Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A bit of a problem.

Factory Judge
Hey guys, I'm sorry I wasn't able to respond yesterday. I have a problem. A big one.

I got into a wreck yesterday about a mile from my house. I was driving home from work when my brakes went out. I can clearly remember hearing a snapping sound in my car, and then I couldn't stop. I decided that slamming into a semi was safer than slamming into any other car. Hence, I was in a wreck. Luckily the cop that was on the scene first, was just down the street and was about to head home himself. I am fine. I am safe.

In the crash, my dashboard had pinned me into the car, and I had my right leg pinned underneath the dash. Luckily I could remove it myself. My knee was banged up and just minor scrapes or bruises. My entire right leg hurt, and so they took me to the hospital. I was taken via ambulance. Once there, they took some X-rays, and discovered that I had broken both my tibia and fibula just above my ankle. Luckily the break was very minor. THe boones were according to my doc. "perfectly aligned." They put me in a splint, gave me some meds, and sent me home.

Currently I am very sore. I got a call from the truckdriver, and he spoke to me. Saying that he was okay and he was fine. Just shaken up a bit. He explained the damage that I had caused. I had hit his truck on the driver side, back wheel of his cab. (right where the conjunction of the empty tanker and the cab of the semi are connected.) I hit his truck hard enough to break the coupling of the two, and snapped two axles on his truck. Both vehicles were considered non-drivable. (considering my truck is now an accordion)

The man explained that with how much damage happened, he was surprised I had survived, let alone only get a few bruises, and a broken leg. He offered to help me if necessary, and now, I am currently telling you all of this.

Long story short, I am fine. Really sore and in pain. Now to the good part.

That means I will be home for the next (projected) 2 months. until the splint will be removed. From there I will be having physical therapy due to atrophy. Either way, I will either be on here a chit ton, or rarely be on here.

I hope you guys can understand this, and may the force be with you.

For those of you who may be inconvienced from this. I am sorry.

[member="Darth Ferus"]
[member="Azula Yeshevsky"],
[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
[member="Maya Whitelight"]
[member="Runi Verin"],
[member="Yun Knesos"],
[member="Taneith Vizsla"],

Sorry if I missed anybody.

Connor Harrison

[member="Karma"] I don't know you here, but hearing that isn't nice at all for anyone to experience and it's just nice to hear you're safe and in recovery now - and kudos for fast thinking to stop the situation from possibly getting worse.

Take good care and best wishes for your recovery.
[member="Connor Harrison"] yeah ya do. This is Xander Carrick's writer. :p


All that matters, is that you got through it. Worry not about anything in here, if you are about great, and if not we well and truly understand why.

Just take care of your recovery and get better.

Connor Harrison

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] Well that's embarrassing.

In that case [member="Karma"] you get better and get back here pronto, and no lazing around - got it? :)
I am so sorry this happened to you, but the good thing is that you will be okay. I have been in 2 wrecks myself and I know how it feels, especially with all the paperwork and insurance calls. Hopefully yours is all worked out and you're all covered. Just keep in mind you could be dealing with business people and paperwork or you could be dead. So luckily you're alive. Also nice thinking with the truck, most people would have ran into a wall or something so you were clever to collide how you did.

I'll message you on skype tonight (I don't have it on this computer).
Factory Judge
[member="Connor Harrison"], YES SIR! *salutes* and don't worry about forgetting me already. ;)

[member="Kyros Fen"], Yeah. Thats what alot of people are saying. lol. Thank you.

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"], More or less is right. Thanks man.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"], Thank you as well hun.

[member="Azula Yeshevsky"], Thank you. This is the second wreck I have been in as well. My first one I was a passenger, and we got T-boned. From that one my friend was driving, and he had broken his arm in that one. Otherwise we were fine. But, i guess we can now be crippled buddies together!

Will do. I'll be on skype alot today. So no problem.
[member="Karma"] I'm just glad you are okay, and the brake thing, like [member="Kyros Fen"] said must have pissed you off. I can only imagine how intense it must have been when you couldn't stop. That is real.

My first wreck was at a dealership and I was test driving a dodge nitro. I was on the highway and I turned the test car (With the sales clerk in the car) into the lane beside me where a truck ran into us from behind. Everyone was okay but that was the biggest headache of my life, not the wreck the insurance claims. Because I wrecked a test car. My second was turning into school 3 months later, it was into the right hand lane to go into the school parking lot and a lady ran into my side as I went (My fault) And hit me at 65 mph. That hurt, so like I said I understand.

Ps: I do not drive anymore.

Pss: I may have gotten off track but really I am glad you are okay, although I'm excited to see you'll be home so you can talk to me all the time. >.>
The only thing I'm inconvenienced by, is typing on my iPhone on the way to work. Lol. So, don't worry about a thing. I'm just glad to hear that you're alive and kicking, and take as much or as little time as you need to get better!
Factory Judge
[member="Azula Yeshevsky"]. I will.

[member="Yun Knesos"], lol thanks

[member="Kyros Fen"], NO. no offence taken. I just keep hearing about how it could have been worse. its good man trust me.

Runi Verin

Two pounds shy of a bomb.

You honestly don't need to apologise in the slightest. Your health has to come first at the end of the day.

I'm can honestly say I'm sorry we didn't get to thread more in the time we had (and now I feel utterly terrible that Ru gave you the cold shoulder treatment!).

So I guess my ultimate message is this: Rest and come back soon, show me what I was missing.
[member="Karma"] Oh no hun. I'm real sorry about the accident. Praising the Lord the he was there for you and was protecting you. As your luck you came out of it how you did. Yes be long road to recovery no doubt. You know I'm here to encourage and listen I do a lot of that at my job. Helping patients feel better and not with Just meds. Hit me up on Skype when you want.

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