Two-Bit Con Artist
"I think we're as ready as we'll ever be," she said softly, gazing thoughtfully at the quiet form floating in the bacta tank.
[member="Garett Van"]'s eyes were closed, his body hanging, lifeless. Doctor Ven stepped back, settling her hands behind her back. One of the technicians watched her, his hands on the controls but unmoving for the moment.
"Restart his heart."
"Yes Doctor."
There was a tension in the room. He had been declared legally dead on Kaeshana. Some quick thinking individual, however, had gotten his body into stasis quickly enough that there was a chance. Cloned organs had been grown to replace the ones chewed beyond repair by the sniper shot that had brought him down. Reconstruction had been done on several places in his brain, where oxygen deprivation had caused damage. They kept his body 'alive' during the weeks it had taken.
Some of the medical team had thought it was a waste of time- and resources. In truth, Irajah had been the only doctor willing to touch the case.
Let him go. He's gone. There's nothing you can do for the dead.
Irajah reached out, laying her hand on the curve of the glass.
"Come on," she whispered.
"I have alpha and delta brain activity! His heart's beating on it's own!"
She smiled, breathing in deeply.
"Wake him up."
[member="Garett Van"]'s eyes were closed, his body hanging, lifeless. Doctor Ven stepped back, settling her hands behind her back. One of the technicians watched her, his hands on the controls but unmoving for the moment.
"Restart his heart."
"Yes Doctor."
There was a tension in the room. He had been declared legally dead on Kaeshana. Some quick thinking individual, however, had gotten his body into stasis quickly enough that there was a chance. Cloned organs had been grown to replace the ones chewed beyond repair by the sniper shot that had brought him down. Reconstruction had been done on several places in his brain, where oxygen deprivation had caused damage. They kept his body 'alive' during the weeks it had taken.
Some of the medical team had thought it was a waste of time- and resources. In truth, Irajah had been the only doctor willing to touch the case.
Let him go. He's gone. There's nothing you can do for the dead.
Irajah reached out, laying her hand on the curve of the glass.
"Come on," she whispered.
"I have alpha and delta brain activity! His heart's beating on it's own!"
She smiled, breathing in deeply.
"Wake him up."