Almira Izlay'ti
There were still a few things left to be collected, yet much of the house had been picked clean. All that remained in the large study was the massive desk and a simple chair. Most of the furniture would be remaining, and hopefully, hopefully when the world was taken by another, or when their absence was noticed, the house would remain intact. Taking a moment for herself, red hues looked across the room, peering from behind the desk as she rest her chin upon her clasped hands. Memories flooded back of a lifetime spent in the study when she had returned home from her father's. She was always underfoot, watching and listening to her mother or the wailing of a new sibling.
Smiling to herself, she began to readjust her posture when it happened. Her hand slipped, hitting the desk hard. The next quick succession of events was surprising as the desk seemed to whir to life. The shutters of the windows quickly closed before the lights in the room dimmed to near darkness. The desk top opened, slipping back to the sides as a hologram projector was brought up from its recessed hideaway.
Soon the room was bathed in a blue flickering light and there it was before her. The image slowly rotating, the designs that could have just as easily been over looked. Taking a moment to still her beating heart, she took in a deep breath. Closing her eyes before opening them once more, her red hues peering upon the image. Leaning forward, her hand came up, as if she were attempting to hold the image though it were solid.
She was not the only one whom was surprised. An aide or rather the young woman that had constantly been at her mother's side hadn't even known. Looking upon it, she gasped slightly at the magnitude of such a project and it was clear that the Duchess had intended for it to be finished.
A small flicker on the lower corner even showed such. It was a countdown and it was apparently just days away. Though beyond the simple image, there seemed nothing more to the vessel. Nor did any additional information become apparent when it was looked into. All that could come from her lips was a question of awe and curiosity.
"Can it be possible?"