Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Bad Day For Everyone

Cyril's allegiance lay both with the Galactic Alliance and the Republic. It was a precarious position -- both organizations had the same goal in mind, but very different thoughts about how to go about it. What mattered to Cyril was the fact that the Jedi Knights fought on both sides; something that made him feel they should be united. There was a coming invasion of Balmorra, unknown to the Sith so far as Cyril knew, and someone needed to pave the way.

Not by means of sabotage or anything similar. Cyril just needed to make sure everything was where it was when he left. Particularly the rebel cell he and his comrades had encouraged in the past. They'd gone silent, as they were told to do, but they had not given up hope. The Republic would repay their faith in kind soon enough, but first they needed to know what was coming.

There were Sith in the area; that much he knew. The rebellion against One Sith rule had been quite open, and squashed rather publicly. It would be foolish for the Sith to abandon Balmorra now. People would recognize Cyril's face too. Fortunately, he'd managed to mask it on his way into Chirikin, a small town south of Sobrik. It was known to the Republic as a loyalist town. To the Imperials, it was another smudge on the map.

"Our ships will arrive in a few days." He explained to one of the village elders.

"What is our role to be in this?" The old man asked. Cyril shook his head. "Keep your heads low. We'll need you and your people to establish order once the chaos is over."

Two of the young men with him guffawed. The old man looked quite displeased. "This is our world, and we will fight for it."

"This is the Republic's duty. You were under our protection, and we'll see that oath fulfilled. We don't know Balmorra, you people do, so you have to survive. Do you understand?" The Jedi Master pleaded. The old man pursed his lips to spit a retort, but a sudden beeping on the nearby holocomm stole his attentions.

"Sith patrol coming in. They're packing too. What do we do?" The voice asked. The old man's eyes widened. Cyril breathed a heavy sigh. "Take your people to the hills. I'll draw their attention. When the Republic arrives, help our men get on the ground, and lay low."

This time there was no retort. The elder began organizing his followers. Food, water, the essentials was all they could carry. Cyril would have to buy them time. He marched to the center of town with purpose, his cloak hanging in the wind. He wore minor protection; a simple phrik breastplate and gauntlets. It would suffice.

Rather than charge the speeder, he opted to wait, igniting the bright blue blade of his lightsaber. A Jedi on Balmorra was sure to draw the patrol's attention. That was the hope, anyway.

[member="Darth Rapax"]


Rapax was leading the patrol on Balmorra such a precarious world but none the less it was in need of sith rule, As he walked one of his scouts rushed towards him over a small hill and bowed to him. He spoke to the scout in a deep metallic tone " Report..." The scout responded some what out of breath from how far and fast he had to run "My lord....There is a jedi not far from here in the center of town..his lightsaber is on as if hes waiting for someone..." Rapax snarled ...a jedi here.....this must be dealt with...and he shall deal with it himself no mere soldier would be a match for a jedi.. "Continue your patrol....this jedi is mine..." As the patrol kept there route away from the jedi Rapax marched forward until he face [member="Cyril Grayson"] he looked over the jedi and felt his power...he is indeed strong ...good this will be a worthy fight He spoke out towards the jedi his two lightsabers in each hand not activated yet " Who are you...jedi....i wish to know the name of the one who i will slay here on balmorras cold surface.."
The villagers should have made some distance by now. Cyril would join them shortly. Stormtroopers were easily dealt with when one knew what he was doing. What he did not expect was the abomination of a Sith that made itself known. The Jedi Master's eyes narrowed. Two blades. He could counter jar'kai well enough if it was only one opponent.

"Cyril Grayson. Lord of Ession, master of the Order," he answered, "I don't suppose you're going to surrender?" He lofted a brow. The option had to be given, even if he knew no Sith would take it. He was on their turf. They had confidence here -- no conflict could ever end peacefully. That just wasn't how things worked.

With an experienced hand, Cyril leveled his blade toward his would-be opponent. Soresu would serve him well against someone built around acrobatics, as Cyril guessed. This wasn't his first rodeo.

[member="Darth Rapax"]


He chuckled putting away one blade and activated the blade he didnt put away the blade looked like it was made of pure lava. He assumed a Makashi stance....the perfect stance for one versus one battles which is what this was, He would remember the mans name well he prepared his mental defenses for any attacks on his own physical body and mind. "Little jedi...i am Darth Rapax and i will see to it that you fall this very day." He waited for the jedi to make the first move.

[member="Cyril Grayson"]
Cyril did not hesitate to strike out. He cracked a thin little smile as his opponent chose his opening stance. It seemed Cyril would not be on the defensive today. He had no problem with that.

"We'll see then, won't we?" He quipped. Without any further hesitation, he soared high into the air, arcing down toward his opponent. His blade hissed as it cut through the air, falling in a harsh cross-cut designed to shatter whatever defense his opponent might create with sheer physical strength and rend him in two.

One of his favorite opening moves.

[member="Darth Rapax"]


Rapax saw him leap in the air and smirked, The jedi will indeed prove to be a hearty opponent to face. This was good ...he will enjoy fighting this jedi even if it ends in defeat he will learn from the experience it matters not...he will at least have a decent battle out of this one.He leaped back a little and fired lightning at him in mid leap, If the lightning did nothing to slow him down he was at least out of the way of the powerful attack.
[member="Cyril Grayson"]

So it was that Cyril found himself falling off target. The bolt of electricity arced up toward him; its terrible flashing veins reaching out to take him in their deathly embrace. It moved to quickly to be repelled with any kind of barrier borne of the force. He would have to endure it. Gritting his teeth, he crossed his weapons in an 'x' fashion and fell into the storm. It charred his flesh and send waves of pain running down his spine, but it did not prove fatal.

With a curse, Cyril crashed into the ground where Rapax had been, looking all-too-displeased with the Sith. "Fancy." He grunted, standing up to his full height. "Just not fancy enough." The Jedi Master held up a hand. A massive chunk of rock was ripped from the ground at his feet, and went sailing toward his aggressor.

[member="Darth Rapax"]

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