Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Clone.

Yes, a clone.

Looking for someone to play the clone of Mira - short or long term, you decide. You control her fully, I will not have any say so in what you do. However, I would like for them maybe to interact once or twice.

Mira had a Clone that was created by [member="Darth Vornskr"]. Her name was Darth Malum (Meaning of Name - Beauty in Latin or Evil Deeds). She was quite psychotic when it came down to the wire. She was very emotional and dark, twisted. She had a very dark sense of humor - there was one point where she threatened to kill a Sith Trooper because he laughed but [member="Sage Bane"] stopped her with just a single word. So she's obedient to her superiors.

Malum is the unchained, unhinged version of Mira Rekali. Very prone to her emotional desires and quick to dismiss any inhibition she might have. She is ranges on the scales of emotion – going from a weeping mess to a raging lunatic with nothing but destruction on her mind. She has a lust for power to destroy everything and anything who stands in her way. Her emotions are what drive her deep into the darkness and are her primary motivator.

Now, not saying someone has to go by these particular set personality traits but there are some past RPs out there with her in them.

Anyone interested?

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