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Approved NPC 3D-4X administrative droid, "Bartozs"

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  • Intent: Create one more member of my court for future rp.
  • Image Credit: Here.
  • Role: Steward of Queen Popara.
  • Permissions: N/A.
  • Links: N/A.
  • Age: 8 years.
  • Model: 3D-4X administrative droid
  • Appearance: With 1,7 meters tall, Bartozs carries the same traits that every common 3D-4X has. His mechanical body possess little marks of scratching in his body, most caused by his mistress in bursts of rage, others caused due to his line of business. But much like all properties owned by the Anjiliac, he carries his mistress seal on his chest.
  • Name: Bartozs.
  • Loyalties: Queen Popara of the Anjiliac Kajidic.
  • Notable Equipment: 1x HG-88 'Big Iron' Hand Cannon.
  • Skills: Reprogrammed to suit Popara's needs, this 3D-4X unit was reprogrammed with a variety of skills such as being fluent on five million languages, negotiator professions, financial logarithms, and administrative techniques, Bartozs is also programmed in over one million ways to torture a sentient being, and has mastery over the field of robotics and chemistry.
  • Personality: A highly intelligent unit, Bartozs has developed a sardonic personality much like all the other units of his series. Although, with his new programming this unit has showed psychotic thinking and quite the liking regarding torturing sentient and robotic creatures, he has demonstrated to be quite ruthless towards others, loyal to his mistress, cunning and cold. Bartozs is one of the most efficient employees under the care of Popara of the Anjiliac, he has taken charge as her steward in charge of all her finances, day to day affairs with all her fronts and businesses.
  • Weapon of Choice: The unit has been modified for carrying a tiny blow torch inside his index finger.
  • Combat Function: This is not modified to stand his ground in combat.
  • Highly Intelligent: The 3D-4X is a highly intelligent unit of administrative droid. The unit takes initiative and resolves matters by itself, and as according to its programming the unit tries to unload the burden of her mistress, while keeping to its programming and being loyal to the duties given to him by Popara.
  • Psychotic: Bartozs thanks to his programming and the long years without having his memory wiped has developed himself a very dangerous and almost insane personality.
  • Limited: Bartozs is not a fast droid, he can move fast if compared to other protocol droids but still, he cannot move freely like others sorts of droids designed for battle and murder.
  • No Weaponry: Besides his blowtorch, Bartozs carries no weapon within him and has very little experience with the pistol he carries in his waist.
  • Insane: The droid is so insane that he has started from time to time to desire and plot the muder of his mistress Popara.
Unit commended by Popara nearly eight years ago after she tossed her last majordomo inside her pit. The majordomo was found stealing and laundering money from her businesses to his own accounts, causing her to find out about this matter and dumping that poor creature to battle with twenty cannoks handling nothing but a wooden stick. After that, Popara decided to have a majordomo to deal with her day to day affairs that she could trust, one that she could manipulate freely and force to do her will no matter what, causing the Queen to order a administrative droid to her service, asking for it to bear a very unlikely programming to suit her needs.

The unit became such a reliable asset in dealing with her affairs regarding her legitimate and illegitimate businesses that Popara started to like her android slave, accepting its suggestions and eventually raising the machine to such a important position within her criminal empire that started to raise doubts among other Hutts. The machine was meant to serve her directly in a position as powerful as that of a majordomo.
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