Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private A caged bird

Daeryn Neoma




TAG: Octavia Bardot Octavia Bardot

It's been a whirlwind of a tour.

The BadBoy of the Galaxy had played up a storm from Dagata all the way to Cantonica - and not just musically. Fame came with all manner of distractions. Pretty ones too. He had been hiding in his music and fans ever since his sister, Svana Neoma Svana Neoma , was elected to be crowned the new Queen of Naboo.

The older sibling had become the black sheep of the family.

The dark child.

Almost a scandal.

That was probably why he was summoned home to the Neoma-family Estate on Naboo. To face his father's wrath about it. What a fun conversation this would be.

Daer sighed as the yacht touched down at his family's manor. He reluctantly left the ship and made his way into the grand manor. The young man found his parents waiting for him in the family room.
"Well, you don't have to look so excited to see me." he told them, leaning in the doorway.
"Take a seat, Daeryn. There is something we need to talk about." his father told him, motioning at a chair.
Daer frowned. "In that case, I'll remain standing."
"Very well, then I'll drop the bomb on you the hard way. We want to cement business with the Bardot family in Theed. With your sister newly elected into politics, we can't very well marry her off. So it falls to you. The lady Octavia and her parents will be joining us shortly. At least put on something decent to meet your future bride with." his father said bluntly.

Daer's blue eyes flashed in anger. "You are seriously taking me freedom from me in such a way? What about my music? What about my life?" he spat at them.
"She is quite lovely, dear. I'm sure she'll make you very happy." his mother said.
The rock star sighed as he looked up at the roof. He could not believe that he was being sold like some pedigree Fathier. And at this age of 33 too.

He also refused to change. If they want to pawn off their daughter, they might as well see to what. He was not going to pretend to be something he was not.
"Thank you for the weeks of warning you have given me. I am truly grateful." he said sarcastically just as the visitors' ship touched down on the landing pad next to his.
"You'll get over it." was all answer he got. It had been a long time since Daer and his father had walked in step with one another.



Wearing: [X] - [X]
Tag: | Daeryn Neoma |


Her entire world had shattered, the moment those simple little words had fallen from the lips of her father. Arranged Marriage. But they weren't simple words, now were they? They were heavy, life changing - life ruining as far as she was concerned. There was already a life she was living; a social life, friends, and suitors even! In terms of finding a match, she was not lacking by any means. And yet, she clearly had no choice in this matter. The decision had been made, and she was more or less being sold to the highest bidder.

A sigh brushed past delicate, rose colored lips as the shuttle carrying Octavia and her family set down on the landing pad of the Neoma family home. The young woman was quite aware that the Neomas now had family in office; the younger of the siblings was their Queen-elect, and that certainly elevated their family beyond what prestige they may or may not have already had. But the lady Svana was not the reason the Bardots were here, and as the ramp lowered to allow the family out of the shuttle, another sigh escaped Tavi's lips.

"I wish you'd have worn something else..." her mother groused, for the millionth time since she appeared in her garb.

Octavia had dressed the part for the demise of her freedom. The dress was at least well fitting, snug to her frame, and certainly displayed her curves and the like. But she had been informed she looked as if she were attending a funeral rather than meeting her future husband. Perhaps this family would see it as personality, a dark sense of humor for the situation at hand. She was quite aware of the reputation of the man she was being brought to meet. Who he was, what he did, what sort of person he was.

She was being married off the a literal player of the universe.

Still, when they were announced to the room, Tavi's parents were all smiles and greet the Neoma's warmly as if they had been friends for years - and really, perhaps they could have been. Octavia however remained back, her gaze easily finding Daeryn to observe him quietly until she was quite literally pulled forward to be introduced. There was little commentary from her, only speaking when she had to - she was uncomfortable, and clearly so.

And her gaze continued to drift to her betrothed any time her attention wasn't required by one of the parental pairs.

Daeryn Neoma




TAG: Octavia Bardot Octavia Bardot

She was pretty, but that is where it stopped.

No smile was given from him as the guests were announced. He merely lifted a brow as they made their entrance. He even made a face at the familiarity of his parents. When he was introduced, the corner of his mouth merely twitched in the semblance of a smile, although it never reached his cold blue eyes.

As he sat there like a Life Day ornament while the tyrants discussed his future with this....girl, Daer desperately wished he could get out of there. He very much had a life and he loved it. There was no way he would quietly allow that to be ripped away. All rebellions required sacrifices of some sort.

The rockstar was well aware of the glances from the girl that was to be pawned off to him. She looked even more uncomfortable than he was. He was used to being watched and gazed at, but this was different.

He needed out.

And he knew there was only one way he would get out of this room with the tyrants.... he took the lesser evil. Getting up, he held out a hand towards Octavia in the middle of a monologue his father was having.
"Wanna go for a walk?" he asked her. Even though he felt as if she had a hand in this, she did seem less forceful about it, so he'll drag her along to the outside and then disappear.




TAG: Daeryn Neoma


This entire situation had been made worse in a single moment. The reaction to her had been immediately both heart wrenching and infuriating. It's not as if Octavia herself was any more glad to be here than Daeryn was, after all. In fact, she could wager a bet in this moment on who had more to lose. She knew who he was after all, and honestly had never even considered ripping him away from his dreams and his career, no matter what the pair of parentals in the room desired. It would not be their choice once the pair of them were wed after all. But Tavi would lose everything; her entire life would change, she would have to adapt, she would have to rebuke the advances of a particular gentleman she was already quite taken with.

And despite this, she had not treated - nor looked at! - Daeryn with disdain or contempt.

Neither of them were pleased with this arrangement, but at least Tavi had done her best not to make her husband-to-be feel like a plague. Her dress had been an attempt at humor, an ice breaker, otherwise it would not be revealing in the least. She would have worn black robes, covered her face, or refused to leave her room all together. Maybe she should have done exactly that...

Octavia had stopped paying attention to the other bodies in the room, though she had noticed the tall, large frame of her older brother lurking from the doorway, watching with displeasure. But because of this, when she was approached and spoken to, it actually startled her. She glanced up, blinking wide eyes at Daeryn for only a moment before her expression sobered and she nodded. "A walk sounds like a very good idea." she answered before reaching up to take his hand and letting him help her out of her seat.



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