Lucien Galtier
[SIZE=11pt]The night was tranquil and merry. Fireflies buzzed lazily through Serenno’s crisp air illuminating the world with their soft glow. The Manor’s alabaster walkways were further lit by the occasional lamp post and along the paths quaint little benches of fine design offered weary guest a place to enjoy the midnight hour. Morning dew had already begun to cover the green grass and the moonlight shone brightly in the beads of water, as if a sprite had come by and sprinkled a bit of fairy dust on each individual blade. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]The Manor itself was three stories high. It was completely marble and of square design. All of the walkways came together at the very center and merged into one large passage. The front of the Manor was lined with marble pillars which detailed the stories of famous adventures from across the galaxy. A large red carpet lay down the center aisle and admitted entrance to the doorway, but despite this grandiose theme all were welcomed. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Inside a large ball room took center stage, the ballrooms floors were a fine oak and it was flanked by two stair cases. Many guest wore simple mask as they danced across the beautiful wooden floors. Fur coated chairs sat to the side allowing those who had grown tired to relax. The stairs that flanked either side of the ball room crescendoed in a balcony that overlooked the entirety of the party room. A grand crystal chandelier hung low from the roof illuminating the entirety of the room. Atop this balcony, just below the chandelier stood a soldier, grizzled, but presentable. He wore no mask like the other guest, but instead it hung limply in his hand. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]The manor was in fact his, and he had held this party to prove to the the looming invaders that the dominion was not scared. That no matter what they threatened them with, the republic would not back down. So, he sat atop the balcony idly observing the guest as they trickled in and wondered to himself. [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Is it all worth it? [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Still despite this distant thought he committed himself to have a good time and knew that he would do just that. As he leaned over the balcony he raised the glass that was in his other hand and drained it. He was going to mingle soon and that required a nerve combat had never prepared him for. [/SIZE]