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Private 902 ABY | NJO Council Meeting


902 ABY | Jedi Council

Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit
Weapons: Lightsabers

The Council Chambers were currently silent. Outside, the ever-busy heart of Coruscant hummed with life, but within these walls, the only sounds were the faint rustle of robes and the occasional shift of a chair. The air was heavy — not just with the weight of the war, but with the decisions that had to be made. Valery sat in her designated seat, the chair offering little comfort as her gaze swept across those gathered. Some had arrived early, already settled with hands folded, their expressions unreadable. Others had only just entered.

For all their differences in age, experience, and philosophy, one thing bound them together: the Jedi Order stood at a crossroads. And it was up to them to choose the right path forward. Valery exhaled slowly, then spoke, her voice steady but firm, "Thank you all for gathering." Her gaze flicked across the room, pausing on each member in turn. "We have much to discuss, and not a moment to waste."

She leaned forward slightly, elbows resting on the arms of her chair.

"The war has shifted. The battle of Woostri was a heavy loss. The Sith Order grows bolder, their movements more calculated. We need to understand why. We need to decide how to counter them." A pause. Then she continued, her tone sharper now, more deliberate. "The Hapan crisis has only just reached a new phase, one hopefully more peaceful. But their world is still somewhat divided."

Her fingers curled slightly against the armrests as she drew in another breath.

"And then, there is the Core. The Dark Empire is weakening, its grip slipping under constant pressure. That should be good news — but instability breeds danger. If they collapse or are forced to retreat, who knows what chaos they will cause on their way out." Valery let that hang in the air for a moment before her gaze settled back on the Council as a whole.

"We cannot sit idle. We must act, and we must do so with wisdom. We need a strategy—one that doesn't just react to the chaos, but shapes the future we hope to see."

Her fiery eyes locked onto the group. "So let's begin." Her gaze turned to Amani, "Perhaps, by discussing the Hapan Crisis."




TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka Amani Serys Amani Serys Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Ran Serys Ran Serys

Jonyna's day had been a long one. Being one of the council members just arriving, she looked ragged. Not nearly the cheerful, upbeat woman she normally was.

Hapes had been a mess.

Woostri a bigger one.

She needed a nap, at least. She wondered where Jenn was at this hour. Probably drilling her men, she figured. What she would do to be in the Reaper's jacuzzi right now with her, letting the siren whisper sweet nothing's into her cathar ears.

For now though, her face turned to a determined, if tired expression.

"The Dawn of Hope has been shifted from Jedha to the Hapian cluster, as best I can. We've been trying to avoid another incident, but it's not exactly been easy to maneuver the Service Corps around political red tape. I've been dealing with rescue teams reporting getting shot at on the daily. Until the Crisis is over, we'll probably be dealing with that a lot."

Jonyna had kept her distance with Hapes, for exactly this reason. She couldn't stand politics getting in the way of heroism. Of helping people. It was moments like this that she remembered Giran, and all the tales he had told her of the jedi during the Republic, and how often she shot back at him with quips of 'Well, I wouldn't let the senators get in my way. Heroes don't let politicians get in their way', but now all she felt was a lament that she probably would've gotten kicked out of the order pretty quick.

Thank Sylvar Val was more understanding...


Much was happening in the galaxy as of late. The Council was summoned to convene once again.

Amani sat quiet in her seat, arriving earlier than most, her hands laced together and her countenance deep in thought. When Valery finally broke the silence to begin the meeting in earnest, it wasn't long before she cast her eyes on the Chief Healer. Hapes was the most pressing matter, and one that directly involved a member of the Order.

"I hope my fellow Council members will understand why I feel I must recuse myself from any decisions made regarding the situation with the Hapans," She glanced at each of them, offering an almost apologetic look, "But I will gladly answer any questions you might have of me regarding what happened that day." She had submitted her eyewitness report almost as soon as she returned to Coruscant, but perhaps some were more interested in hearing from her directly. But until and unless prompted, Amani said nothing more on the matter.
Zark sat legs crossed in a lotus position while floating a meter above his council seat. Gleaming ceremonial Temple Guard armor was unmarred by the recent conflicts. A wounded animal could still be dangerous and so the old veteran felt reluctant to leave Coruscant unwatched for long while the Dark Empire remained a potential threat.

Drifting back down into his seat summoned the Council's attention before Zark even broke his customary ominous silence.

"Hapes is of grave concern," the cortosis mask distorted his voice with a mechanical echo, "I trust Master Amani conducted herself within the Code's precepts, but there are many who will interpret Queen Kha'la's death as a calculated coup détat sanctioned by this Council no matter what testimony we provide."

He paused. Cortosis dampened Zark's thoughts so even for a room full of Jedi Masters it was difficult to sense what might be on his mind.

"Growing dysfunction among the Senate," he began again, "Is a symptom of the great shadow spreading across the Alliance's southern borders. Our attention has been divided between threats from without and within. Now it seems we must instruct another generation of Jedi how to survive on the fields of a new crusade."

Knight von Ascania was seated primly in her chair, ankles crossed and hands folded neatly in her lap.

This particular problem on Hapes mirrored that of Ukatis. Even though she'd borne witness to the terrorism they'd committed, she could feel herself being pulled in a sympathetic direction toward the Crimson Veil. It took a conscious effort to pick apart her own bias in such a complicated situation.

Cora's attention flicked toward Master Serys, something grievously somber in her eyes. Like her, Amani had been present during the murder of Astor Daaray and his fiancé.

Her focus then shifted to Master San Tekka, observing the masked guardian as he hovered clear above his seat.

"The Senate appears poised to throw their support behind Princess Nimaa'ri Daaray. This may represent an opportunity for change. If we're already to be seen as intervening, perhaps the Alliance can broker a more equitable future for all Hapans."

Her expression deepened into something more pensive.

"On Hapes, Jedi turned their blades against one another. If we cannot present a united front, we may face the fracturing of our own Order."

They were walking a fine line. The Alliance - and by extension, the New Jedi Order - were under constant criticism for both overextending their power and not doing enough. Whether or not that was true mattered little. Optics could sway hearts, win support, and lose wars.

Valery Noble Valery Noble Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Amani Serys Amani Serys Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Ran Serys Ran Serys


So many terrible things, one after another. Kahlil was still going over datapads, scrolling through as he listened to the others speak. What was their position here? There was no black and white on who was in the right and who was in the wrong. "The Crimson Dawn's mission is not wrong, but their actions certainly were. The same can be said for the Queen's response. For both sides to be pushed to such extremes truly showed how deep of an issue this is to the whole Cluster, how much it truly affects them."

What was the right way to handle it, though? Especially if Jedi were turning their blade on one another?

"Our Order is not and has never been The Jedi Order. No Order should aspire to be, that is what I learned when the Republic's own splintered. The harder you try to make everyone follow, the more people will feel they have to leave and that they can't work with us. We're all different people, even this council. I encourage those who feel they need to walk a different path to do so. That no matter where they walk, they are Jedi and we will work together. That we do not need to fight because our views are different and that we can find compromise and a path to work together. We have failed as a council if the Jedi we serve think that fighting against their fellows is the only path left."

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka | Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Amani Serys Amani Serys

Ran shifted in her seat as the meeting began. She crossed her legs, adjusted her posture and lorekeeper’s robes, and grasped the arms of her chair. She stayed quiet for a moment and listened while the others began discussing the Hapan Crisis. It was a difficult and complex situation Ran had not been present for, and in her duties as Chief Archivist she had only just begun to parse through the information submitted to the Archives about its events. She hadn’t yet read or even seen Amani’s account of it, if it even existed. Still she trusted her cousin. They were among the last living Seryses in the galaxy, and having known no other family but the Jedi Ran would stand by Amani if no one did. When Amani recused herself from the Hapan portion of conversation, Ran gave the other Mirialan the slightest twitch of a warm and well meaning smile, but kept her face otherwise clear of judgement.

"The Senate appears poised to throw their support behind Princess Nimaa'ri Daaray. This may represent an opportunity for change. If we're already to be seen as intervening, perhaps the Alliance can broker a more equitable future for all Hapans."

“What if the people feel differently?” Ran asked. “What then?” She let the others speculate as to what. “What comes about when the wants of the Galactic Alliance doesn’t match the wants of Native Hapans?” She continued curiously and hypothetically. She wondered if there was a role the Jedi would have to take in that situation. Ran was in the camp that the Jedi should be peacekeepers, mediators, ambassadors of the force, always the monk first and the warrior second, if at all.

“I don’t mean to sit here and ask hypothetical questions. I only seek to understand how far we as an order are expected to be involved. What is our duty to the Galactic Alliance and the Hapans at this time?” Ran finished and looked at her fellow councilors for answers. She was still getting used to this side of the council chamber.



902 ABY | Jedi Council

Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery listened intently, her gaze sharp but measured as each member voiced their thoughts. The tension surrounding the Hapan Crisis was palpable, but she had expected that.

Her fiery gaze flicked to Cora first. "The incident on Hapes was deeply troubling, and it will be addressed," she said, her voice even. "But let's not exaggerate the issue. There was one case where two Jedi crossed blades. That does not mean the Order is fracturing. One of the two Jedi is Hapan, too. His stakes are far more personal in this crisis." Her fingers drummed lightly against the arm of her chair. "This matter will be handled in a separate meeting, where those involved can speak for themselves. We'll address it there."

She let that settle for a moment before her focus shifted to Amani. "I've read the reports," she continued, her voice gentler now. "You were forced to act. I know that, and this Council knows that." Her gaze flicked briefly to Zark. "But the greater galaxy will always find ways to twist the truth. Some will see the Queen's death as necessary, others will call it an assassination. The only thing we can control is our response to those accusations."

Valery exhaled, allowing her focus to settle on Ran. The young Mirialan's questions were valid, and they deserved an answer.

"The new Queen, Nimaa'ri Daaray, has vowed to honor the changes her predecessor failed to enact. That includes the Equal Rights Bill. What the Crimson Veil fought for — their core ideals — are not being ignored. If Queen Nimaa'ri stays true to her word, this could be a turning point for Hapes."

She paused, fingers lacing together as she leaned slightly forward. "As Jedi, our duty is not to enforce the will of the Senate. Our loyalty is to the people — their freedom and safety. To life itself. We will aid them however we can, ensuring these new laws are upheld and protecting those who need us." She let her gaze sweep across the Council once more, making it clear that this was the path she intended to take. "This change is hopefully one step in the right direction."

"But if the new Queen does not uphold her promises… then we'll have another problem to solve."




TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka Ran Serys Ran Serys Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Amani Serys Amani Serys

"We're not politicians." Jonyna said bluntly. As she was tend to do, she had a point to make. She looked to Ran, one of the newest members of the Council, and nodded. "We should let the senate handle that matter. If the people of Hapes don't feel their new Queen is right, then that's a senate issue, not a jedi issue. We can act as diplomats, but we're not here to enforce any laws. Only keep the peace, and stand up for those who can't. What Amani did was...unfortunate, but necessary in the moment. I've done plenty of things like that in my own time."

Jonyna looked over to Amani, with a face of sympathy. "Are you okay, by the way? These past few weeks have been rough on all of us."


Amani did seem to ease up some with the words of her fellow council members. Lots of the vocal outcry had been getting to her lately, but she stood fast, entrusting her fate to the words of the Order's leadership above all else. "As well as can be," Amani replied to Jonyna, pinching her brow, "I... stand by my actions that day, as undesirable as they were. And I am grateful to the Council backing me up on this. Dissenting voices have been plenty loud themselves, however, and it has reflected not only on myself but on the Chancellor."

"All the more reason for me to stay away from the political side of Hapes for the remainder of this process. The Jedi have done our part. The rest is up to Alliance procedure."

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