Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A calm moment

Seamus Valik

[member="Corvus Raaf"]

The Ossus archives were not quite as grand as that of the old Coruscant temple, or so he was told, but to look at it now it was hard to imagine. The quiet foot falls of other Jedi could be heard on occasion among the rows and rows of data cards, holographic chronicles and bound flimsi books. The smell of warm jungle could be found faintly on the air as he sat tucked away in a little nook behind the many rows.

He had once pursued sports rather than a trade and it had done him well enough but learning had always been his passion. A toppled stack of data cards sat beside him as he sat reading. His simple reading lenses a testament to his nature rested on the slope of his nose. Simple padawans robes not unlike any others were the garments of the day as he idly held the end of a stylus between his teeth and left hand while his right held a well used datapad.

It was just another calm moment in a galaxy of storms.
Corvus blocked out a serious amount of time to study. She'd neglected this aspect of her development of late and wanted to continue her work in creating her own holocron (with the Librarian's help) and also to revisit a period of history that was one of her favourites.

The time between the battles on Ruusan and Order 66 were the ones she would always spend the most time on when she was a Youngling. And the recent efforts by a group of Dark Jedi to resurrect the name of the Army of the Light but fill it full of individuals she did not recognise as Jedi troubled her. It was, in truth, only a name - but a special one in the hearts of Jedi, and she did not want to see it sullied.

As she went to 'her' desk, she glanced around and noticed [member="Seamus Valik"]. She'd seen him around and he'd attended her Soresu class - but she'd not actually spoken to him properly. So she stood back up and wandered over. "Good to see you're making use of the facilities here. Tell me, what in particular are you studying? Call it a HeadMaster's curiosity?" She smiled to let him know it was a good-natured question.

Seamus Valik

[member="Corvus Raaf"]

His blue eyes lingered on the lines on his datapad as he read. He liked reading, studying and the like but he had never truely had time to dedicate to it before coming to the Jedi. Perhaps, "never truly made time" was in fact more accurate. He noticed movement out of the corner of his eye and assumed it was the resident archivist come to remind him to put his datacards on the return cart.

"I put them back as promised in just a fe..." His eyes rose to see Master Raaf and simply stared for a moment before it finally hit him that she had asked a question.

He stammered for a second trying hard not to notice how pretty she was in person and actually speaking to him.

"I, uh, um, History." He stood abruptly, dropping some data cards. "Jedi history." He contiued as he bent down to grab the cards and take a breath.
Corvus smiled. She remembered when she was a fresh Padawan and a Knight, let alone a Master would come up to her and start a conversation. So she sat down and tried to look as casual as possible. Her reputation as a cold-fish no doubt wouldn't have helped matters - but here was someone who took learning seriously (judging by the volume of reading he was doing).

"I'm pleased to hear it. So many questions we have can be solved by a few hours in this place. History tells us much - if we're prepared to listen. The trouble is, sometimes we close our ears, afraid of the truth that stares us in the face." She seemed oblivious of her mixed metaphor.

"So tell me, is there a particular aspect of history that appeals?"

[member="Seamus Valik"]

Seamus Valik

[member="Corvus Raaf"]

His tempestuous heart told him he was nervous and he promptly told it to calm down. He managed a small smile as he followed the Master's lead and sat back down. He was unsure how to behave really. He had been an adult when he came here and was older than a few of the masters and most of the padawans. Adjusting to the rank structure had been a humbling experience that he was sorry to say he was still learning from.

He adjusted his robes for a moment and pushed up his reading glasses before scrolling to the top of his datapad's screen and handing the pad to Master Raaf. Her large brown eyes only that much more deep and luminous under the archive lights.

"The first battle of Ruusan." He said with a hint of passion for the material, "I can't seem to stop. It's absolutely fascinating." Her illustration was very apt, clear, and sadly true but there was always hope. "It seems thought that regardless of what we do the past continues to cycle around and find us again."
Corvus nodded. "I sometimes fear the Jedi aren't as smart as we'd like to think we are. And so apt a study considering the rumours we currently face. At that time, Kashyyk was a Sith planet and if things are to be believed, might fall under its spell again soon. And the age old rivalry really came to a head then. Both sides determined to obliterate the other."

"And as time wore on, we Jedi foolishly believed we'd won. That a balance in the Force could mean no Dark-side. And that was almost our undoing in the end. Order 66 could have finished a lot worse."

"But I'm rambling. What have you learned from your studies?"

[member="Seamus Valik"]

Seamus Valik

[member="Corvus Raaf"]

He was hooked. His usual awkward self was summarily replaced by a confident intelligent man. His eyes alive with the information and the subject. "Thus far I've learned of an army of light, Jedi Lords that ruled over fiefdoms and faught the sith relentlessly. I learned that in the bloodiest battle of the time that Mandalorians had sided with the Jedi against the sith but that battle was a loss. Most of these Sith uprisings were the result of schisms in the Order itself and in most cases a single person or select group of people who want either power or another selfish pursuit have been the cause. However, the drawing of jedi into wars has historically made the jedi more and more focused on combat than the mental discipline necessary to avoid a future schism, but to focus on discipline and not combat the Sith has shown to be a death sentence for the people under their thumb. Finally, I shouldn't say finally as there is so much more but anyway, order 66 could have been avoided by the jedi letting the troops fight on the front lines while they could have worked more on rooting out the Sith they knew had returned. They became soldiers instead of guardians, generals instead of arbitrators and as a result lost the code in the mix."

He looked at the young woman and for a moment forgot about stations and other social restrictions.

"If the Sith invade Kashyyk again like before. There would have to be a heavy emphasis put on defense and ensuring that we have a counter for their tricks but in all honesty I'm begining to think they are enjoying the fighting more than the worlds. I almost want to say the citizens should be evacuated and when the Sith arrive give them no one to fight. They would probably just kill eachother."
Corvus listened and nodded. There was a chance her to get into a good debate on the topic but sometimes that escalated into a who knows more battle.

So instead she chose to mostly listen and prompt. Sure, Seamus was going to do most of the 'work' but how better to find out what hje knew, what he believed, what he could teach others. But she couldn't help herself and sat closer, her voice clearly animated by the topic.

"The history of the Sith has proven that in greater numbers they will always turn their hatred against one another. It is inevitable; it is the way of the Dark-side. It was not a Jedi that said that. It was Darth Zannah, one half of the original rule of two. And even recently, on Zeltros I saw this. Sith fighting Sith. Sometimes I fear we are close to that ourselves. In our eagerness to defeat the Sith we seem to...relax our stance on what makes an ally."

"Tell me, what would your reaction be if you were fighting and the person standing right next to you used Dark-side abilities to defeat a Sith. Force Lightning for example? Is that a price worth paying? Does the end justify the means?"

[member="Seamus Valik"]

Seamus Valik

[member="Corvus Raaf"]

Seamus looked shocked and shook his head. If the ends justify the means we may as well pick up red lightsabers and begin bombing planets and committing mass genocide."

Seamus had heard of Jedi resorting to acts of darker powers to "get results" but in truth once they give in they would be no different than their enemies.

"I was lead to believe that Jedi were supposed to rise above the any means necessary attitude. Beacons of light in the dark not murky street lamps on the corner of Sith and parkway. I guess I'll have to see what I do next time. I'm sure I'll be with everyone else if my Master allows me to go."
"Well you know what they say about the Dark-side. It is often the easier path. But by no means the stronger."

"But you are relatively new here, what is your honest appraisal of the Jedi you have met." She held up a hand. "And don't worry, I don't need names, I am merely curious to see what you have observed. You see, I was a Padawan - only on Ossus for a matter of weeks when the GrandMaster abolished the Council. And she invited comment and..yes you've guessed it, I chose to share my thoughts. There was no retribution and nor should there have been. I spoke the truth and I told of what I had seen. I would simply ask you to do the same."

[member="Seamus Valik"]

Seamus Valik

[member="Corvus Raaf"]

"The easy quick road usually ends the fastest, does not it?" He ask rhetorically as he looked at the woman whose eyes sparkled and voice came alice with the topic.

"Everyone has been very kind. Some seem to be so arrogant at times, as if the hero of their own story but that has been a very few. Also, my perception is limited. What do you think? Would you tell a humble padawan your oppopinion?"
Corvus looked at Seamus. Was he being humble, polite or simply uncomfortable in not answering. It mattered little. Her question would have sparked his curiosity and the rest would take care of itself.

"My view is that Jedi - as much as we try not to be - are people. There are always good and bad. On the whole we are good and I can count many, very many that I would trust implicitly to represent the Order with their behaviour. There are others who no doubt have their heart in the right place but I wonder if this Order is right for them?"

"I am not arrogant enough to suggest my way is the right way and everyone else is wrong. Every night I ask myself if there is truth between my heart and the Force. And I sleep easily. For others, perhaps their path lies a slightly different route and they should embrace that - be themselves, as I do. But perhaps, just perhaps, they should follow that path with another Order."

"Now please don't think I am suggesting there are many such individuals. I do not. But in my role here," she waved an arm expansively as if to demonstrate, "These are matters I must consider. Less the future generation of Jedi develop a view of the Code that is in some way altered - or considered optional in some sense."

"Am I speaking too frankly for you?"

[member="Seamus Valik"]

Seamus Valik

[member="Corvus Raaf"]

He was enthralled. As she spoke he found himself hanging on every word and drinking it in. It wasn't so much some sort of attraction in a romantic sense but rather an interest. It was finally hearing another person speak freely and being able to just take it in.

"No, no, not at all." He said shaking his head slightly, "I don't know if I can express what a relief it is to just have an open converstaion without cryptic responses."

He narrowed his eyes and met hers for a moment as yet anothet thought formed.

"The Jedi as a whole seem to be in a precarious situation. The repulic leans on us for aid, the galaxy scrutinizes us, and inside it seems there are so many different views. How do you choose the right one? Sometimes I think I started this course to late and at five and twenty I'm too old. I want to help people. Protect people from the dark things of this galaxy but I'm not even sure where to start. I thought history was the best place, you see. Learn your past to be wise for the future but I don't know if it will really help. How can I help make the future brighter? I ask myself that all the time. Is it through learning to fight? Learning applications of the force? Maybe just being myself and letting others know they aren't alone? There are so many questions and so few answers, Master Raaf."
"The answer, or rather my answer is one that sometime troubles me when I review it...but I owe you the truth."

"My simple view is that the Jedi Order serves the Republic. And that, I'm afraid is that. That is why I became a Jedi and what I believe in. Should one day the Republic prove to be inappropriate to serve - as it did once before - then we as an Order will have a decision to make. But for now, I serve. I do as I am asked. I don't decide which battles to fight or which planets to protect. I simply do my duty and carry out my every action based upon what the Code informs me."

"I am a Jedi. First, foremost and only. And I trust in the Force that that's enough." She sighed. "I don't know if you were expecting pearls of wisdom but alas simplicity is my only take on the situation." She smiled at Seamus and wondered if this was enough for him to work with.

[member="Seamus Valik"]

Seamus Valik

[member="Corvus Raaf"]

A nobler mind did not exist in his estimation. She was a Jedi and a shining example of one it seemed. He watched her as she spoke and could only hope that he would share her resolve when the time came for him to also be called to do his duty.

"There is often no more wisdom to be found than that of simplicity." he mused aloud. "I hope when the force guides me I'll be humble enough to know it and respond as I should."

He looked down at his stacks that had toppled over and bent down from his seat to straighten them for a moment as he thought of what else he might say. He could however think of little else than the way she spoke of her connection to the force and her duty. It was no wonder the younger woman was a master. Evidently maturity was not as dependant on age as it was on understanding.

"How can I become a jedi knight Master Raaf?" He asked meeting her brown eyes with his own bright blue orbs, "Do I even posses the capacity for that level of connecxion? What do you recommend?"
Corvus nodded as Seamus talked. Too many Jedi thought they knew it all and were above advice. And too few Jedi realised the folly of offering it.

“You must walk your path as I did mine. All I ever wanted, want in fact, is to be the best Jedi I can be. And if that makes me a good Jedi then I am satisfied. I never sought to be the best, I am naturally a team player. But events sometimes place you in a position to lead.” She looked away, clearly recalling an event. “Believe it or not, a Force ghost said something to me that changed my life. She told me to be a candle in the dark - and it resonated. I need to simply be me and keep on being me. Not be afraid to be me and when it’s darkest, people can find me. I can reassure them.”

“As to what will make you a Knight, just be you. Develop your skills and serve both the Order and the Republic. Don’t worry about the title - it will just happen one day. I assure you. Trust in the Force.”

[member="Seamus Valik"]

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