten by a bear or fall and die or something of course.
Aaaand off the mountain and going out for food. Adventures avoided; 2.

Saw a moose on the way up, jogged away, moose are much more terrifying than you realize, luckily it was and stayed at a distance.

Found a mostly eaten chunk of probably goat on the way down, and bear tracks, jogged down.

On the plus side, I definitely got my exercise. On the negative, fat girl does not like all this running about, it is built for stamina not speed!

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