Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG A City of Fear (Open to All!)

Hello! Thanks for taking a peek at my LFG, I won't waste too much of your time and cut straight to the chase: Darth Nefaron is looking to make moves. He's been content to play politics in Sith space for a while now but with the coming war between the Sith and the Alliance he feels now is the time to unleash his creations on the galaxy. Big Villan moves basically, but I'll leave the full details below but a basic TLDR is that Nefaron has taken control of one of the domed cities on New Cov and is threatening to unleash his Mind-Breaker Toxin on the populace. Nefaron's forces will seal and occupy the city, but why is he doing this?

This story will really be open to anyone, do-gooders obviously have a pretty good reason to help out but I am open to those who aren't so noble hopping in for their own reasons. I have an overall story planned out but you'll have a lot of freedom on how you complete objectives, I'll make sure Nefaron and his forces react appropriately. I'd be happy to answer any questions you might have, but if you like what you see please let me know below!


You are the product of everything you Fear.

Violence. Darkness. Helplessness.

All in pursuit of what you call justice.

You will bring death to all who follow you.


While the Galatic Alliance and its Jedi protectors ready themselves to defend their territory, systems that wished to remain free from the politics of the core now face greater peril. The Sith advance on the core, but they are not entirely united in their plans for the coming galaxy. Darth Nefaron has long sought to share his vision for the galaxy, and he has at last found a world that he believes suited to display his manifesto.

New Cov is a dangerous world, its hostile jungles made life outside the domed cities that dot the surface all but impossible. These cities, beautiful and seemingly idyllic, provide a cage for the Corpse Lord to play his games and without the active protection of the Alliance his forces were able to take the capital, Ilic, without much of a struggle. But there is no massed invasion fleet in orbit, and Nefarons forces have only taken the capital and have not attempted to take the other domes cities. Instead, the Corpse Legion has fortified themselves in the city and terrorize the populace at will. Nefaron has broadcast his motives openly, this city was now his kingdom, and the moment a liberation force appears he will unleash his toxin and damn those stuck in the city to endless torment. But the Sith Lord is playing a game, and he has ensured a small force could slip into the city if they survive the jungle trek.

Within the City of Fear, a dark scheme is being hatched and if Nefaron is not stopped his darkness will spread across the galaxy.

But at what cost?



Nefaron's forces are outnumbered, but his toxin keeps the population terrified and in hiding. His Legionnaires defend the toxin canisters, keeping anyone from robbing him of his ultimate weapon. Yet he has made their location known, he challenges those who play at being heroes to destroy the canisters and the machinery that threatens to spew the toxin.

But be wary. To inhale the toxin is to invite a war of the mind as one's fears are rendered real and while they can be overcome...

you may not come out the other side entirely whole.


Nefaron has made the New Cov Biomolecule Company Headquarters his seat of power, the large complex houses a large laboratory that may be of keen interest to the Dark Lord. His forces have entrenched themselves around the complex, but there remain several paths to enter either through frontal assault or for those more inclined to avoid confrontation. Nefaron is at the heart of the complex, the labs becoming his home. It would be best to get to him before he gets whatever he came to New Cov for in the first place.

You are expected. Nefaron came here for a reason.


While Nefaron has his plans, he did not come alone. He has offered protection to those who wish to revel in the chaos, to kill and loot at will. Be you Sith Lord, Mercenary, or Common Scum, all will flourish within Nefaron's city of fear. All he asks in return is that those who benefit from his reign take up arms to defend against those who wish to return sanity.

Some may heed this request. Others may not. It matters little.
Chaos Reigns!

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Thanks everyone for the interest my story! I am happy to say the thread will be posted later tonight and I will be sure to tag everyone that has replied here so far! Along with that I will ensure an OCC thread is posted to go along with the story for questions/coordination purposes!

If you have not posted here but are still interested, no worries! The story will remain open to those who want to hop in when they can!
Thanks to everyone who showed interest, the thread is now up! I have tweaked a few things as to involve Liin Terallo Liin Terallo as this is very much her baby, so please double check objects to align with the changes!

I have tagged most people who showed interest, but just in case I will post a link here for those who need it!


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