Nar Shaddaa was a planet that never slept. EVER. Lights on even in the daytime, people in the streets at unbelievable hours of the night, and constant trouble with the law that erupted everywhere. It was a strange place for Saori to be. The polar opposite of her Felucian home. She'd been exploring other planets only recently. Mainly because, despite her duties to her village, she just couldn't stand not knowing what was out there in the stars at night. The green-haired young woman wouldn't be the oddest thing to see on the streets. If anything, she blended in quite nicely. Well, except for the fact that all of her clothes were green, too. She looked around at everything, taking it all in like a sponge. Eventually, she made her way into a rather popular bar. Which might have been a mistake on her part...
[member="Sebastion Wulfsorrow"]
[member="Sebastion Wulfsorrow"]