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Approved Tech 9cm EBK L33

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Ilsa Voll

Kampfpanzer Kommandant
Intent: To create another main cannon as another option for Eisenwelten tanks.
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: Eisenwelt Eisenwerke
Model: 9cm EBK L33
Affiliation: Eisenwelt Eisenwerke
Modularity: None, aside from ammunition types, manual/automated loading, and vehicle mounting.
Production: Mass
Material: Durasteel, electronics, sensors, and other railgun construction materials.
Classification: Railgun
Size: Vehicle-mounted
Length: 297cm barrel, a little over 4m with breech included
Weight: 1,000kg
Ammunition Type: Standard Railgun Ammunition
Ammunition Capacity: 1, breech loaded
Effective Range: 1,500m
Maximum Range: 3,000m
Rate of Fire: Single shot. Rounds per minute dependent on both tank and crew.
Special Features:
  • Magnetically accelerated projectile
  • Anti-tank cannon
  • Hard hitting
  • Accurate

A basic up scale of the 7.5cm EBK L30, the 9cm EBK L33 is designed to take on larger vehicles and heavier armor than its smaller cousin.

Capable of excellent penetration at effective ranges, the 9cm EBK has been used to tackle the targets the 7.5cm can't. The 9cm EBK has a greater effective range at 1,500m and is slightly more accurate in most cases. The weapon features the usual reliability of railgun weapons and is capable of firing different types of projectiles designed for railguns. The weapon is mass produced, but sees more use on medium and heavy tanks and tank hunters than placement on lighter tanks.

Like all railguns, the weapon is electrically powered and susceptible to EMP and ion damage.

Star Wars Canon:
Pending initial review

Starwars Chaos:
Pending initial review

Pending initial review

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