A Call Home
Despite no official imprisonment, the Jedi had certainly taken a degree of liberty from her. She had been continuously met with cold distrustfulness from those she encountered since she had arrived, though there were occasional moments of kindness and today was one of them.
Following her last escapade, she did not expect to be allowed to leave the Jedi's custody again until a decision had been made about her future, but in a surprise compromise she had been allowed out for one hour, which she reluctantly agreed to abide to, using the time to seek substances to fund the habit that she was beginning to develop.
Had she been aware of the bounty on her head, she may have chosen to be more wise about walking out onto the Coruscanti streets alone, but in blissful ignorance, she took off on a midday embark. The last time she had been found after leaving was late night, arguing in a bar – There was no chance the Jedi would allow that to repeat.
To satisfy her cravings, she was familiar with the process and the people. People that were nowhere near this high up on the planet, leaving the only option to descend into the heart of Coruscant into the less savoury levels.
The air felt heavy, almost toxic with fumes from various pollutants and the sweet smoke of substances which was almost alluring. It was more lawless down here. The effectiveness of Coruscanti police was... questionable. She pulled her hood up and joined th3 other shifty figures in the streets, with a purpose.
Varm Nul