Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Dashal Vance"]
Royal Palace-Chasin City-Commenor
Kay leaned back in her chair, seated in her office. Her datapad was in one hand, while a cup of Sapir tea was in the other. She scrolled through her growing list of allied governments. Some had business ties, some military, others to secure the trade routes for their own purposes. Yet there was at least a few where the reason behind the request for an alliance wasn't exactly clear. Even then, who was to say that every one of her alliances were genuine ones?
This she needed to find out.
Going to each of them and asking wasn't the way to go about it either. Kay knew better than that anyways. This was politics, afterall. Intrigue was the name of the game. Those that knew how to use it to their advantage always came out on top. And with being Queen, there was a host of resources available to her. And a lot of credits.
She sipped her tea. A slicer would come in handy. But how to find one? It wasn't as though she knew where to look. The holo-net of course but the best of the best probably used a different kind of holo-net altogether, one that she had zero knowledge of how to access.
Perhaps key words would suffice. Using her public holo-mail server, she whipped up a draft of a message.
I am in need of the best slicer in the business, capable of breaching even the toughest government security systems. Cracking this holo-mail provider should give you all the info you need on who I am, where to find me, and how deep my pockets are.~
Kay didn't send the message. She felt as though she didn't have to. Instead she just saved it. Anyone looking for certain key words when it came to looking for more work to do that was challenging, would certainly be able to find it.
Wouldn't they?
Royal Palace-Chasin City-Commenor
Kay leaned back in her chair, seated in her office. Her datapad was in one hand, while a cup of Sapir tea was in the other. She scrolled through her growing list of allied governments. Some had business ties, some military, others to secure the trade routes for their own purposes. Yet there was at least a few where the reason behind the request for an alliance wasn't exactly clear. Even then, who was to say that every one of her alliances were genuine ones?
This she needed to find out.
Going to each of them and asking wasn't the way to go about it either. Kay knew better than that anyways. This was politics, afterall. Intrigue was the name of the game. Those that knew how to use it to their advantage always came out on top. And with being Queen, there was a host of resources available to her. And a lot of credits.
She sipped her tea. A slicer would come in handy. But how to find one? It wasn't as though she knew where to look. The holo-net of course but the best of the best probably used a different kind of holo-net altogether, one that she had zero knowledge of how to access.
Perhaps key words would suffice. Using her public holo-mail server, she whipped up a draft of a message.
I am in need of the best slicer in the business, capable of breaching even the toughest government security systems. Cracking this holo-mail provider should give you all the info you need on who I am, where to find me, and how deep my pockets are.~
Kay didn't send the message. She felt as though she didn't have to. Instead she just saved it. Anyone looking for certain key words when it came to looking for more work to do that was challenging, would certainly be able to find it.
Wouldn't they?