Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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5 Planet Alignment - Jan/Feb

Connor Harrison

Five planets align together in night sky for first time in a decade.

Five planets are visible in the night sky for the next two weeks in a rare astronomical alignment which has not happened for more than a decade.

Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will be visible to the naked eye together in the morning sky until around February 20, a phenomenon that has not happened since 2005.

- Countries such as North Australia, Zimbabwe and South Africa will enjoy the best views.

- People in the south of the UK will get a better view than those in the North.


I hope you all enjoy looking for this sight as much as I will!
[member="Darth Vornskr"]​
Ní féidir liom a awoken
ní fiú leis na screams
go adhlacadh iad féin laistigh de
Ballaí ridiculous de flesh
Is iad mo chuid veins féin tirim
mar sin ba mhaith leat a choimeád do demons amach
dhíbir leis na teangacha is dorcha
pian agus aonrú
logh agus dearmad dom
ag fáil bháis mo bháis pearsanta féin
aon rud ghearr
de fuath le haghaidh maireachtála

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