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Approved Ranged Weapon 89HG Heavy Turbolaser Turret System

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Manufacturer: The Trade Federation
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Limited
Weight: Extreme
Size: Humongous


Trade Federation 89HG Heavy Turbolaser Turret System

(DBY-827 Heavy Turbolaser Turret) (Gat Tambor Permissions)
  • Size: Extremely Large
  • Weight: Extremely Heavy
  • Ammunition Type: Tibanna Gas System
  • Ammunition Capacity: Large
  • Effective Range: Battlefield Range
  • Rate of Fire: Very High
  • Damage Output: Very High
  • Recoil: Low
  • Battlefield Support
  • Very High Damage Output
  • Large Ammunition Capacity
  • Smartgunner Chip for Crew Reduction
  • TX-100 for Maximum Weapon Power
  • Extremely Large
  • Extremely Heavy
  • High Maintenance due to Special Features
  • Requires the use of ATX Energy Pillars

The Trade Federation 89HG Heavy Turbolaser Turret System is an improved variant of the DBY-827 Heavy Turbolaser Turret used during the Clone Wars by the Republic's Venator class Star Destroyers.

Engineered by the
InterGalactic Technology Union, a proud subsidiary corporation of the Trade Federation of Planets. Its primary purpose is to offer unparalleled long-range support for capital ships, ensuring their protection and dominance on the battlefields in 900 ABY.

The 89HG Heavy Turbolaser Turret System boasts enhanced firepower and accuracy, making it a formidable force to be reckoned with in any combat situation. Although it requires a substantial amount of power to maintain coolant functions and prevent frequent breakdowns of crucial systems, thus relying on the power source of ATX Energy Pillars, which without proper upkeep, the efficiency and effectiveness of the 89HG System can be called into question.

The impressive weapon system was specifically crafted for cruisers, star destroyers, and battlecruisers due to its immense size and substantial energy requirements, enabling these ships to harness the formidable destructive capabilities of the technology.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: Make a new turbolaser
Permissions: Gat Tambor Permissions

Technical Information

Affiliation: The Trade Federation
Modular: No
Effective Range: Battlefield
Rate of Fire: Semi-Automatic
Material: Quadanium, Durasteel, and Impervium, Faraday Cage Components, Electronic Components Computing Components
Ammunition Type: Tibanna Gas
Ammunition Capacity: Large
Damage Output: Very High
Recoil: Low
Ranged Class: Other
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