Sanya Val Lerium
Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko

Market place
Deals deals everywhere today at Inquisition industries™ and Inquisition industries™ arms. These codes are valid till the 20th 6:45pm gtm time. Upon the purchase of the item please use the code attached to the item. All items must be brought from the market place linked at the top. Any purchases made in this thread will not be counted. Happy shopping.
AGORA 30% off use code 1-7-15-18-1 (66,000cr)
Blade wing for a limited time 120,000 cr Use code 2-12-1-4-5
Dynamic Class Freighter II 40% off use code 4-25-14-1-13-9-3 (300,000)
Incitatio Jetpack 1,500cr off use code 10-5-20-16-1-3-11
Arm Braces free with use of any code
Fusion cell (small) 20% off use code 6-21-19-9-15-14 (800cr)
Inqusition Horizon S1 Data pad 80% off use code 4-1-20-1 (140cr)