Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Burdened Beginning

Nerius sighed, sitting at a table in the Halls of Mastery, a One Sith Library on Taloraan. Since his appointment as Will to the Emperor, the young Pink Monster had chosen to bring datacrons with as many copies of known information as possible. The planet would soon rival the greatest of libraries, yet would not likely ever reach as high a level of esteem.

He simply could not afford the real paper, the leather binding; real books of note were at the current an impossibility.

Yet other than the liveliest set of computerized material, this side of Coruscant, Nerius had also performed a few other things. Number one being he had finally contacted the man who was to be his adopted father, Damien Daemon, to request two things: a meeting in person, and anything worthy of being housed in his library.


Well-Known Member
Damien reclined his seat, feet propped on his desk, hands clasped behind his head. He stared at the table next to his boots, where the Knotters of Entrails Scroll, and Sidious' Manipulation of Life. It was now up for grabs whether he would officially give up that which he had strived for...

Sidious' work was far more in depth, telling of not just Biological Alchemy, but how to include in it mechanical aspects, as well as metallurgical aspects of Alchemy as well. With it, one could become the greatest Alchemist they could be in the start. There would only be mastery from that point on, no need for further learning...

Nodding to himself, he rolled the Scroll and placed it into a protective covering. Rising from his seat, he left the office with a simple gesture to Jessica, his Secretary. She would hold everything down for him.
Rising from his seat in front of the computer he had been using, Nerius moved to the window of the Hall. Staring out at the clouds of his planet, he let his mind wander. He needed to really learn to fight, and soon. Though Venefica had been one he planned to approach, it had soon shown that she was not likely to be a teacher for the youth.

Sighing, he turned his back to the pane and headed for the door that led to the outside winds of the planet. On the ledge of the platform was a large nest, on which rested a massive bird. It lifted its head, and stared at Nerius for a long moment, its iris flickering in a warning manner - it would attack if he got to close.

Underneath the beast was a set of twin eggs!

Nerius grinned broadly; he understood a predatorial gaze, for it was one he knew well. Fear of the situation, was not something he had. From nearby came a whistle, as Luro, a wind raider, stepped forth to caution his ally. The beast instantly bowed its head to its master.

"They will be ready, within the hour I believe, sir." Luro said, his speech thick with the Taloraan form of an accent.

Nerius nodded; he would need a mount during his stay here on Taloraan.


Well-Known Member
Moving through the streets of Val'hala, Damien paused not once. He had a plan in mind, and would see it accomplished. Though there was little love in his heart for the One Sith's Emperor, the people were still Sith and there for his own.

To help his standing among a people he didn't consider his own, Damien would back the Will of Taloraan. Providing information to be housed in the Hall of Mastery, as he believed it was called by his adopted son, should show he still held allegiance to the darkside even if his paths had changed recently.

Arriving at a small building, with security tighter than that of the average prison, Damien paused to be searched by two guards, while his eyes, thumb prints, and voice were scanned meticulously. Then let within, he paused at the desk found immediately inside, "Shara, my dear. Looking as beautiful as the first day I met you." He said with a grin.

The petite Twi'lek smiled courteously then gestured him through the door to her right. Stepping in he found a young man named Nmeri who was typing away on a computer. Without looking up he said, "Damien, in what way may I be of service?"

"I need something copied down, filed into a program, then have the file encrypted, to follow the encryption on the entire drive itself." Damien said with a casual shrug.

"Encryption can be dome by any low down hacker." Nmeri said, again without raising an eye.

"But it needs be done by the best." Damien said, throwing a chip that held 30,000 credits.

Caught as if he had a sixth sense, Nmeri nodded, "Let me see it." Then, after the whole meeting, his gaze finally lifted.
Nodding to Luro, Nerius said, "When it is time, come to me." With that order, he turned on his heel and headed back for the Hall. Passing through the doors he sighed, it was boring having to work as a politician. Even worse that now he was attempting to be a librarian as well.

Ok, not quite that far, as he had those that were in charge of gathering and categorizing the information. But he was still basically in charge! Once the project had lifted off, he would have to see to it that someone else was put in charge. Mayhap Luro, as he had proven to be a loyal Sith, was capable, and could also protect the establishment if given time.

Fleft-wauf were quite the massive predator. They could be allowed to patrol the area, acting as guards and police in a combination strike.

Returning to the computer he had been at before, Nerius once more returned to typing out requisitions that would be sent to many of the major libraries within the Sith borders. As he did this though, he felt his mind continue to wonder about the plans he had for the building.

Eventually he would want the Hall to house training centers, for Force adepts, martial skill, even skills such as stealth and linguistics. He would hope that the plans could involve all lessons that one loyal to the Sith would need.


Well-Known Member
Opening the tube which held the rolled scroll, Damien handed it over, "Its worth more than your life." He muttered to Nmeri, his voice cold and deadly. The other arched a brow, contemplating having the immense firepower housed here to come in never crossed his mind. He knew full well what Damien was capable of, and did not doubt the entirety of his staff would be slaughtered - definitely including himself.

Though he would probably leave Shara safe. Nmeri nodded and delicately began to unroll the piece. Eyeing it as he did so, he paused to look over the linguistics. It seemed a language that actually invoked respect, even power; but it was not one he recognized, which was part of his job description.

"I cannot read this. I have never even seen such!" He said as he glanced to Damien, whom was unmoved.

"Sorry my friend, this job doesn't require knowledge of what your transcribing. Just that you do so," Damien said with a shrug of the shoulders, "which you can do can you not?"

"Of course, D-Man." Nmeri said with a nod. Turning to his computer he began typing swiftly. Whatever it was he did mattered little to Damien. The Job would be a success, this he did not doubt, for Nmeri did not boast. His skills were some of the best.

"I will make use of one of your rooms in the back." He said, without awaiting an answer he left to head towards the back. Just then, a worker of Nmeri's headed towards him with a bag over his shoulder, "Leave that there." Damien gestures to a table.

"How do you know what I have?" The nameless man asked with an arched brow.

"New here?" Damien asked with a chuckle. The other shrugged and set the bag down.

Clearing a space for himself, Damien reached back and into the bag. Withdrawing a large container filled with a viscous red substance he set it down. Next came several sheets of glass, which joined the liquid on the table.

Removing the lid of the canister, he stared into the depths of substance as he began to reach into the Force. Imbuing the liquid - which was ever more obviously blood - with the effervescent energies, he felt it begin to emit a presence of its own.

Setting the glass sheets side by side, with a delicate hand he began to slowly pour the blood over each in turn. It wasn't a quick process, rather one he labored on for a time. An even coat was ladled over all the glass, and it seemed to begin soaking into the material. Before long the blood was absorbed, to which, defying logic, it became clear once again.

Finished with this task, he reached into the essence of the blood tainted glass, to imbue his 'mark' into the material. It wouldn't do much, but it could provide two options if the material was ever tampered with: firstly if the box - which the glass would become soon enough - was stolen, he could follow it to near anywhere, secondly the Rune would allow him to know who had tainted his project. The last ability he had to be within range of the glass to know.

Taking each piece in his hand now, one at a time, he ventured deep into the molecular structure of each. Focusing firstly on hardening, condensing, and expanding of each molecule. He slowly stretched, pulled, folded then remolded each. Before long the glass durable enough to be nearly indestructible. Of course nothing really was, but this package in the end would be more difficult to crack open on the spot.

A thief would need to take it with them as it is.
Nerius yawned, finished with yet another requisition, he stood and headed to the nearest carpenter whom was finishing the touches on one of the walls, "I want to speak with you about the plans for the building."

The man bowed, "Sir?"

"I want other adjacent rooms, roughly the same size as this. I'm thinking with walls to separate long troughs if you will. It will be for training with firearms. Another that would be slightly smaller, with soft flooring; a few droids will be needed to aid those found there. This will be for training those of the Force." Nerius said, naming off the rooms for a bit longer.

But before he could finish, a loud shout echoed through the Hall. Turning towards the intrusion he spotted Luro who was gesturing.

"Excuse me!" Nerius said swiftly, and raced across the room towards the Raider. They both exited the building towards the nest he had been at earlier, to find the massive mother bird having risen from her perch. In her place were the dual eggs, both of which now had signs of cracking along the outer layer.

Dropping to the ground as Luro comforted his ally, Nerius began to remove the cracked shells. Soon enough beaked faces roughly the size of a small banthas head protruded. Each in turn began to caw, looking for the nearest being, thinking it to be their mother. They would first see Nerius, who met their eyes and stroked their featherless faces for a moment.

Nudging the hand that met them, Nerius smiled. Imprinting was a known animal heritage, and caused the first seen being to be considered their parental figure. Nerius now had a male and female bird that would grow to sizes that were rivaling of transport vehicles!

"Shadowstryke," He murmured as he touched the male, whose piercing indigo eyes never wavered from their examining of Nerius, then he looked to the female, "Cloudbreaker."

Named, and imprinted, they were his.


Well-Known Member
Damien began to mold the glass together, using the Force to bind the corners to hold as tight as the other molecular binds. He wanted the case durable enough to house such a rare item, and it need be if housed in a potentially famous Hall. Many would covet the knowledge the scroll held!

Before long however, he finished with the cube and stepped back. The last piece would go on top, and would have hinges that could allow it to open, only upon the insertion of a key that only he held. It was an intricate key, with many prongs and elevations; one not simply replicated without seeing the original.

Once Nerius proved himself capable of defending the item, he would receive the Key.

Heading back towards the front of the building, he returned to his position behind Nmeri, whom continued his task of typing of the data copy of the scroll.

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