Opening the tube which held the rolled scroll, Damien handed it over, "Its worth more than your life." He muttered to Nmeri, his voice cold and deadly. The other arched a brow, contemplating having the immense firepower housed here to come in never crossed his mind. He knew full well what Damien was capable of, and did not doubt the entirety of his staff would be slaughtered - definitely including himself.
Though he would probably leave Shara safe. Nmeri nodded and delicately began to unroll the piece. Eyeing it as he did so, he paused to look over the linguistics. It seemed a language that actually invoked respect, even power; but it was not one he recognized, which was part of his job description.
"I cannot read this. I have never even seen such!" He said as he glanced to Damien, whom was unmoved.
"Sorry my friend, this job doesn't require knowledge of what your transcribing. Just that you do so," Damien said with a shrug of the shoulders, "which you can do can you not?"
"Of course, D-Man." Nmeri said with a nod. Turning to his computer he began typing swiftly. Whatever it was he did mattered little to Damien. The Job would be a success, this he did not doubt, for Nmeri did not boast. His skills were some of the best.
"I will make use of one of your rooms in the back." He said, without awaiting an answer he left to head towards the back. Just then, a worker of Nmeri's headed towards him with a bag over his shoulder, "Leave that there." Damien gestures to a table.
"How do you know what I have?" The nameless man asked with an arched brow.
"New here?" Damien asked with a chuckle. The other shrugged and set the bag down.
Clearing a space for himself, Damien reached back and into the bag. Withdrawing a large container filled with a viscous red substance he set it down. Next came several sheets of glass, which joined the liquid on the table.
Removing the lid of the canister, he stared into the depths of substance as he began to reach into the Force. Imbuing the liquid - which was ever more obviously blood - with the effervescent energies, he felt it begin to emit a presence of its own.
Setting the glass sheets side by side, with a delicate hand he began to slowly pour the blood over each in turn. It wasn't a quick process, rather one he labored on for a time. An even coat was ladled over all the glass, and it seemed to begin soaking into the material. Before long the blood was absorbed, to which, defying logic, it became clear once again.
Finished with this task, he reached into the essence of the blood tainted glass, to imbue his 'mark' into the material. It wouldn't do much, but it could provide two options if the material was ever tampered with: firstly if the box - which the glass would become soon enough - was stolen, he could follow it to near anywhere, secondly the Rune would allow him to know who had tainted his project. The last ability he had to be within range of the glass to know.
Taking each piece in his hand now, one at a time, he ventured deep into the molecular structure of each. Focusing firstly on hardening, condensing, and expanding of each molecule. He slowly stretched, pulled, folded then remolded each. Before long the glass durable enough to be nearly indestructible. Of course nothing really was, but this package in the end would be more difficult to crack open on the spot.
A thief would need to take it with them as it is.