
Image: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/645914771540081448/
Name: A-48
Faction: Team Beta
Rank: Sharpshooter
Species: Zabrak
Age: 30
Sex: Male
Height: 6'2
Weight: 180lbs
Eye colour: Yellow
Hair: Thorns
Skin: Bright yellow
Force sensitivity: Yes, though restricted
Strengths & Weaknesses
A tool for war: He was raised from birth to be faster, tougher and smarter than the average being in the galaxy. His accuracy with almost any weapon is astounding and while his hand to hand may not be the best he can still hold his own.
Level headed: Calm collected and logical in stressful situations.
Cold blooded: He doesn't feel for his prey and as such will not hesitate to bring them down in a hail of violence.
Cyberpunk: Cybernetic enhancements, primarily in the eyes
Uncompromising: Nothing happens without his express consent. If he does not get what he wants for a price he sees as reasonable, there will more than likely be some.... Violent negotiations that follow.
Life: He cannot adapt to a normal life and can not fit in with regulars.
Backfoot: Due to a weak connection to the force, he has to rely more on his natural abilities and cunning to combat his opponents effectively.
48 is a male Zabrak with yellow bloodshot eyes and a full head of sharp horns. Like Most of his species, tattoos cover his body from head to toe, alongside them are many scars from the long years of hardship. His body is in peak condition as is required from his lifestyle.
48 is technically a couple centuries old, 231 years old to be exact. He was a genetically engineered embryo combining the DNA of two sith acolytes, wanting to forge their own empire across the galaxy, with additional DNA from members they had recruited to their cause. 48 was spliced with DNA from a zabrak man and his sith mother, which when combined gave him exceptional force abilities from a young age. The two sith, fearing that their weapon may one day turn on them and be too powerful to stop, began introducing Ysalamiri blood into his food, which severely hampered his ability to use the force. The genetic modification made him grow twice as fast, however after he reached the age of 20, his body began to slow his aging significantly. This was the same with the other embryos he had become acquainted with. These being agents 6,7,11 and 27. Every day they trained to become stronger, being pushed harder and beaten further than the previous day. Despite this, the 5 of them became good friends and were
inseparable, you would always find them training together and eating with one another.
Soon after their "Friendship" was noted, they were assigned as team Delta, and given their equipment and armour they would be using over the next few years of their lives. 48 was given a sniper rifle and a lightly armoured suit as he demonstrated incredible abilities as a sharp shooter. Their first assignment was to simply attack a republic outpost on the edge of their territory. This was used as a gauge to test how well they worked as a team and without fail, Delta excelled. They cleared the outpost in record time and took all the supplies they could before the deadline hit. Once they returned, they learned that team Beta had failed in their task and returned with a member of their team dead. Beta was disbanded and each member assigned to different teams, which left the door open for Delta to be promoted to Beta. And the newly dubbed Team Beta continued to excel in every mission they were assigned.
So much so that their group was selected for another division of the program. With genetic modifications no longer being enough to contend with the powers of the dark lords of that era, The traitorous acolytes saw fit that they should begin experiments with cybernetic enhancements. Each received braces and supports to strengthen their bones while other modifications were more unique. 48's enhancements were relatively tame compared to everyone else. His eyes were given an upgrade, allowing him to see in night vision and an optical zoom to better line up shots, he was also gifted a pair of retractable blade that extend from the forearms of his suit. The modifications took plenty of time to get used to and even longer to master. However the team was more than improved with the addition of these upgrades, being sent out on operations to secure certain supplies and to take down some high value targets. They were near unstoppable. But with all the success, came unwanted attention.
After another round of surgeries to improve the effectiveness of their implants, they were placed in cryo pods which had been modified to accelerate the healing process and get them back on their feet as soon as possible. The pods were kept in a secure room, almost a vault like structure of the facility where they had grown up. But while the team slept, the old sith empire attacked. The lord of the sith himself lead the raid and saw to it personally that all he found were slaughtered. In a desperate hope to save some of their work from annihilation, the acolytes sealed the room containing 6,7,11,27 and 48 before initiating two separate countdowns. When the first counter hit zero, the ground began to shake and the building around them cracked and fell to pieces. The room containing the team started to rise behind the acolytes, and burst up from the ground to reveal a ship headed for the upper atmosphere, The fleet above head began to fire down upon it however the shields held, deflecting every blaster bolt fired at them. But it was not impenetrable and was quickly being warn down. The hyperdrive began to spin up and the ship continued to rise through the clouds and barrage of blasters.
And as the hyperdrive kicked in... The shields failed... The engines were hit and the ship sped away into deep space...
The computers on board, realizing the extensive damage of the ship, kept everyone in their pods until rescue came...
But alas... No one was left to come looking for them...
And so the ship drifted... Damaged and without means of rescue... With 48 and his team still inside... Slumbering for 200 years....
(I feel like the biography probably needs work so any feedback is welcome)
Ship: Highly damaged custom model escape ship. Repair unlikely, could still be used for spares though
Kills: N/A
Bounties: N/A
I've only ever done one of these characters before and she fell apart quite quickly so if at all possible, some feedback would be appreciated.
Thanks if you've read this far as well
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