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Approved Tech 7.5cm EBK L30

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Ilsa Voll

Kampfpanzer Kommandant
Intent: To create a standard Kampfpanzer cannon for Eisenwelt Eisenwerke as a standard model.
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: Eisenwelte Eisenwerke
Model: 7.5cm EBK L30
Affiliation: Eisenwelt
Modularity: None, aside from ammunition types, manual/automated loading, and vehicle mounting.
Production: Mass
Material: Durasteel, electronics, sensors, and other railgun construction materials.

The 7.5cm Elektromagnetische Beschleunigung Kanone L30 has been the mainstay of Eisenwelt Eisenwerke's cannon standard since the company first expanded into Kampfpanzer manufacture. The weapon, abbreviated to 7.5cm EBK L30 for short, is simply a well made, well calibrated, and effective tank-mounted railgun. The cannon fires electromagnetically accelerated metal slugs downrange, though the ammunition can be tailored to the situation or mission. The weapon features decent penetration and good accuracy at range. Against heavy armor, the cannon sees reduced performance and penetration, though as standard military training maintains that tank crew gunners place shots with accuracy, the weapon is still seen as effective on heavy tanks and vehicles as the gunner can, theoretically, place shots at weak points in the enemy tank such as view slits, gun sights, sensor packages, and shell-traps in the hull. The cannon is also reliable and easily maintained in the field, though requires heavy lifting equipment for thorough maintenance and repair. The L30 is often quick to reload and is easy to use, giving tank crews a simpler time when using and operating the cannon.

The weapon isn't without its faults, however. The cannon is electrically powered, leaving it susceptible to ion and EMP weapons. Also, while Eisenwelt military doctrine maintains that gunners place shots accurately, this is often not the case. Between vehicle movements, ranges, and user error, the shots are only as effective against heavy armor as the gunner's skill and, admittedly, luck.

Classification: Anti-Tank Cannon
Size: Vehicle Mounted
Length: 2,250mm
Weight: 950kg
Ammunition Type: Standard railgun ammunition
Ammunition Capacity: 1 per shot
Effective Range: 1,000m
Optimum Range: 2,000m

Rate of Fire: Single shot. Rounds per minute dependent on both tank and crew.
[member="Ilsa Voll"]
Two things on this otherwise great submission.:
One, what ammunition variants do you have?
Two, can I get a rough estimate of the ROF?

Ilsa Voll

Kampfpanzer Kommandant
[member="Strask Ak'lya"]
I was actually going to sub some ammo later down the line. Otherwise, its just your basic railgun ammo. As for the ROF, it honestly depends on the crew and any autoloading equipment the tank does or doesn't have. For a rough number, I'd say maybe... 12-14 shots a minute? That's a really rough number though. It really just depends on training and equipment.
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