Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  • Media Name: A Builder's Hymn.
  • Format: Audio Recording.
  • Distribution: Unique.
  • Length: Minuscule.
  • Description: During the Four-Hundred Year Darkness a mysterious race of Humanoids (believed to have originated somewhere in the Cronese Mandate) are long thought to be extinct by the time of the modern era. This audio recording is one of a few signs that they once existed.
  • Author: Unknown.
  • Publisher: N/A.
  • Reception: N/A.

The audio recording can be listened to on YouTube. You can find the link to it here -> A Builder's Hymn.


A melody plays, and to the listener it feels as this sample has begun playing as if it were in the middle, or somewhere lost of a much longer production. As it plays a woman's voice begins to filter in, and she speaks in a language that you do not understand. Intertwined with this esoteric language, near the beginning of the sample, are three words spoken in Galactic Basic Standard: "Please guide us."

As the background melody continues to play, inviting themes of sadness, loss or nostalgia to the listener, the mysterious female continues to speak in her language until her message peters off. For the rest of this audio recording music plays with themes of the opera, while the woman hymns, and the sounds of bristling leaves are heard, until the sample abruptly ends with no context given.


If you have ever heard of the satellite orbiting NESPIS VIII then you may have heard of the myth regarding the race of Humanoids that were said to have once lived in the Cronese Mandate. These people, who are long thought to have gone extinct during the Four-Hundred Year Darkness, and therefore have consequentially lost their real name to the eons, are colloquially referred to as, 'THE BUILDERS', by cryptographers, astronomers, archaeologists, explorers, pilgrims, and Jedi. The existence of these people are only held together by the few, rare artefacts, locations, and anomalies that have been discovered over the years. Such is the rarity of evidence that these people once roamed the Galaxy that some speculate that the subsequent few discoveries that have been made could have been mistaken, or misinformed as belonging to these people rather than to the other dozen cultures that have come and gone over the millennia.

In 898 ABY a conspiracy was born within the Empire of the Lost that would see a man rise to become it's Emperor. For the conspiracy to come to fruition the man required the help of a co-conspirator so that his dreams could become a reality. In order to facilitate this plot a former Knight of the Old Republic was murdered and subsequently replaced by a clone who went onto serve the conspiracy which later bred the seditious FIFTH WING. When Her Her met with Alicia Drey Alicia Drey to conspire against the Imperial Remnant, and it's many adversaries located across the Outer Rim Territories, she would often play this audio recording, and allow it to repeatedly play for hours as the pair reflected on their many secrets, losses and the ramifications that their actions would have upon the Empire they helped to betray. Between the conversations there would often be a shared silence as the pair gazed upon LIANNA CITY with the audio recording the only thing to help break it.

The audio recording itself was discovered in A City Lost to Time by Ella Nova after she helped Darth Ayra Darth Ayra locate the ruin as they searched for a cure to her infection.

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