Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Blade against a Blade

Calo Xenrus

Not had changed about Courascant after the Sith had taken over. Of course things arond the planet-wide city were as lively as when under the control of the Jedi and Republic, but things were still active and it was still home to thousands of different species and plenty of people with a umber of jobs to keep. The only main difference was now everyone had to remain aware of their new superiors and how they were not as leniant about dispensing thier own brand of justice as the Jedi and Senate had.

Calo had grown up on this planet his enture life. All he'd ever known was the city. Even when he was inducted into the Jedi order all he could see was the rest of the city and different angles of it from the temple he stayed in. It brought back mixed memories. Some good. Others not so much.

Part of his remaniscing involved taking casual strolls through the city itself, walking among the overbearing crowds, in order to remind himself of what life for him was like before the great change. Before his force abilites truly manifested and he slowly built them up while under the Jedi order before turning his back on the weak-willed "peace keepers" in favor of the Sith.

With that in mind Calo knew he had a numbe of enemies from his actions. Both those he wronged in the order and those whom he wronged throughout his life. Whenever he would indulge in his little walks he always kept his senses alert, both natural and those with the force.

As he walked around his old neighborhood he wore a short cloak with a hood to at least keep his head covered. He kept his eyes down as he walked while only glancing up now-and-then to make sure he was going the right way. His sabers rested in his harness as he proceeded onward.

[member="Asteria Starcatcher"]

Puppet Kyrios

Asteria hated Corusant, it was loud, polluted, crowded, and not to mention full of Sith.

Asteria was on a job, to assassinate a Sith and get his lightsabers. She had been contacted anonymously an be was told there would be a handsome price for the lightsabers, and she had been getting anxious from waiting for another job.

Asteria was watching the passing crowd from a higher walkway, her eyes searching for her target until she saw the dark hood from the description. She dropped into a nearby alley, rolling to lessen the shock, put up her own green hood, then blended with the crowd, keeping one hand on her pistol, the other on her vibroblade. She hasn't bothered to bring her trophy lightsaber for fear of losing it to a pickpocket, or dying by this Sith. She pushed away that thought and concentrated on the hood five people in front of her.

[member="Calo Xenrus"]

Calo Xenrus

As Calo had turned the corner he stopped for a moment. A small tinge had clicked in his senses, a distrubance he sensed through the force. He could feel that someone was watching him. And, if his natural sense had any say in it, he could tell whoever it was wasn't a friendly. It was hard to tell where they were, given the crowds, but he at leasted sensed a general direction.

Thankfully they were close to Calo's old home, now an abandoned complex of apartments in the slummy section of the city. He stopped at the door, glancing around as to make it seem as though he didn't sense anyone and only looked out of a sense of paranoia. After that he shoved the door open before stepping inside and closing it behind him.

By the time the assassin would come in she would find Calo had dissapered, obviously hiding and waiting her arrival to comfornt her himself.

[member="Asteria Starcatcher"]

Puppet Kyrios

(Really sorry for late reply, been busy with my other characters)

Asteria sensed a trap, and she was the rat. Moving a little slowly towards the old complex, the common eye would think she were a mere beggar, but not a trained Sith. Carefully approaching the building, she used the one trick she knew the Sithling wouldn't expect, she camoflagued, disappearing from the naked eye. She opened the door so that would look like a gust of wind blew it open, but she knew that wouldn't fool the Sith, so she slipped in quickly and quietly, clutching her vibroblade waiting for the Sithling to sense her presence.

[member="Calo Xenrus"]

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