Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Ball of Order and Chaos (Open Republic)

Yusan moved around in the suit, his hands tugging at the sleeves as he stood there dressed well for once. His face remained scarred and burned, his left hand nothing more than a machine now, and his mothers saber still kept in plain sight at his side. They were things that made him who he was, and he would not hide those to anyone nor for any reason.

He stood there though, his eyes looking over the preparations of the ball that he was throwing for Jedi and the Governmental body. The Jedi were the defenders of the Republic after all and had done more for the Republic than some people who ran it had ever done in their lives so their exclusion from this would be not better than his formers. So here he was, Keeper of Order in the Senate, watching the preparations for the ball being made ready in the Galactic Museum and waiting for those that accepted the offer and would join. And knowing Senators it was a chance for PR and for them to get out and make connections after all, what politician would not take that and have a good time.

His feet carried him through the halls out into the main floor of it and his eyes scanning around its outer perimeter to see if everything looked right. A dining hall purposed for the ball and halls of knowledge and wonder for Senators and Jedi alike to find joy in their beauty and history. After all, who doesn't like a little history with a meal and a dance, it was certainly a prospect that would let things grow more and more interesting as the night went on. "Let the Night begin."

(( OOC Info: Anyone can join into this, its for fun and to let people just take a load off and not have to worry about war, or fighting, or anything. Its to show that that is not the only thing that we do anymore and to show that the Republic is still united. ))
Vulpesen smiled as he steeped through the doors of the ball room. It wasn't often that one could see Vulpesen in a suit. In fact, Vulpesen doubted that any jedi or current accomplice had ever seen him in such clothes. Except for Zarro of course. The Amaran had raised him after all.

Within the black cloth, Vulpesen had his saber split into its two halves were it rested nicely on his sides, hidden from plain sight. For once, he held one dagger, mostly out of familiarity but such things were unnecessary as he could foresee no real danger in this situation. Vulpesen had never been one for clubs or bars, or random gyrating motions. But a ball and a formal dance? He could do that... aye, he could do that quite well.


I'm Sexy and I Know It
Popo the Hutt sat on a comfy cushion along the side of the ballroom. Lacking lower limbs and therefore obviously unable to dance effectively, he instead had decided to talk with other senators to wine and dine and learn what he could. It was only fitting as the new Junior Senator from Nar Shaddaa.

The massive Shell Hutt wore his beskar armor, though once again the built in weaponry was absent. The metal was cleaned and freshly polished, giving off a dull, matte black shine from the lighting. In one hand he held a hutt-sized goblet of Naboo wine while the other gesticulated in the air to points made in his discussion with a few other Senators he'd been speaking to.

"Yes, there must be a distinct line between the corporate world and the political one, but it is hard to maintain without stifling both. I fully agree with you, sir. That is why I take effort to separate my business agenda from my political one. I take great pains to do so."

[member="Vulpesen"] [member="Yusan Fenn"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra walked into the place in the company of some no name Senator who once inside she paid and walked off to the side from, she just wanted to make sure everything was fine and that things wouldn't stop her such as her status as a mercenary for the Republic instead of a Jedi or a actual soldier. Her eyes found those that had arrived, including the bloated lard sack of a hutt that sat and talked about business with his buddies, not really her cup of tea a business talk but it was still a conversation. So while she stood in earshot, a glass of Mandalorian wine in her hand she looked among others.

While others wore dresses of white or red, she wore one of dark blue that had a elegant design to it, something she had bought a while back for formal occasions like this. Her hair was down and rested on her shoulders and down her back, and not a single drop of makeup was used, she hated that stuff after all.

As she moved once more though she saw someone whom she laughed under her breath at seeing, walking up beside him from behind she spoke. "Hello fox man." She glanced at [member="Vulpesen"] as she stood there, her greeting left as it hung in the air.

[member="Popo"] [member="Yusan Fenn"]
Vulpesen turned to face the voice behind him, coming face to face with his friend. "Alexandra, I didn't expect to see you here?" Last he had checked, Alex wasn't exactly a well known member of the Grand Republic and seeing her here was a bit of a shock. Still, she was one of his closest allies and he was by no means disappointed by her arrival. "Though I must say, you seem to dress up rather well."

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Thank you Vulp, and i thought why not be here and have a bit of a good time... plus i would be lying if i said i wasn't looking for benefactors to support a little project of mine." She drank from her glass as she looked around at the others here once more, all high class or people of importance in some form or another, even [member="Vulpesen"] was a Jedi master. "And what about you, book worms don't exactly fit in with the people such as this, and in a suit no less. Surely you haven't been that corrupted by the Republic to wear a suit." She smiled at him, silver eyes soft as usual.
Vulpesen laughed and took a glass of wine from a passing waiter. "Actually, my first master taught me about this life. Zarro was a merchant and dances were some of the best ways to get new bussiness associates." He gave a small laugh as a thought occurred to him. "Kinda like what you're trying to do right now."

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"I see, well its good to know that i am going about this the right way. And your being here is no doubt to drink, dance and pick up someone for a date at another time. I mean, that's the only reason i could think of a Jedi being at this sort of thing and oh how that would be a shame if you didn't so much as give the people in the room a chance." She drank from her wine as she watched some dance, others talk, and in one case she saw playing pazaak.
Vulpesen shrugged and took a sip of his wine. "Actually, I'm here for my father, Zarro. I tend to be his champion for meetings like this. Being five feet tall at max doesn't exactly make a good dancing species for the rest of the galaxy." Taking a glance around, he smiled at the fun of the room around him.

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]
Yusan let his feet carry him over to the massive hutt named [member="Popo"], junior senator for Nar Shadaa, ht place he pay for attacking with his hand. He held no grudges though, there had been death caused by him and that was something he was not to keen on letting happen once more. His hands remained behind him right up until the moment that Yusan bowed with a hand held over his chest and the other still crossed behind him as he made the single bow.

"Senator Popo, no? It is a pleasure to meet you and i do hope that you are finding things to your liking, of course it doesn't matter if you tell the truth or not, not my food or drink."

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian

"Perhaps, but i would think being a jedi you forgot how to do something like that, of course it could be a delusion of Jedi teachings once more." She smiled and drank from her glass before setting it down nearby and just standing there for a moment before speaking. "In fact, how about we test how much you know, pick someone in the room, ask them for a dance and we will see how well you do."


I'm Sexy and I Know It
"Ah, Mr. Fenn," Popo said politely to the newcomer, his voice deep and resonating as he cordially tilted his head to the man. He would bow, but bowing was hard for Hutts. "A pleasure to meet you. I am finding things quite lovely, thank you. How are you today?"

[member="Yusan Fenn"]
"I am doing quite well, thank you. I did receive a bit of a punishment though for in part of my attack on your home recently. But i did deserve it looking back on the situation." He motioned to his right hand, it being nothing more than a silver machine now in place of flesh and blood. "Hurt almost as much as the burns on my face did." [member="Popo"]


I'm Sexy and I Know It
Popo nodded once and sipped at his wine.

"We all must learn at some point, some learn harsher than others, unfortunately," he said politely. He wasn't quite abreast of that particular incident on Nar Shaddaa which mean he needed to brush up on things later. "I was burned on Kashyyyk once. Managed to regenerate the last of the scar tissue a few years back. Itched like no tomorrow until then, though."

[member="Yusan Fenn"]
Vulpesen smiled and drained his glace, grinning at [member="Alexandra Cinthra"]. "One question." He sat the glass on a passing tray. "Would you happen to be available as one of those people?" On his face was that familiar roguish grin as he extended both his offer, and his hand.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Dont know, depends on if you can actually dance or if we will just going in complete circles then entire time. Plus isnt there something in your code about how 'Thou shalt not have a dance with one of non jedi hood.' " She smiled at him and raised a brow, but nonetheless took the hand.

Vulpesen let out a laugh and let her out to the floor, his feet becoming light as air. "Don't be foolish Alex. Besides, you should know by now I'm not your normal jedi." As mentioned before, he could never survive in a club, the moves simply didn't work with him. But a ball such like this was perfectly suited to what he had learned.

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
She nodded and then moved her hands to rest and glanced at him, speaking lightly. "Well, lead on then odd Jedi, after all, if you aren't normal you're odd." She smiled at him and waited for him to start, matching his steps up at a pace that seemed to mirror his own steps. [member="Vulpesen"]

"The Itching is certainly something that i could deal without and certainly would love to have be done with." Yusan looked over the others and stood near Popo, his eyes though scanned over the Hutt then and spoke as he looked at him. "I do hope that your being a part of our Senate is on good terms, the Invasion had been to save our diplomats, i must apologize for the imperialist actions of my fellow Republicans."

Zack Drexten

Zack could feel all his troubles temporarily easing away as he stepped into the ball room of the Senate, but he didn't know if anyone here would recognize him, he was a fairly new Private of the Galactic Republic Army and he doubted that anyone would know his face from anywhere, but he was here for the fun that a situation like this presented, even if he did kicked out atleast he would have showed up to an event as grand as this.

There was food being eaten and music being played, Zack didn't even know where to begin, he wasn't in is usual soldier's uniform he was in the dress uniform, although a little bit less formal and it was lacking the medals he was yet to earn. He walked closer to the food, they looked like such delicious delicacies from all over the galaxy that all looked very appetizing, he sat down in a seat by himself, this was the first time he was at anything like this and he could tell that it wasn't going to be the last either, he even caught a glimpse of the Supreme Chancellor, a Hutt. But Zack didn't know exactly what the Hutt called himself. While looking around he saw a few of the soldiers mingling among the people, but the thing that Zack was most looking forward to was the partying that was yet to be done!
(I joined this because I supposed that if Jedi were allowed to so would soldiers)

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