Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private A Chance Meeting

The Room of a Thousand Fountains. As a young jedi, it had been too quiet. Too peaceful. Too removed from the hectic chaos of a battlefield. Vulpesen had hated the very idea of spending a moment in the room. Now, he strolled happily, listening to the peaceful babble of the fountains, his golden eyes roaming over the plants that surrounded him. He was by no means a master of the trees or whispering wilds, but still, he could hear the buzz of every tree and flower. It was like a crowd of gossipers, whispering just out of earshot.

Times had changed. Vulpesen was a jedi no longer. He had joined the sith. He had joined to destroy them from the inside, but that had never happened. Instead, he left them and the jedi both behind. He was a Wilder. His brothers as much the trees and animals that filled the wilds of the galaxy as they were the men who called themselves Wilders. Now, he was an emissary. Sent at his own request to foster relations in a way that required no blood to be spilled. Rather, now he poured out drinks and traded words rather than blows.

But war plagued him still, leaving its scars on his body and his mind. Now, as bacta had salved and assuaged the wounds of corporeal form, the peace of the garden soothed his mind. A light tune whistled out from his lips and his tail swayed in accompaniment. Around him, Vulpesen could sense and hear the jedi going about their day, either tending to the garden or themselves, much as he was. Still, he let their presence melt away from his mind, simply focused on his own tranquility.

Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr.

Junior had spent about the last month in and around the Jedi Temple, learning from whoever was willing to teach him but mostly from Valery Noble Valery Noble if he was to be honest. In between training sessions he often found himself gravitating towards rooms that had what some would call a 'natural appeal'. Growing up he had spent no small amount of time in the gardens at his family's home, getting a appreciation of plants and flora of all types from both of his mothers while his father was more mechanically inclined, though the young man still took after his name sake well enough and knew his way around machines.

It was with that in mind that he often found himself gravitating towards one of the more famous rooms in the temple, the Room of a Thousand Fountains. With the massive amounts of flora, waterfalls, stone walkways, pottery and areas set aside for relaxation the room was the perfect place to rest and relax and today Junior was in need of said relaxing, having recently completed a rather rigorous lightsaber training regimen.

As such he had decided to take lunch in the room, bringing his food in and find a clear area to sit in and eat in peace.
In his strolling, Vulpesen glanced over the various jedi that he passed. Many were in meditation, or one walks similar to his own. He saw masters taking moments of serenity and padaways unlike himself who found peace in the quiet of the temple. Those were the ones, he thought, that belonged in this temple.
Then there was another. He was sitting quietly with a simple meal in hand, and there was something about him which drew the old wilder in. His face was, while that of a stranger, was eerily familiar and Vulpesen couldn’t shake the idea that they had met somewhere. “When I was younger,” he said as he approached, “the very thought of sitting in a place like this would drive me mad. I always thought it was too quiet. It’s funny how times can change.” His words were spoken in spite of his appearance. A trialed Zorren, Vulpesen wouldn’t show his age for centuries, practically frozen in his mid twenties. “It’s good to see not everyone is quite as restless as I was.”

Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr.

The young man sat and ate in peace and quiet, a book in one hand as he went over what looked to be some sort of compilation of writings though in reality it was something that his father had written for himself that he had passed onto all of his children when they had come of age. It was simply a book of mantras, speeches and quotes that the elder Noah had collected in his time traveling the galaxy. Junior often found himself reading it when he was in need of inspiration, thinking or just needed to relax as he was trying to do right now.

As he munched away at his meal Junior heard the words spoken to him and he looked up to observe the man in front of him. His appearance didn't phase the boy as his own mother was Zorren, he however chuckled at the mans words instead. "I grew up in a house with about a half dozen siblings, most of them younger, so a nice and quiet place to eat and read without having to hear about who is poking who or the supposed theft of one's favorite toy is a paradise."

Setting his book and meal down he stood and reached out a hand to the man. "Sorry, let me introduce myself, Noah Corek."
It was instinct brought on by half a century of politics that allowed Vulpesen to take Noah's hand, offering a firm shake. But his actions didn't match his mind. His grip said certainty and assurance. His face asked a countless flurry of questions as he attempted to process what he had just heard. After a moment too long of shaking hands, his arm went still and he pulled the young jedi a bit closer, his eyes narrowing. "No chit."

For a long moment, Vulpesen stood there, holding the younger Corek with an iron grip as he examined his features. "No chit..." He blinekd away his confusion before finally releasing his hand. "Sorry, its just that I know your parents. Hell, I'm the reason you've got that red hair. And someday, you'll likely have eyes and claws like mine." His golden eyes were apparent enough, but Vulpesen lifted a hand to display the claws that gave meaning to his words. Twice now, he had met another Zorren in the jedi Temple. one had been his niece. Now he met another who was... what exactly was Noah to him? A possible reality? Perhaps nothing. Still, something about the kid spoke volumes to Vulpesen. He just wasn't sure what was being spoken.

Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr.
Vulpesen Vulpesen

Junior would have been the first to admit that the way the man continued to grip his hand after they shook and then the way that he almost stared into his soul kind of gave the young man the creeps, that was of course until he understood why. His parents did not often talk about their pasts, except for telling their children that they didn't want to talk about their past, however there were a few times that the adults were feeling nostalgic and had delved into their past.

"Aaaaah, so you're my moms ex-fiance...she talked about you a few times...thanks for the hair I guess? It gets me noticed a little more." The way the young man spoke to his elder was...awkward to the say the least, it is not every day that someone met a person that could have been their father if things had gone different. "She talked about you once or twice, dad did too, apparently you two had met before they had. They both spoke highly of you."
So he knew. And what's more, Alexandra and the elder Noah had spoken fondly of him. A weight he hadn't even realized had been there suddenly lifted and he felt himself relax a bit more. A hand raised and he exerted a small bit of the force to raise a seat for himself from the ground. "I'm glad to know that they spoke well of me. Your mother and I didn't part on the best of terms, though I agree that such animosity is best left long in the past." He smiled broadly and tapped his clawed nails against the stone stool. "You're welcome for the hair by the way. And your mother. You'd have originally had white, like your siblings but the sith kinda messed that up. How are your parents doing, now?"

Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr.

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