Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private A chance to bloom


Outfit | Weapon | Appearance


Outfit | XoXo
Location | Azrael Asylum
Tag | Amani Serys Amani Serys Yenna Yenna Iris Arani Iris Arani Samara Samara Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

After receiving reports from her former Padawan, now Knight Iris Arani, Valery quickly began to assemble a group of Jedi she believed were needed to handle this case. It wasn't often that Sith sent to Azrael changed to this extent, so it was a situation she wanted to take extremely seriously. Both for the Jedi's sake and for that of the person they were wanting to help. For this reason, she had brought together the three most prominent healers, with Chief Healer Amani Serys Amani Serys leading the group, and Yenna Yenna and Iris Arani Iris Arani to support her.

But Samara had received help from others too, and to ensure she had the support she might need, Valery had asked Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el to come along as well. All-in-all, it made for quite an unusually large group visiting the prison facility, but she felt it was necessary.

"Amani, I believe the focus for you and your healers will be to Cleanse the woman's mind of any lingering effects. I'm not sure how much focus it'll demand, but Jasper and I will be able to speak with her. If all goes well, I can arrange for her to be released from this facility," she said before the group began to move towards the particular cell. Whether it would happen or not remained to be seen, but she hoped first steps could be taken to a path of redemption.

When they finally arrived, Valery stepped forward and dipped her head, "Samara, correct?" she asked, her tone polite but professional. "I'm Master Valery Noble. We're here to help with your transition."



The ex-Sith had been rather comfortable within their room, a few weeks had gone by, and now the room was almost a whole jungle of flowers. Some of them rustle against the door as it opens, Samara's attention had been taken from the window.

"Hm? Yes, I am Samara, a pleasure to meet you, Master Noble. Try not to knock over any plants please, give me just a moment."

She moves around the room, taking potted plants and moving them out of the way next to the window.

"Sorry for that, some of the plants don't belong to me actually. I have been tending to them for other people, you would be shocked to know just how many people don't water them correctly."

With a playful sigh, she gestures for her visitors to take a seat, seeing Jasper not far behind Master Valery.

"Now, what's this about a transition? I don't think I need anything else for my room, chances are the staff would get on your case if you ended up giving me more plants."

Samara giggles a bit, her attitude and mood had changed over the weeks.


Jasper was glad that Master Noble had asked her to come. Traumatic experience with Carnifex’s phantom aside, he knew Samara was in a better head space. Now was the time to help her, and he wanted to see this through to the end. It only felt right to do so.

"Now, what's this about a transition? I don't think I need anything else for my room, chances are the staff would get on your case if you ended up giving me more plants."

“Not your room, Samara,” Jasper explained. “We’re gonna see if we can get you your eyes back. Er, they are, really. I’m just here for support.”

Jasper kept up a cheery attitude. He had gotten over what Carni had shown him by now, and he didn’t want any of that effecting how the operation proceeded. There was a lot at stake, after all.

“The plan is to get you all cleaned up so you can go on your way,” he continued. “I told ya that you wouldn’t be stuck in here forever, remember?”
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There was hope here.

Also a bit of tension. Iris knew what was going to happen. It wasn't going to be pleasant. At least Samara already knew. Yenna was very up front about what was going to happen, when Samara was ready for it. For now, though, she hung back. No point in crowding her. Amani, her, Yenna. They were here for the next part anyway. Still, she couldn't help but smile. Even here she was making friends.


Valery Noble Valery Noble | Samara Samara | Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el
Trailing behind the group of more conventionally sized Jedi, Yenna's gentle eyes met that of Samara once again. Her duties had kept her from coming to visit her in the asylum, but seeing the improvements in her entire being was heart-warming to witness. She genuinely did want to get better, to be better. But like she and Iris told her, she wouldn't have to do it alone.

And to help such a remarkable soul reach a better future was an honour. It was their duty as Jedi to heal and help. Even the darkest of beings deserved a chance as Samara proved. She was too late to save Dimitri, too weak to sway him from his path of self destruction, and it haunted her. But now she had a chance to make a difference here.

"Delightful, it is, to see you again, Samara." Her calm voice spoke up as she rested both hands on her cane. "Beautiful, the plants are." She admitted as she moved over to study the various pots filled with all manner of plants.

Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Valery Noble Valery Noble Iris Arani Iris Arani Amani Serys Amani Serys
Amani wasn't entirely sure what to expect going into this, but being Chief Healer, jumping into spur-of-the-moment operations and procedures wasn't all that much of a rarity. So when the call came, she took it in stride, along with a small cadre of other Jedi and healers to assist, "That should work. Although I still don't quite understand what exactly it is we're purifying here."

As they entered, Amani gave the room a cursory glance, taking a bit of silent appreciation in Samara's own appreciation for greenery, before dipping her head in greeting, "Good to meet you, Samara. My name is Amani. I'm the Chief Healer for the Jedi. Once this is through, we should be able to look at getting you set on a new life path." Whatever that might be was likely up to her, but anything had to be better than sitting in a padded cell, or running with the Sith.


Samara was glad to see many faces she knew, and she welcomed those she didn't know just yet.

"Get my eyes back? Oh... I see. Well good to see you again Jasper, I do suppose you were right huh?"

Yenna then commented on the plants, over time the ex-agent had grown fond of the little master. Samara uses her single arm to lift Yenna in order to give the Master a hug.

"Beautiful, the plants are."

"Aren't they? I have a whole selection of them, here let me get you a better view."

Samara lifts Yenna up a bit so that she could see the tops of the little garden, there were all sorts of flowers around in a beautiful array of colors. Aura blossoms, everlillies, roses, honey blossoms, star mists, Jade roses. It would be then that a new face said hello, Samara places Yenna down in a gentle manner, giving Amani a welcoming nod and smile.

"Ah hello! Mm well my hope is to simply follow the path that I have felt, I swear that the force is pulling me along... I would like to use my skills to try and keep people safe, if you all would have me of course."

She lets out a worn sigh, glancing around at everyone for a moment.

"I suppose with introductions out of the way.. What do you all need me to do?


Outfit | XoXo
Location | Azrael Asylum
Tag | Amani Serys Amani Serys Yenna Yenna Iris Arani Iris Arani Samara Samara Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

After the initial introductions and a quick look around the cell, Valery stepped forward again to answer Samara's question, and get things going. "If a path within the Jedi is what you want, then that is something we can help guide you with. But from my understanding, you have only just recently turned away from the Sith and the influences of the Dark Side, correct?" Valery asked, which would hopefully answer Amani's question from before a little as well.

The Dark Side was a corrupting thing and was very much capable of leaving traces behind.

"I brought our finest healers along to help cleanse any remnants of it lingering on the mind especially. It should help you feel even more at ease, and will make the transition into the Jedi more easily."

She paused a moment, turning her eyes to the healers, "Of course, you don't have to become a Jedi, so please do take your time to consider your options. It is a commitment to become one, and the training is intense. But if you want to use your connection to the Force to help people, it's worth considering."

"But first things first — I'm going to leave the cleansing of the mind to our Healers."



"Its good to see you again too," Jasper replied with a nod, "Especially in a better head space."

"But first things first — I'm going to leave the cleansing of the mind to our Healers."

"I'll do what I can if you need me to," he added, "But I think I'm more here for moral support. I'll leave all the healing business to you all." He gestured to Iris, Amani, and Yenna as he said this.

Jasper had ulterior motives aside from just moral support, however. There was something he was keeping close to his chest, a scheme he had been concocting in his spare time. The padawan was hoping to gather measurements while he was here in hopes of making a replacement arm for the one Samara had lost. He had stated that he could do it when he was here last. It only felt right to follow up on it. Jasper drew a droid from his hood, his companion Pyf.

"Stay back in the corner," Jasper told him. "Keep an eye out for any more phantoms."

"You got it," the droid whirred, drifting off to the corner of the cell.

Pyf knew his other orders, the ones that Jasper had told the little droid before hand. While the healing process proceeded, Pyf would be getting measurements of Samara's arm.

"Uh, I don't know how this is gonna go down," he admitted, "So I'll just shut up now."
The last thing Yenna was expecting was a hug from the former Sith, but she didn't hesitate to return the hug with a beaming smile. Samara went on to lift her with the Force, allowing her a chance to see the assortment of flowers lining the top parts of the room. A chuckle escaped Yenna from the gesture as she hung in the air for a moment. "Help them grow, with the Force, you can. Teach you how, I can." She commented as she was set down again.

This was such a stark contrast to the last time they spoke. The girl was smiling and happy, talking to the Jedi gathered around her without a hint of animosity or sarcasm.

Her gaze shifted to Valery, then to Amani and Iris. She gave a nod towards Jasper as he gestured to them.

"... I would like to use my skills to try and keep people safe, if you all would have me of course."

"Arranged, after this, that certainly can be." She reassured as she looked at Samara. The procedure itself she left up to Amani as chief healer, but any chance at comfort or reassurance she could give Samara, she was going to take. "To Knight Amani, as Chief Healer, the instructions, I'll leave." She commented as she looked up at Amani.

Amani Serys Amani Serys Iris Arani Iris Arani Valery Noble Valery Noble Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Samara Samara
Amani dipped her head, "Val's right. You'll have plenty of time to consider your options, but Jedihood is absolutely on the table should you still want it when all is said and done." It was nice to know that her first hopes, free of Sith influence, were of little more than to help others. She had no familiarity with this woman like some of the others did, but it made for a good first impression.

"Don't underestimate the support of a friend," Amani then added, giving Jasper a smile. Having someone around that Samara was familiar with would be beneficial, especially when it came to dealing with any lingering influences on her mind. "With that, though, I see no reason to waste time," She looked to the other assembled healers, then back to Samara.

"All you need to do, is sit down, and relax your mind. We'll take care of the rest." Amani then raised a palm towards the woman, and began channeling the Force. The power sought to coalesce with the energies of both Yenna and Iris, before plunging into Samara's mind and beginning the process of rooting out whatever darker suggestions might still linger within.


Samara gives Valery a simple nod, a slight frown adoring the young woman's face as the subject was brought up.

"It has been a few weeks but yes... Lord- Sorry.. Hard to break some habits. Ahem Carnifex had given me a very potent connection to the dark side, to the point where it flows through my veins as easily as blood. Through these past weeks I have been within deep meditation trying to find harmony and peace, at first it was rough on me and would quickly tire me out...Now I do it as freely as I please, using the life of the plants around me to help me find the connection to the light."

With the confirmation that the training would indeed be rough, this only seems to brighten the look on Samara's face.

"Through strife we gain strength, I welcome the hard training. If I can break my body and mind down enough I can strengthen it like a prime muscle, it has been a while since I got to train... So I look forward to it!"

She takes a seat on her bed, getting ready for what is to come from all this. The delve into Samara's mind was like a deep dive into the abyss, cold and dark. Memories of the large tyrant taking her hand... Pain, so much pain. Just a fraction of his power coils down the man's arm and injects itself deep into Samara's hand. Blood, boiling, everything going dark. Surrounded by fear, what if I am not enough? Will I ever be enough? I just want his love... I can't see anymore, all I feel is burning pain.

Plunging deeper there are memories.. Dreams? Training somewhere, whispers deep in my skull, father? He beckons for me to wake... WAKE UP, everything is amber..

A tower, must get intel... One can travel into the afterlife? Screams of Mandalorians, killed by traitors to their own kind, making armor out of them. Caught, flashes of the storm, more screams caused by my hands...It felt good...I regret my actions..

Tears, nightmares, regret, anger. Fear gripping the mind like blackened thorns digging deep enough to drive you insane, focus... Focus.... I don't need to be afraid anymore...

All I need is just an opportunity to live, just a chance to bloom..



Cleansing a mind wasn't something Iris had much experience with. She had, once. Pulled Thalia Senn Thalia Senn back from Scolipsis's torment on Tython. She'd been one actively healed before, on Voss. What she was good at though, bridging minds. She settled down in a meditative seat, letting her eyes close as she reached through the colors. Brought one mind to the next. Bridged them between the colors to meld them one by one until they were there, within her memories.

Within the corruption.

Amani Serys Amani Serys | Yenna Yenna | Samara Samara | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el
Each one of them took their positions around Samara, extending the Force towards her. Yenna sat down and closed her eyes as her tiny hand reached out. Her power melded with Amani's, decades of training, practice and experience with the Dark Side extending to Samara in a three-pronged dive to target the corruption and eradicate it. To cleanse her mind and soul. To open the door for a bright future.

Bit by bit, they went deeper into her mind, sifting through all of the dark memories, nightmares, pain and anguish. The darkness inflicted by the Tyrant on his own flesh and blood. She could feel it building inside Samara as those horrid experiences were brought up again. Yenna's second hand rose as well to extend the calm aura of the three Healers towards her as well. There was nothing to be afraid of.

<"One with the Force, we are. And the Force is with us. Flee, darkness only can, against the light.">

Her golden eyes opened to the sight of darkness. A darkness she recognized far too well. But where she was broken and terrified when trapped in his dungeon as a padawan, the little green Jedi was calm and composed as a Master. There was nothing to fear. Not for her, not for Samara, and not for the other two healers.

A gentle light began to emanate with a comforting warmth from her palms as she honed in on the core of that Evil along with her fellow Healers.

Amani Serys Amani Serys Valery Noble Valery Noble Iris Arani Iris Arani Samara Samara Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

Outfit | XoXo
Location | Azrael Asylum
Tag | Amani Serys Amani Serys Samara Samara Yenna Yenna Iris Arani Iris Arani Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

While the Healers positioned themselves around Samara, Valery stepped back and out of the cell to give them the space they likely needed to do this. She didn't want to disrupt them at all, so she remained quiet and stood beside Jasper, whose moral support would not only play a huge role right now but in the weeks, months, and perhaps years to come.

Redemption was a difficult path to walk for those who had fallen, and while she knew the Healers would ensure nothing remained of the Darkness surrounding Samara's mind, the woman was going to need friends and support as well. People who would help her settle into the Jedi or support a decision to become something else.

Her life was her own now - she had a chance to bloom and become the flower she wanted to be.



Their light continued to battle against the nightmares stuck within the woman's head, her darkened cells setting ablaze as the purifying light did its job as intended. Thankfully most of the pain was numbed by the effort of the healers, nails dig into the chair, teeth grit..

Samara's conscious was quickly fading as the process was completed, worn sky blue eyes gaze around at everyone. Dark tendrils no longer adorned the girl's face, replaced with healthy looking skin.

She fumbles from the chair, feeling much weaker. Her hand grabs onto the side of her bed, taking in a breath she weakly smiles.

"Well..I didn't expect such a feeling, perhaps I need a rest."

Samara collapses against her bed, almost passing out. Thankfully the results were instantly obvious, blue eyes, healthy skin, and a weak but persistent force aura of light.

At least this nightmare had finally ended.

Between Amani, Yenna, and Iris, was countless years of healer experience (admittedly skewed heavily toward Yenna), all working in tandem to create a harmonious deluge of purifying Light. It washed over the darkness, cleansing it from the woman's mind. Samara had already gotten this far, they need only push a little farther.

At last it seemed to come to an end, and Amani dropped her hand and opened her eyes, "It's over," She sighed in relief. Whatever tendrils of shadow had lingered in her mind before were ripped out from stem to root. Samara was free to be something else. Something she wanted to be. A new lease on life.

There was hardly even a chance to get a word out before the once-Sith had practically passed out on her bed, even more exhausted by the effort than the healers were. Amani just smiled, and looked to the others, "Well done, all."

Piece by piece, the darkness was rooted out. Yenna peered into her mind, into the Darkness within along with Iris and Amani. A padawan, a knight and a master, all working in perfect harmony to save a soul from the clutches of her creator. The Tyrant's hold over her was strong, but against their combined might, even he couldn't hold onto Samara's life.

<"No power here, you have. Yours to control, her soul is not.">

The light in her palms faded and her golden eyes fluttered open to look up at Samara. It was like a new person was in front of her. Her eyes closed again as she took a deep breath, steadying herself from the focus before she rose to her feet. She instinctively reached up as Samara seemed to struggle in her balance, but luckily the young woman managed to find her way to the bed.

"Well..I didn't expect such a feeling, perhaps I need a rest."

A smile formed as she gave a nod before looking at Amani and Iris.

"It's over,"

"Well done, all."

"Hmm. Yes. Very good, we all did today. Knight Amani, Padawan Iris, working with you, I look forward to, in the halls of Healing." She spoke with a warm voice as she summoned her cane to her hand and turned to leave.

"Some lunch and a drink, would anyone like? Some good smoothies, I can make, if whiskey is too much." She giggled as she shuffled her way out of the room.

/Exit Thread

Iris Arani Iris Arani Valery Noble Valery Noble Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Amani Serys Amani Serys Samara Samara

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