Amelia Deathman
Scientist of Death

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Intent: To provide ammunition for the RR-14 and RR-15 slugthrowers.
Developement thread: If needed
Manufacturer: Deathtech Incorperated
Model: RA100 (Ball) RA101 (Tear Gas) RA102 (Explosive/Armor peircing) RA103 (Anti-personel) RA104 (Incendiary)
Affiliation: Open Market
Modularity: Yes
Tear gas
Explosive/armor piercing
Anti-personel half jacket
Production: Mass-Produced
Material: Alusteel, lead, copper, tungsten
Description: With the Red Ravens Syndicate haveing a brand new Slugthrower they needed ammunition for said slugthrower. Enter the RA line of ammunition.
The RA100 Ball ammunition is your run-of-the-mill ammunition. Usually issued to front line soldiers for use against other soldiers.
The RA101 Tear gas ammunition is meant as a non lethal ammunition issued for use against rioters. With what the Ravens are calling the Makeb Incident, a non lethal way to handle rioter and rebelous citizens was needed, thus Tear gas ammunition was created incase such a thing ever happened again.
The RA102 Explosive/Armor-peircing ammunition is exactly like its name suggests. Lightly armored substances are no match for this round. Of course you wouldn't be shooting the pilot out of a starfighter or a battle tank however, that armored battle droid with half inch durasteel plating will be cut through like a lightsaber through unprotected flesh. The small explosion caused by this round is enough to sever limbs but it is not meant to do such a thing. It is strictly meant to he used as a munition against armored droids not biological creatures.
The RA103 Anti-personel half jacketed ammunition is deaigned to mushroom out much like a hollow point round but it is implausible to have a fully hollow point round for an assault rifle. Thus the half-jacket round was made. It is designed to cause a bigger wound cavity than the RA100 ammunition. Fired at a non biologic or an armored target at all would do next to nothing in terms of damage.
RA104 Incendiary ammunition is meant as a fire starter. It's main use is for melting the internal circuitry and electronics of com equipment, terminals, and slicer datapads if and when they are needed to be left behind during a raid, or if you happen to find yourself in a fight with Fucians and want to burn them out of a tree. Anything armored would shrug off the hits from this ammunition.