Eternal Father
‘Twas the night before Sithmas, when all thro’ the house,
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
The stockings were hung by the throne with care,
In hopes that Father Sithmas soon would be there
Though Carnifex was not a celebratory individual around the holidays, there was something about the camaraderie of Sithmas that spoke to him. It has always been his dream to unite the Sith for a common goal, and he had done all that he could to foster than sense of unity among the Sith -- the sense of brotherhood.For many it had been like pulling out teeth, but those malcontents that had proven belligerent to his vision had been removed from the equation.
The entirety of the Imperial Palace on Bastion had been bedecked with Sithmas decorations big and small, from lights to festive arboreal ornamentation on all of the trees in the Imperial gardens. A great hearth had been constructed in the Imperial throne room, and several chairs and couches had been relocated from ancillary rooms to provide ample seating for all the Lords, Ladys, Knights, and Acolytes on the Dark Lord's guest list.
Carnifex himself was dressed up rather festively too, a green double-breasted tunic covered his muscular torso instead of a suit of armor or Sith robe. A floppy pointed red hat trimmed in white fur was precariously perched atop his brow, and a cloak of silver and gold silk hung from his broad shoulders. In his hands he held a large mug of melted chocolate and marshmallows, which he delicately sipped from time to time.