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Public A City of Splendors

A City of Splendors

Moon of Selun
City of Moonstone

Change was a good thing, though it seemed that in the last few decades there had been little change to the continuing cycle that had gripped the Galaxy. Powers rose, wars ragged, people were dispersed, and rebuilding began anew in the short time that it could be done. Few planets, if any, truly seemed to flourish in these times, save for a few of the most remote or far-removed from the conflicts. It even seemed that the planets at the far edge of the Galaxy were not untouchable, as proven when the Bryn'adul had rampaged across the Eastern Reaches and claimed planet after planet as they consumed biomass at a staggering degree. The Western Regions weren't faring much better with the Brotherhood of the Maw carving out their own fiefdoms and territories to terrorize; even the Confederacy of Independent Systems, the bastion that had once held firm in the Southern Quadrant of the Galaxy had fallen to History - a decade on and the effects of its collapse could still be felt in that region even as new powers arose and sought to claim its old territories and what secrets and resources they had left behind.

The Moon of Selun had been lucky, to an extent, to avoid much of the conflict that was consuming the Galaxy; though its ability to keep holding firm was nearly squandered as the Guilds that had previously lain claim to the Government had plundered its coffers before fleeing in the face of the Bryn'adul and unknown threats rising from Wild Space. Once mighty defensive arrays had been left derelict, undermanned, and unmaintained, nearly resulting in the Moon falling to the new waves of power rising in the region. It had only been the quick implementation of a new Security Force and Governing Body that had saved the Moon; the road to recovery would be long, though it was a road well worth traveling.

As the sun slowly began to slip below the horizon, the City came to life as the light shown upon the jeweled structures, White Sapphires, and Moonstones glimmering and dancing with brilliant lights as the White-Gold inlays of the buildings provided a soft and soothing facade that relaxed the casual observer. It was a City of Splendors that bathed in the shadows of the morning as the sun rose over the mountains in the east, and was illuminated by the brilliant lights as the sun slipped over the west into the soundless bay beyond. Perhaps it was not the best place for an individual of her species, though it was where she had come to call home upon her own return to the Galaxy from a region sequestered in the Southern Arm of the Galaxy.

Golden-yellow hues peered down the large avenue, the woman thankful for the shade of the vast trees that decorated the grand procession way, which allowed her to explore part of the city that was now her home. She had decided to venture out without anyone else, not wanting to seem paranoid or otherwise too heavy-handed in any approach to security. Rather, she wanted to watch the denizens of the city go about their lives, to see what they needed and perhaps wanted from those that now claimed the mantle of government over the small moon. And perhaps she was hoping to meet a few new faces, and maybe a few old ones as well.


Dressed in a black suit with pointed shoulders, a lilac-haired woman strode down the streets of the Moon of Selun. Purple sunglasses kept the light of the realm from agitating her golden eyes as an errant ray chased after her now and again. A pair of bruisers trailed after her by two strides; their broad shoulders and sharp eyes kept unwelcome intrusions to a minimum. An overly zealous merchant, perhaps, but not one to trail after once a meaty hand shoved them aside.

It was a fair enough realm. One largely untouched by the concerns of larger or more centrally located ones. Yet it wasn't merely size that concerned Dominique Vexx, nor even raw influence. If gathering the highest tiers had been her goal she would have been back on Denon and in open conflict with the DireX Board. No, she was there to establish relations with a diverse array of interests -- largely on world, but off-world connections might prove invaluable under certain circumstances. If nothing else, encouraging them to place more orders of Denon's finest industries would not be amiss.

They were a little early for a meeting with the representative here, but Dominique felt like better understanding those she might open negotiations with. You could tell a great deal by the culture and people of a place before you came face-to-face with its leaders; more than they, themselves, would care admit.

Vexx stopped by a stall and idly perused the wears for a moment. An absent question or two about the city and the goings on exchanged with its owner. A small smile. Then an exchange of paltry credits for a bauble. Nothing screamed entering into talks would be a terrible idea -- a pleasant enough beginning.


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