Darth Veles
Sweet Avreet
Snow and ice crunched under Avreet's black leather boots as he marched over the frozen plains of Rhen Var. Keeping his heavy leather cloak wrapped tightly around his body that was protected by nothing but the traditional Sith apparel, the Sith Lord raised his large domed head to look in front of himself, just for a second to avoid the strong wind taking off his hood. Everything lied buried under snow, cold winds violently tossing the falling snowflakes around, making orientation difficult. Completely ignoring the snow hitting his big amber eyes, the Mon Calamari Sith scanned his surroundings, both with the right, cybernetic, orb, as with his senses that reached out through the Force and expanded over the area, feeling the strong marks left by powerful long-dead Force users. This let him know he was getting closer to his destination, the ancient ruins left on the planet by the Jedi. The Light Side was not something he usually sought after without intending to destroy it, but his days with the One Sith have ended, leaving just one thing that still connected him to them. The Mark of Darkness that grew on his back, expanding over his skin ever since Lady Isolda had gifted him with it. No longer Avreet wished to bear the sign of the One Sith on his back, and after considering its nature, he came to conclusion that it could be only removed by the Light Side of the Force. Since the only healer he knew about was being held as a slave in a golden cage, guarded by her "friends", the amphibous Sith was forced to look for alternative means of getting rid of the cursed tattoo that itched and burned, reminding him of failing the Sith.
Searching for a powerful Light Side artifact seemed like the only option, something that would empower him with the Light Side enough to make his own Force heal capable of removing the mark adorning his back. He could not go to the Jedi or their Sith counterparts and ask them for one, obviously, meaning he had to try and find one himself. Rhen Var's inhospitable nature and past with the Jedi gave him hope of discovering buried secrets, be it an artifact or a clue of where to discover one.
The Sith suddenly stopped, his head turning to the left, catching a glimpse of a structure in the corner of his eye. This was it. Rotating his form, he immediately strode towards the ruins that lied in the middle of nowhere, partially covered by snow. Whether this used to be a Temple or a tomb, Avreet did not know. Approaching the structure, he strudied the walls that contrated with the snow all over the place before walking around, searching for the entrance, webbed claws of his right hand touching the wall beside him until his fingers touched nothing but air. His eye swiveled towards the gaping hole in the wall, seeing a room that bathed in darkness, the only light the one coming through the hole. Activating the low-light vision in the cybernetic eye, Avreet entered, removing his cloak and brushing away the snow before putting the cloth on again.
The first sight revealed nothing, until the Mon Cal turned his gaze towards the dark ground, noticing his footsteps over a particular section of the floor sounded more hollow. The cybernetic eye switched to another mode, looking for an energy source leading towards the ground, which would have indicated a switching mechanism. Unfortunately, it appeared whatever opened the floor had long since stopped working. This left Avreet no choice but to ignite his crimson blade and carefully draw it around the hollow spot in the floor, cutting through the metal. Once he made a small circle, the Sith telekinetically lifted the cut off section of the metal and placed it aside, looking over the orange-colored buring edge of the hole he had created. Stone stairs. Not metal? Mentally shrugging, he illiminated his way with the lightsaber, treating carefully on the stone as he descended into darkness.
[member="Kana Truden"]
Searching for a powerful Light Side artifact seemed like the only option, something that would empower him with the Light Side enough to make his own Force heal capable of removing the mark adorning his back. He could not go to the Jedi or their Sith counterparts and ask them for one, obviously, meaning he had to try and find one himself. Rhen Var's inhospitable nature and past with the Jedi gave him hope of discovering buried secrets, be it an artifact or a clue of where to discover one.
The Sith suddenly stopped, his head turning to the left, catching a glimpse of a structure in the corner of his eye. This was it. Rotating his form, he immediately strode towards the ruins that lied in the middle of nowhere, partially covered by snow. Whether this used to be a Temple or a tomb, Avreet did not know. Approaching the structure, he strudied the walls that contrated with the snow all over the place before walking around, searching for the entrance, webbed claws of his right hand touching the wall beside him until his fingers touched nothing but air. His eye swiveled towards the gaping hole in the wall, seeing a room that bathed in darkness, the only light the one coming through the hole. Activating the low-light vision in the cybernetic eye, Avreet entered, removing his cloak and brushing away the snow before putting the cloth on again.
The first sight revealed nothing, until the Mon Cal turned his gaze towards the dark ground, noticing his footsteps over a particular section of the floor sounded more hollow. The cybernetic eye switched to another mode, looking for an energy source leading towards the ground, which would have indicated a switching mechanism. Unfortunately, it appeared whatever opened the floor had long since stopped working. This left Avreet no choice but to ignite his crimson blade and carefully draw it around the hollow spot in the floor, cutting through the metal. Once he made a small circle, the Sith telekinetically lifted the cut off section of the metal and placed it aside, looking over the orange-colored buring edge of the hole he had created. Stone stairs. Not metal? Mentally shrugging, he illiminated his way with the lightsaber, treating carefully on the stone as he descended into darkness.
[member="Kana Truden"]