As silence fell between the two men, Xavka sat almost completely still in his seat, the only movement he made being the rhythmic drumming of his fingertips being tapped against the top of the wooden bar. "What's been driving me crazy?" The Zabrak's tone was soften as he murmured this this to himself. Suddenly barking out a laugh as he turned to face the man next to him, a small smirk spread across the thin lips of Xavka.
"Myself." His answer was crisp and to the point. Sighing, he began to elaborate his point. "On Iridonia, I'Ru - my Clan - are considered cursed for our teachings. Zabrak's are a naturally feral bunch, but we can control that part of ourselves to an almost perfect degree, in fact the only times you will see a Zabrak's control slip is during mating." This fact was delivered with blunt neutrality. "But, my Clan teach not how to control but how to manipulate. We are taught to accept this side of us, to use it in fights to empower ourselves, but this has a drawback. It is easy for us to loose control, to loose our sentience and become mindless beasts and the more we use these teachings, the easier it is to fall." Sighing, Xavka stopped drumming his fingers on the table to instead run them through his hair, making sure to be careful of his Orat, his horns.
"I came here to relax." He gestured with his hand to the world outside of the bar he was currently in. "The peacefulness, it allows me to shore up my mental defences against that feral side of me. But it was harder this time than any other time before." He sighed and ran his hand through his hair again. "I'm karked."