Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
Because drunk me thinks it's about time.
Any chance to get the following two pics modified to put Cyrus in proper Imperial Grey instead of the admittedly very classy Systems Alliance Blue and Gold sported by the good Admiral Hackett?
Good example of the standard Imperial uniform is here.
It would be super awesome to have one of the pics modified to have Cyrus in Grand Admiral Whites instead, but I understand there's considerable difficulty in changing a dark pic to light.
I don't have much to trade, but I'm pretty handy with the Factory (I think) so maybe I could do up a ship sub or something in return?
Any chance to get the following two pics modified to put Cyrus in proper Imperial Grey instead of the admittedly very classy Systems Alliance Blue and Gold sported by the good Admiral Hackett?
Good example of the standard Imperial uniform is here.
It would be super awesome to have one of the pics modified to have Cyrus in Grand Admiral Whites instead, but I understand there's considerable difficulty in changing a dark pic to light.
I don't have much to trade, but I'm pretty handy with the Factory (I think) so maybe I could do up a ship sub or something in return?