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Approved Location A City Lost to Time

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A City Lost to Time


  • City Name: A City Lost to Time or The Lost City.
  • Classification: Abandoned Metropolis.
  • Location:
  • Affiliation: Nobody owns this city. It has been abandoned.
  • Population: Uninhabited.
  • Demographics: This city possesses zero demographics as it has been abandoned.
  • Wealth: N/A.
  • Stability: Low. In a century the entire city will be buried beneath the dirt. Whoever constructed this place has not been here for several millennia leading to decay. There is no light here save for the few beams that pierce through the layers of rock that hangs from the top from the mountainside and a thick layer of dust hangs in the air making it difficult to breathe without assistance of a technological device such as a respirator. It is entirely plausible cave-ins, rockslides or terrestrial sandstorms can pose serious danger and risk to adventurers.
  • Freedom & Oppression: Free. There is no occupying force to Police or enforce any will upon those who venture here.
  • Description: On the southern continent of Kalist VI-- where it is at it's most coolest-- exists a city embedded into the rock. A mountain side shields the abandoned towers, and other smaller buildings, when the sun is at it's highest peak. Although this natural formation provides some defense against the incredible heat of Kalist's star the same cannot be said for the desert for it is unforgiving and treacherous. Most of the city itself has been buried beneath the dirt as terrestrial sandstorms have assaulted this place for several millennia. In the distance sprawling towers of what must have been once a great civilization can be seen in the horizon. A City Lost to Time.

The Mountainside:


Located on Kalist VI's southern continent-- where it is the coolest on the planet's surface-- is the mountainside. When the sun is at it's highest the mountainside shields those fortunate enough to be caught within it's shadow. Jagged rock and a steep climb to it's summit make it a dangerous proposition even to the most agile and adept of climbers. If one were to make it to the top of it's peak they would bare witness to the seemingly endless and unforgiving landscape of the planet's surface which is entirely made up of desert, dunes and other terrestrial objects much like the mountainside. Unlike other mountains located on Kalist VI, however, this one possesses a secret: a lost city built into the rock by a civilization long lost, abandoned and forgotten to time.

A City Lost to Time:


Embedded into the rock are several structures that now serve as relics to a civilization long lost to time. Whoever built this place must have numbered at one time in the millions such is the scope of the metropolis that still stands to this day. As one navigates their way into the city they would discover that most of it stands in the shadow of the mountainside's zenith thereby providing some insight into the architecture and design of this abandoned place. While some smaller buildings line the cliffside itself the other more taller and larger structures lay in the shadow of the mountainside which towers and dwarfs even the tallest of structures that make up this lost city.

Despite providing a natural shield to the unrelenting sun which shines above it during the day the mountainside could not save the city from the terrestrial sandstorms which have assaulted the city for several millennia. Many of the city's structures have been buried (or are half-submerged) by dirt as the desert continues to reclaim this location back from those who dared construct such a place on top of it.

Epithets inscribed into what is left of the roads and walls of the city suggest a connection to another place located near Nespis 8 in the form of Childhood as both locations contain the same glyphs and building designs as one another. If one were to enter what is left of the structures located within the city they would discover furniture and other objects which suggest that the people who once lived here were Humanoid in nature. Whatever technology that once existed here has either been scavenged, destroyed or broken beyond repair. With no artificial lighting available within the inner city sanctum there is no source of illumination save for the beams that shine through the cracks of the mountainside during the day. At night the city is pitch black, freezing and eerie to anyone who dare stay beyond the safety of the day.

The Dark side of the Force is strong here but there is no vergence present.

Thirty Four Seats Surrounding A Table of Pyronium:


In the center of the city, at the entrance to it's tallest tower-- where even the few strands of light which pierce the mountainside cannot reach-- are thirty-four empty seats surrounding a table made of Pyronium infused with the properties of Bota. Even when Kalist's star is at it's highest peak (where it is the most hot during the day) this place is so cold that one would be able to see their own breath rise faintly into the air. Inscribed onto each seat is a name belonging to the original Order of the Sith Lords: an ancient organization of Force-sensitives whom practiced the Dark side of the Force and whose guiding principle was the Rule of Two.

Each seat is made of the same material as the table. At the center is the first seat that has been inscribed with the name Bane. The arrangement of seats continue with some inscribed with names such as Zannah, Cognus, Millennial, Vectivus, Gravid, Gean, Ramage, Tenebrous, Plagueis, Sidious, Maul, Tyranus, Vader, Lumiya, Caedus, Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia , Darth Ayra Darth Ayra , Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr , Darth Strosius Darth Strosius and Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti (Trigonus). However, some of these chairs have not been inscribed with names. For example there are several with question marks (?) indicating that whoever constructed this arrangement did not know their names. This is further supported by one chair solely being inscribed with the symbol mostly associated with Devaronians.

Also, out of the chairs with names, several have been crossed out. The seats with crosses drawn through each name are the ones with Millennial, Gravid, Malum, and Strosius inscribed on them.

Inscribed onto the Pyronium table top are four words written in Galactic Basic Standard: "The Rains Shall Come!"




The existence of Kalist Base suggests that Palpatine's Galactic Empire must have been aware of the abandoned metropolis located in Kalist VI's southern continent. However, no record was ever made (or perhaps yet to be found) of it's discovery by the Imperials in either the era of Darth Sidious rule as the Galactic Emperor nor his successor states in the form of the Imperial Remnant, Fel Empire, Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire or the Empire-in-Exile. Therefore the presence and consequential construction of this metropolis logically had to have occurred at least sometime after 130 ABY.

It is known that by 424 ABY that various organizations (alongside the newly reformed Yuuzhan Vong) co-operated in accordance with the New Galaxy Rebuilding Plan to lead a great effort to restore, rebuild or terraform entire planets or star systems that were lost in the previous iterations of the Star Wars. However, the state of decay which permeates this lost city-- with structures on the verge of collapse, no ecosystem and most of it buried beneath dirt-- suggests that the lost city has been in this state for several millennia. Therefore, logically, it must have been constructed sometime before 130 ABY.

By 428 ABY the Four Hundred Year Darkness had begun as the Gulag Virus spread across The Galaxy. Beginning in the Unknown Regions on the planet Csilla and spreading throughout into the Outer Rim Territories all the way through to the Core Worlds this weapon-- colloquially known to most as the Gulag Plague-- may give insight into why and how the civilization responsible for the construction of this lost metropolis is currently unknown to galactic record for much was lost with thanks to the machinations of the political terrorist known as Zero.

In 851 ABY the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Ayra Darth Ayra travelled to the planet Kalist VI in search of a cure to remove Orbalisks that she had been infected with following a disastrous adventure on the moon Dxun after she had entered a pilgrimage to discover the long lost Tomb of Freedon Nadd in the hopes of finding his Sith Holocron. After freeing Alicia Drey Alicia Drey from the Black Pyramid (a former prison located on the planet Coruscant) Ayra was led to believe that a cure could be found within the lost city after the former Jedi Knight had told her about Childhood: a place located in orbit of Nespis 8 and where it is believed that those who were afflicted with the Gulag Virus were laid to rest after succumbing to their illness. Alas, there was no such cure and the fate of Darth Ayra still remains a mystery today.

Sometime between 851 ABY and 900 ABY a Sith Lord by the name of Darth Mendacium lived within the city. During this time Mendacium trained his Sith Apprentice in the ways of the Dark side of the Force. Later, in this same time, Mendacium constructed a table and thirty-four seats made of the rare material Pyronium infused with another rare species of plants called Bota. After the arrangement was completed Mendacium inscribed into each seat the known Sith Lords who followed the ways of the Rule of Two.

In 900 ABY the Fifth Wing were founded by Alicia Drey Alicia Drey and Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr after the two begun conspiring together against the Empire of the Lost. After Drey betrayed Malum on board the Mors Mon he captured her on the planet Florrum alongside Darth Strosius Darth Strosius and brought her before Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean where she was summarily executed for her part in the Siege of Tion. It was later revealed to Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti that Alicia Drey Alicia Drey was working for Her Her who explained in her confrontation with Trigonus that everything that he wanted to know about Drey could be found on the planet Kalist VI.

This revelation implicates that the Rule of Two and the new lineage of Sith Lords which follow it begun on Kalist VI within the remnants of this city and the long lost civilization who built it. Therefore the Order of the Sith Lords were founded here. It is also probable that Her Her was responsible for adding the likes of Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia and her Sith Apprentices to the arrangement of chairs originally constructed by her Sith Master Darth Mendacium after it was revealed by a priestess of the Tsis'Raki on Childhood that Ophidia was a follower of the Rule of Two.
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