Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Chat With The Queen

Lira Dajenn

Nemene sat in her little prison cell, separated from the rest of the population and her sister as well. She wore a single black gown as her clothing, something she would normally consider rags, her hair was disheveled and knotted and her eyes seemed tired, as though she had not slept in days. There she sat on her little black cot, her knee's raised to her chest and her face buried between them.

She shook slightly as she sat there, her face hidden, not with sobs and tears, but instead with laughter.

This was rather ironic. She the Queen of Torture, the Lady of Pain, the Mistress of torment trapped in a cell like a rat. She couldn't help but find some sort of amusement in this situation. Oh of course she had been angry, still was in fact, but over the last few days the rage had been reigned in tighter and tighter. At first she had wanted to lash out at everything and anyone, she had broken the bones of three guards, nearly killed one and almost tore off another's...well suffice it to say Nemene had been filled with tantrums over the last few days.

Now however her rage seemed to have subsided, the boiling cauldron of anger had turned into a simmering ocean. She was still angry, but it was controlled, tamed, and all the more dangerous.

She let out a squeak of a laugh as she thought about what she would do when that simmer returned to a boil, what horrors she would bring. The thought made her smirk larger than anything had since her capture. She could not wait to be free.
@[member="Sochi Ru"]
There was just so much to do in so little time. There were rebellions, threats of war, assassins running around, and now she was given the task to interrogate one of the more ominous, and corrupted beings she had come to face. They were on a large Republic cruiser, and they were transferring some very ruthless criminals to Coruscant. It wasn't deemed necessary for her to step in until extreme violence was reported consistently over the course of the travel.

She was briefed only slightly, and had only so much knowledge of this particular darksider. This was tied into something much bigger than what was being led on, and she hoped she could pave the way to further information. In the event that she did, things could change for the better.

She walked to the prison block of the Ship, and gained entrance with ease; of course. This level of the ship was full of anger, and hatred. She however focused on her goal. She was led to a cell far off from the others, these cells were more so for those who couldn't find it in themselves to act right for them to be apart of the others. The guard led her to the cell, and when she stopped and peeked inside, she saw nothing but darkness. A single black gown was was spotted, and the door were opened. The guards poured in first and secured the room. Sochi walked in slowly, and with calmness written along her face.

Her eyes squinted to further look upon the one who was to be interrogated. The smirk the woman had, left an uneasiness about the room, but sochi nevertheless rejected it along with the other negative influences.

"Greetings, I'm Jedi Master Sochi Ru." She said softly.

@[member="Nemene Talith"]

Lira Dajenn

“Hello Jedi Master Sochi Ru.” Nemene said without moving her knee's away from her face. She eyed the guards all around her, she knew that they were likely not her biggest fan, but that hardly mattered to her. Her attention was focused squarely on the Jedi Master before her.

Togruta were an interesting species, and Nemene loved them. Their Lekku like those of a Twi'lek were prehensile, their skin was usually orange and white, but what was truly interesting about them was their Montrals. The Montrals on top of a Togruta's head were unique and unlike anything any other species possessed. Through them Togruta could pick up sound waves in the air, the most minute ones leading to a sense called echo-location.

I a sense, Togruta had built in sonar. This made them extremely difficult to sneak up on, not to mention a handful of other benefits.

Nemene blinked slightly, realizing that she had been staring at the womans Montrals.

“How can I help you Master Jedi?” Her voice was warm and smooth, no hint of fear. “I'm sure you have many questions for me.”

Her smile became almost...inviting.
She was surprised to see the sudden cooperation, though it was highly likely that it wasn't genuine. She looked around at the guards confused rather as to why they had fussed so much over this one woman, though deep down she could figure that they were likely right to be stressing over such an issue.

The young woman was tucked away within the shadows, her facial features seemingly covered by her knees. Something was ominous, and off about this setting, but Sochi hadn't made any assumptions. She feared that this young woman would only find destruction on the current path; she felt for her.

"You should know why I'm here, let us talk....about your current situation, and the reasons behind it." She said softly, pacing from side to side slowly. Her expression, and demeanor was calm, and professional (as always) "you have been placed under arrest for very dark acts. And I would prefer you be out right honest with me. So that I can help you." She said softly, yet more sternly this time

@[member="Nemene Talith"]

Lira Dajenn

Nemene smiled at the Togruta woman, the same sinister smile that she had shown earlier, the same sinister smile that her father had always worn in almost every confrontation. It was a smile that fit her face well, and It made her eyes come almost alive.

“I was taught that honesty is the best policy.” She lied. Of course the Jedi would likely try to redeem her, perhaps persuade her to join the Jedi Order after serving some sort of penance. She doubted that last part, any sane person would place her in prison for the rest of her life, though the Jedi were...funny sometimes. Her smile remained on her face as she slowly moved her head forward, balancing her chin on her knee and staring up at the Togruta.

She looked directly into the Jedi masters eyes. “Ask Away Sochi, I am an open book.”

This would be fun.
[member="Sochi Ru"]
The smile if the woman was unsettling at most, but nevertheless Ru wasn't intimidated. She pushed forward into business. This woman however was putting up much resistance, and this was unlike any darksider she had encountered before, there was some underlying things hidden away, possibly for a reason.

"You have been accused of kidnapping multiple Jedi knights, and proceeding with torturing them. There have been statements made against you. What was your purpose? Surely this wasn't for fun?" She said softly, and sternly.

Sochi paced back and forth as she spoke, but when she began to approach the end of her statement she came to a slow, and turned to remain stationary in front of the girl. Her face projected calmness, but her eyes were piercing, quickly scouting for whatever it is she was searching for,

[member="Nemene Talith"]

Lira Dajenn

Nemene's face grew into confusion, perplexity, and then a slight hint of anger.

“For fun!” She called the words out, loud enough to make one of the soldiers jump slightly. “You think we do this for fun? You think we torture, maim, and mutilate people for fun? You think we enjoy carrying out this task?”

Her face remained straight, her eyes never shifted, and her lips never quirked into a smile. It was impossible to tell if she was lying. “We do it to learn Sochi, not for our own enjoyment.”

Again, it was impossible to tell if she lied, though on the inside Nemene began to laugh.

“You see, my father, he was quite powerful in the darkside. He wallowed in it, used it, and controlled it for most of his life. He loved it, the strength it gave him, the power, everything that it brought.” Her voice was almost entrancing as she spoke. “It was he that started me on this path, he that began my journey, but not for the reasons you would think. Though he was a Sith, my father had no interest in training me, as i'm sure you've noticed i'm quite weak in the force. I was nothing to him, less than nothing.”

She spoke, tears welling in her eyes slightly as she continued on. “Despite this however I wondered, because my father was a Sith...was I destined to become one too? Was I genetically predisposition to the Darkside of the force? Was it my destiny, no matter what I did to become Sith like my father?”

As she finished she shrugged slightly, as if she was still unsure of the answer.

“That is why we do it Sochi. To study. To Learn. We do not kidnap Jedi at random. We select the correct ones based on genes, species, upbringing, and conditioning. A careful process, and then we test them. We torture them and twist them. Some fall to the darkside, and others do not. We collect the Data, then move to the next subject.” She sounded almost...scientific. “With the data we collect, i am sure that eventually we will be able to predict those who are a simple trigger away from falling to the darkside. It is not an easy task, but it is an important one.”

That time Nemene sounded as if she truly believed her words, as though she herself would be responsible for stopping the spread of the darkside.

But if was a lie of course.
[member="Sochi Ru"]
It bothered her a little as she stood and listened to the words, that seemed to carry a bit pain behind them. Was she going to believe every word, possibly not. She didn't want to fall under the influence of some sort of trick. In the beginning of the woman's story she looked on, in phased by the story she was brining to fruition.

"It would seem your blaming your father for the actions you have committed. I disagree, one does not simply take and torture, mutilate, and harm simply to learn. Only those who are under the influence of some sort of darkness." She said softly and sternly.

She looked into the girls eyes, again with no phase win her expression. She sighed slightly, and then continued to speak on the topic,

"Surely you know that following this path will only lead you into doing more harm to others, and eventually even more to yourself. You could be so much more." She said softly, exaggerating and speaking up as she got to her last statement.

[member="Nemene Talith"]

Lira Dajenn

“I do not blame my father for anything but his own factions. We choose our own path in life, despite what our parents...or mentors teach us.” Her smile came back upon her face, there was no need to say that she denied her action, or that those actions were not her fault. They were. It was as simple as that, the thing that was being called into question here was why she had taken those actions.

For a second she let a pause hang in the air.

She tried to watch the Jedi Masters reaction, gauging her temper, her thoughts, anything at all she could grasp. It was rather difficult she had to admit, the Togruta gave almost nothing away. The other Jedi could learn a thing or two from her, and so could the troopers around them. They seemed to still flinch at Nemene's very eyes. “Your thinking is naïve, Sochi. You assume that I am a troubled little girl. That I was swallowed up by darkness and that it controls me.”

She blinked a few times, setting her chin back on her knee's.

“But you're wrong. I know what I'm doing. I know why I'm doing it. I do this to save lives. To weed out the very source of darkness.” She paused for a second, continuing slowly. “You seek out darkness where you can find it. You hunt Sith, kill them perhaps, but you never find where they come from. That is what I seek. I seek their origin, I seek what creates the Sith, not end what they become.”

Her eyes flickered around the room, then settled on Sochi again. “If I must break a few Jedi, Torture a few Sith, and maim the greys...Then I will do it.”

“Would you not kill one man to save a thousand? The principal is the same.” She spoke like a snake in the garden.
[member="Sochi Ru"]
"There are other ways to go about obtaining what you seek, if that's what your truly seek." She said

Ru was thrown off by the words of the woman, surely they were twisted and indeed were meant to do what they accomplished. She turned to look at the troopers that had surrounded them both. She could sense their uneasiness, which she thought might fuel the young woman in front of her. Speaking out to them she wanted to calm them,

"You must relax, I can sense the uneasiness in the room." She said before refocusing on the woman. She brought the conversation back, taking a small step forward.

"I wouldn't expect you to be able to make it this far in your endeavors on your on. You've had assistance, am I correct?" She said looking for the answer to come.

[member="Nemene Talith"]

Lira Dajenn

Nemene kept her face stone, but she saw the slight flinch in Sochi, the slight shift in her attitude. It was only reinforced by her need to tell the troopers to settle down. She did not allow herself to smile. Instead she refocused her efforts on the Jedi Master in front of her, eyes never wavering.

“Perhaps.” She mused for a second, no hint of joy in her tone. “But what would that cost? I have already given dozens of lives, including my own.”

She paused for a second, then continued as if she was slightly uneasy. “I have no illusion that I will survive this Sochi. I have done horrid things, eventually the darkness will come for me, it will take me and corrupt me as it has corrupted so many others, but my research will live on. What more would i have to give?”

She almost smiled then, but managed to keep her face stone. It was easy to believe that Nemene was telling the truth, but on the other hand her eyes seemed full of mischief and deceit. Was this truly for the greater good? Or was it all just for fun, as Sochi had first suggested. It was impossible to tell.

The Queen of Rattatak sighed slightly, then nodded as the Jedi Master asked after her sister.

“Of course. My Sister, you captured her as well on Zygerria.” Sochi would know that of course, but Nemene still tried to maintain a position of power in the conversation.
[member="Sochi Ru"]

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