Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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An army of the Sith Code.​

  • Unit Name:: 777th Codex Legion
  • Affiliation: One Sith, Keth, Centax
  • Classification: Infantry
  • Description: The One Sith Codex Legion is a fanatical force unwaveringly dedicated to the Sith Code. This mixed army comprises both clones and individual recruits, drawing on the legacy of legendary memorialized warriors such as Rohlan Verd, Mythos, Nyx, and James Justice. The Legion also incorporates leadership from the veteran breakout company and new individualist recruits committed to their cause. From birth, an ethos of deep-seated loathing for the Alliance and the Republic is ingrained and bred into them. Carrying their tale of conflict carved into their armor and within the volumes of the Soulscar.


  • Fanatical Loyalty: Every member of the Codex Legion is utterly dedicated to the cause. No retreat, no surrender. To the last man!
  • Aggressive Assault: They thrive on charging into the fray, needing no motivation to engage the enemy. The challenge lies in holding them back.
  • No Pain, No Glory: Injuries only fuel their determination. Wounds are a battle cry; you die on your feet!
  • Superior Firepower: Heavily armed, offering various firepower options.
  • Well Drilled: Every soldier knows their role. Their adherence to well-practiced tactics allows room for personal refinement and increased effectiveness.


  • Fanatical Loyalty: Tactical withdrawals or disengagements are challenging, as these soldiers instinctively resist abandoning any position they've taken.
  • Clone Dependence: Many legion members are clones who may underperform without strong leadership.
  • Pursuit of Glory: Their desire for personal glory, marked on their armor, can lead them to disobey orders in favor of pursuing the enemy.
  • High Attrition Rate: Soldiers often fight on despite injuries, leading to higher casualties over prolonged battles.
  • Outdated Equipment: While their personal weapons are lethal, many of their vehicles and starfighters come from old stockpiles and are merely refurbished technology.


The Long Conflict dates back centuries, originating when Keth first clashed with his Echanae Hana Kae and her new husband Killian on Eshan. Over time, this conflict was cultivated, refined, and mastered into an eternal struggle deeply embedded in the bones of the Codex Legion.

This unit has formed from the 770th Loyal Sons, 771st Faceless First, and 772nd Durasteel Dogs, with leadership drawn from the 769th Coruscant's Own. They also included newly acquired recruits, each having their hearts twisted by what caused their suffering. Many great warriors gave their DNA to create a fighting force worthy of the name. Their first reported skirmish occurred with the Republic during the invasion of Balmorra, a seemingly minor battle that triggered a long series of galactic events, necessitating the training of new units for emerging threats from a powerful new foe.

The turning point came when Alliance terrorists attacked Coruscant, destroying the peaceful Central Centax district during the 769th's graduation ceremony. Many lives were lost due to stray fire, and the survivors' lives were irrevocably changed. A memorial wall fortress was erected to honor the dead, marking the beginning of the Kethenite ethos within the legion. Raien Keth taught his followers to use their suffering and wounds as weapons, slowly molding them into zealous fanatics dedicated to the Long Conflict.

They participated in the conquest of Roxuli within the One Sith Legions, solidifying their place and preparing for future battles. When Alliance terrorists struck again at the Battle of Dulvoyinn, their mentor, Raien Keth, was killed during a boarding action in space. His death turned him into a martyr for the legion, further fueling their hatred for the Alliance. Finally, at the fall of Coruscant, the loss of their homeworld became a rallying cry to retake their birthright. Their purpose was clear: they would never rest again while one Alliance member lived.

The Codex Legion carries the Long Conflict into new battles. "Keth" became their killing word, the last thing many of their victims heard. They wear their victories on their armor, carved in ancient Sith runes lit by a dim red glow, telling a tale of suffering. They use their wounds and fallen comrades as battle cries when they charge, keeping a tally of their dead and slain in long recorded journals known as the Soulscar, from the Books of Betrayal. A ferocious and fanatical force dedicated to destroying every trace of the Alliance and any incarnation of the Republic.
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