Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A challenge from the OS

One Sith [member="Melakoth Tyrin"] has asked me to post the following:

"Hello, Republic scum! Myself and a few other Sithy buddies have decided that since we haven't actually had a proper fleeting battle yet, it's time for a showdown. The prize? Kuat drive yards. We attack it with everything we can muster, you defend it with everything you can muster, and hopefully plenty of fun is had along the way. Since this is a surprise attack, I'm thinking you guys could call in reinforcements in stages (since you already have massive planetary defenses on your side), so, for example, a new Republic player joins every 10 posts or so--it doesn't really matter, just so long as it's fair. Also, I was thinking to shake things up a bit, we could make the ground invasion tactical based rather than PVP, especially since so many people will be participating in normal faction invasions. Again, though, I'm open for debate on this topic. Anyway, I don't know how many fleeters you guys have, but if you're interested in a good old fashioned giant space battle, please let me know via PM."

Over to you guys...

[member="Caid Centurion"]
I'd like to point out - if the OS are looking for fair, then attacking what is arguably one of the most well-defended worlds in the Galaxy isn't a wise idea.

I highly, highly recommend a no-stakes battle out on the edges of Sith/Republic controlled space if you just want a practise round.

Lira Dajenn

Zane Watts said:
I'd like to point out - if the OS are looking for fair, then attacking what is arguably one of the most well-defended worlds in the Galaxy isn't a wise idea.

How does fairness equate into anything at all? Obviously if they want to invade Kuat it's because they think they can win. Equally you seem to think that Kuat is more than adequately defended, so how is it not fair? The ally rule is up for negotiations and i'm guessing is mostly geared towards having people jump in with 1235123512351235213 ships to interrupt current battles. I'm guessing he just wants it so OS actually have a decent chance at taking Kuat without being swarmed.

As to your second thing. I don't think they're suggesting a "practice" round. Melakoth seems like he wants a big stakes fleeting battle, not practice. Practice threads have a way of fizzling out(See every Fleeting Skirmish and battle between the OS/Republic for the past 6 months). Stakes raise the game.
[member="Lira Dajenn"]

To quote the request of the One Sith: 'it doesn't really matter, just so long as it's fair.'

Fairness was in the original request. Again, see my point about this whole attacking a fortress world being unfair to whomever deems it so. Also, addendum: 'a chance at taking Kuat' - then do an invasion and see what happens. There's stakes right there.

If this is a stakes fight, sure. But if you're going to try and attack a major Republic world on this scale, land an attack force and everything, it's basically an invasion already. If the OS want a space battle for the sake of having a space battle, I highly recommend alternate avenues of action. Maybe a less-defended world - There's still stakes there, a fair battle based on available fleet resources, less reasons for both sides to call in allies and prevent ridiculous out-of-faction dogpiling, et cetera.

Lira Dajenn

[member="Zane Watts"]

Then simply ask if it can be an actual invasion? He clearly already has it in his head that this is very much like an invasion, save for instead of PVP or even objectives it will be geared towards Fleeting and Tactical Ground based Assault.

The fairness bit was clearly related to allies bringing in additional fleets, not to Republic Defenses or other assets.

I'm not sure why you're arguing so hard against this when you're so avid that Kuat is an impenetrable fortress world and it would be impossible for the One Sith to take it. Why not just let the thread happen, allow the One Sith to fight for Kuat, and then fail in taking it? There's a reason they picked Kuat and not some fringe world of the Republic. It's because they think they can take it. You think otherwise, hence the idea of a thread deciding that.

Kuat is a massively important world strategically and story wise, it's a freaking prize like no other and that makes it very central to a thread like this where Melakoth is trying to breed activity and actually do a big fleeting guide.
[member="Lira Dajenn"] - I didn't say anything about taking it succeeding or failing, haha.

Here's my thing, right: all I've got is what's written in front of me. I'm about as good at reading subtext as I am at juggling chainsaws. The way this whole thing reads to me is that it's not really an invasion that this guy's after, but just a big-ass battle to stretch the legs so to speak. Otherwise there'd just be an invasion happening and that'd be that, right? that's how the request reads to me, so that's what I've gone off.

To that end - and going off the idea that my assumption is correct - it just strikes me as weird that someone would choose the most difficult target in Republic space for a battle where 'fair' was in the request; it's sort of a one-sided fight (thanks to the shipyards having guns/etc) if it's equal in terms of PCs and available ships. Hence my suggestion - it's based on the idea that Melakoth isn't really after an invasion, but just a fight for fighting's sake; that way you could set some rules for fairness and whatnot. If the OS intend to launch an invasion, well, that's certainly within their right and I don't have much to say on that particular topic because that's a whole different thing. I for one wouldn't say boo if they did just go drop an invasion.

I'm not fussed either way. I was just offering suggestions so that Melakoth might get what he was after. If I'm wrong in my avenue of approach here, I'm sorry - didn't mean to screw that up, obviously (I don't think anyone ever intends to screw up for things like this, anyways).

Lira Dajenn

[member="Zane Watts"]

See, i have an advantage over you in that i know Melakoth and have been speaking to him for months.

It's fair to say that we read different things into his message.

Personally i don't believe he wants a big battle to stretch his legs, nor does he want a skirmish or another Fleet battle that means absolutely nothing. I'm 90% sure he wants a fleet battle that actually means something rather than nothing, hence the "prize" being Kuat Drive Yards. He wants a fleet battle that actually effects something and can't be hand waved 5 seconds after its done(or it dies). Thats why he picked Kuat, because it is a big deal.
makes sense to me.

if it were me, i'd probs just go for the invasion since it's harder to wave off, but that's not my call. curious to see how this goes, in any event.

Lira Dajenn

But the winner would get the Drive Yards?

Actually, that would be VERY interesting. The Sith capture the Drive Yards but not the planet itself, a sort of siege begins between the two factions with the Republic trying to take back the Yards and the Sith trying to take the planet. Meanwhile, the Yards are used by the Sith to build ships(Slowly of course since resources would be reduced a lot) and everyone is like "OH GAWD WE GOTTA TAKE IT BACK".

Anywho, just my two cents.

Caid Centurion

I only have three comments:

1.) Interesting concept.

2.) If they want KDY, they need to take the system in an invasion thread. Or negotiate with [member="Lorelei Darke"] for her to decide to give them controlling interest in KDY. We're not being party to a precedent for taking over major resources with a simple akirmish thread (because then they can just skirmish against every resource whenever they want, without regulation).

3.) The generic restriction on how Republic characters would enter this thread because it's a "surprise" is a bit thin. I think perhaps it would be more logical to restrict the amount of vessels able to respond from outside the system over an arc of time.

I also generally reject the notion that any major movement of military forces is a flat-out surprise lol. That's just a gross assumption. Coruscant WAS because nobody even knew OS existed. By now we've had time to establish intelligence networks, initiate methods to monitor fleet movements (remember guys that's as simple as sending a single merchant vessel cruising through a OS system, or turning an importer bringing supplies, or planting a spy in OS. Has it happened? Oh nobody knows?

My point exactly. It's much more logical at this stage in the saga to assume your enemy knows you're coming if you do so with a massive footprint. There are interesting, fun ways around that, but I'd hate to have to spoil the surprise.

I'm all for the general concept of a fleet skirmish, however. Not gonna just do a random story without it making sense.

More than 3. Whatev.

Bust 'em
[member="Caid Centurion"]

Took the words outta my mouth.

I'm planning on being on the Sith side during this whole charade, but I would love for there to actually be some reasoning for attacking a world like Kuat. Sure we're at war, but you just don't go burning down every village that flies the enemy banner for that reason alone. Attacking a place because it's a strategic objective is also a bit stale as well.

I crave story.
The idea sounds cool, but the gaining control bit is where I agree is iffy. I think like Caid said things explains matters best.

I'm all for a fight though, and before we might think we'd get a huge advantage with the planetary defenses and maybe even the company's personal defense fleet, recall the One Sith do have better ships like the Immortal and Darkblade which could even things out or more.

Also thought I clicked post earlier and come in an hour and a half later to see I haven't. . . . and yeah! Lan is right, it would be awesome if we had a reason for some things. like Kuat snuffing a proposal from them or a conference is being held regarding politics and some rather unfortunate sods are there.

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