Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Common Morning

The sun had yet to crest over the horizon. Given that their estate was in the Eldritch mountains, the sun's rays hit them first before it would fall to the rest of the city. Lori was and always had been the type of person to be up at the crack of dawn, while her twin brother [member="Caedyn Arenais"] was the exact opposite. He rather enjoyed sleeping in.

That is on the days that Lori let him...

Today wasn't one of those days.

Ever so quietly she had snuck into his bedroom, armed to the teeth with her father's shaving cream and a feather that she 'liberated' from one of her mother's decorative fans, as well as a comb and thin piece of paper. Caedyn was snoring as usual. He was hardly ever a quiet sleeper. That was both an advantage and disadvantage to her exploits, given that he has at times faked being asleep. But she had gotten pretty good at being able to decipher the different snores that he made.

Expertly she made her way through his messy room to his bed and carefully set all of her items down but the shaving cream. For that she quietly sprayed some onto the palm of his left hand, and the top of his right by his fingers. Lori held in a giggle as she picked up the comb and paper, wrapping it and placing it in front of her lips after setting down the container of shaving cream. The feather was grabbed next and much like an scene from a cartoon, Lori started to make a buzzing sound with the comb, imitating a fly, while she tickled Caedyn lightly under his nose with the tip of the feather. This isn't the first time that she had done this prank. But it was still funny to her regardless.

As usual, she'd wait until he moved before she'd duck away.

Caedyn Arenais

By this point it was safe to say that Caedyn Arenais was out cold; There laying sprawled out on his back, his blankets all kicked away from him, he in his blue pair of pajama's looked the epitome of comfort and relaxation. That was of course until an itch caught his nostrils, his upper lip contorting a little before his hand lifted and as if in slow motion, descended down into a graceful glide.

Specks of white foam sprayed his pillow under the rush of air that swept from his hand landing atop his face, the shaving cream wet and smelling of some sort of peppermint waking Caedyn instantly, his upper body shooting upright as if his Sister had awakened one of those mummy's in a horror action flick followed by a groan that resembled something of the same sound they might give, to a child's imagination in any case. It took a moment for him to realize what was wrong, blinking several times, eyes disappearing and reappearing as the foam slowly slid down over his front; he caught the last sight of [member="Loreena Arenais"] scrambling out of his bedroom in a fit of laughter.

"Looriii !!!..."
He yelled after her, swinging his legs down over the bed side and stumbling to his feet, he staggered his way towards his bedroom door and out into the open hallway "I'll get you back for this!" He called after her, his frown hidden beneath that of his fathers shaving gel. Instead of following her and starting a fight however he turned back for the direction of the bathroom to which he intended on washing his face. His sweet sweet revenge would come when she least expected it, a great work of art in the form of his revenge against his sisters pranks; how she would regret ever besmirching the name of Caed Arenais!

With a much cleaner face and a fair bit more awake now thanks to the water having livened him up, he again stumbled his way out of the bathroom to follow after the direction Lori had disappeared off to. Probably downstairs by now and bugging their Mom for breakfast, Caed wandered his way on down.
Oh boy did she giggle. She could hardly contain herself as she scurried out of her brother's room. One of these days she'll record her little pranks, maybe even blackmail him afterwards with it. But for now though, she was satisfied with beating him, again!

Competition was ripe with siblings, most especially with twins. [member="Caedyn Arenais"] and Lori were no different in that regard. But it wasn't as though they had anyone else to play with. There was only themselves for amusement. Well, that and holo-games. And holo-movies. And books. And schooling. Oh, and Force training too. Okay, so there was plenty for them to do, but Lori's favourite activity was pranking her brother.

Many times she had heard the tales of her mother running risky missions to free slaves, getting caught nearly a million times and escaping through various methods. Mostly without using the Force at all! So her little pranks and avoiding capture were all part and parcel of her own training. Afterall, they both knew that they could be targeted by those that hated their Mother and Father. So it was better to be prepared than not.

By the time Caed came down the stairs, Lori was indeed in the kitchen. She was seated at the table, munching on a bowl full of cereal and doing her best attempt to contain her laughter. "You're up early. What's the matter? Couldn't sleep?" Her eyes just twinkled with amusement.

Caedyn Arenais

Caedyn threw his Sister a scowling look, though a twist to the corner of his mouth spoke well that he found it amusing at the same time, the playful jests and competitive sibling rivalry was all apart of their fun shared between one another. They didn't exactly have a lot of friends outside of their family. Royalty and stuff like that Caedyn had been told by their Mom.

People didn't really understand and all the Kid's at School talked about them sometimes when they thought the twins weren't listening. That they get sent to a nice school, had a nice house and all this stuff...-Caedyn had learned to ignore it though he sometimes wondered if Lori managed to get passed it all.

"I think Dad missed some of the pests running around upstairs; a really big ugly one woke me up..." he muttered audibly for her clear and likely unamused hearing while he sought to find himself a fresh clean bowl and pour himself some cereal. "It had these really big hairy feet and it's teeth stuck out all funny looking...-Worst of all, it smelled worse than Uncle Terrac after he's played around with Mom's Starship!".

Caedyn had his fathers dry sense of humor, able to talk without letting on that he was joking, it all sounded serious and as if he really meant it which was one of the best things about playing with Loreena, sometimes she couldn't tell the difference and it made it all so much worth the while.
Lori swallowed a mouthful of cereal as [member="Caedyn Arenais"] started on about Dad. Oh, here we go. It was always Dad. Usually it'd consist of her getting into trouble for her antics. However this time he went a different angle.

Her tongue moved along her upper teeth, as though to check if they had stuck out at all. She knew that they didn't, but still, Lori was at that age where she was starting to care a little about her appearance. At least to some extent.

Lori scrunched up her nose at the thought of smelling like Uncle Terrac. If he he wasn't smelling of booze, he was smelling of starship parts. "Are you sure that you didn't just fart or something and smelled that when you lifted your blankets?" She knew that she didn't smell. She was a girl. They always smelled sweet, right?

"Well now that you're up, want to go exploring?" Going on an adventure was one of her favourite things to do. It gave them a chance to practice their skills. Plus it was fun to find new places.

Caedyn Arenais

A wide lazy yawn between mouthfuls of his cereal announced his need to awaken properly. His Sister showed signs of insecurity, that funny look in her eye that she got when she wanted to pout but tried to act brave or stubborn or whatever.

To himself he grinned in silent victory though did not pursue to banter with her any further, he knew when enough was enough and hurting her feelings wasn't the objective of the game. The comment about him farting made him snicker under his breath a little, visualizing the thought, he'd done it before and could picture exactly what his sister was describing in his juvenile and immature mind.

"Mhm" he hummed, taking back the last of his breakfast before speaking through almost a gasp, in-taking of air as he replied enthusiastically "Sure!". They both enjoyed the outdoors immensely. The Eldritch mountains were rich in endless forests to explore, tree's to climb and animals to listen out for.

It was one big bantha of a playground for the twins and out there they were free to be themselves, to do things that most normal kids didn't know how to do like traversing the underbrush with nay a stumble, their pace fast and their footing precise, like they knew the land intimately...There was no better feeling than the thrill of exploring, the potential to get lost and the challenge in finding their way back home.

"You got your comlink? Mom's gonna kill us if we're late for dinner again...".

[member="Loreena Arenais"]
Lori just beamed as [member="Caedyn Arenais"] agreed to go. Of course she may have gone on her own, regardless. But it was safer when it was the two of them. Especially with where she was planning on taking them. "Of course I do!" It was a lie. She didn't have it yet, but she will. After she packs.

It took just moments for her to finish the last of her cereal. Quickly she got up from the table and put her dishes on the counter. Then in a flash she was out of the kitchen, heavy feet stomping up the stairs as she hurried to her room to grab her backpack. Another second later and she was sliding down the railing, landing with a thud on the bottom of the stair well.

"Got it! We should pack up some snacks, water, the usual." They had a whole day to explore, mostly, and she didn't want to have to come back home to eat. So Lori left her backpack on the table asshe went into the fridge to grab some fruit and water, letting Caed pack the rest of their provisions.

From upstairs, Kay's voice could be heard. "Hey, you two! Stay out of trouble and don't be late for dinner!"

Lori rolled her eyes. "Yes, Mom! We'll be back for dinner, I promise!"

"And stay out of trouble!"

"Yes, Mom! Of -course- we would!" She grabbed her backpack, slung it over her shoulder and grabbed Caed's arm, giving him little choice but to follow her as she dragged him along outside. "You are just going to LOVE what I found. Come on!"

Lori had the whole day planned for them. It was time to go caving.

Caedyn Arenais

Following his Sister, Caedyn scrambled up the stairs alongside [member="Loreena Arenais"] splitting up once they hit the corridor veering off towards either bedroom, he seeking to collect his backpack and stuffing in a sweatshirt just in case they were out longer than they should be.

In a rush, he moved to his chest for which held his best of toys and equipment he treasured, lifting the lid to reveal the Training Lightsaber Hilt sticking out of a pouch sown to the inside. The lightsaber had of course come from his father much to the reluctance of their mother, still feeling as though they were too young to be handling such things and trying to remain optimistic about never needing to use it, Caedyn however was a typical boy and found a certain exhilaration in carrying the thing attached to his belt like their father used to.

Returning downstairs hearing their mothers voice in the background, he had become something of a master in the art of selective hearing and chose to shut it out while he sought to raid the pantry for all sorts of goodies they could snack on and drink while out conquering the wilderness of the world of Commenor.

Announcing their leave by snagging his arm and more or less dragging him away from the kitchen in a stumble, Cae slung his bag over one shoulder clumsily and staggered out the door after her, the air meeting them with a coolness in the breeze and the peaceful sound of the wildlife, both avian and earthen creatures off in the far distance yet decorating the world with the feeling of life and beauty that they both cherished so much, as unusual as it might be not to take such things for granted at their age.

"What'd you find?"

Cae cocked his head sideways, intrigue and a little smirk playing upon his face in sudden excitement and question. There was a lot to their home-world but they'd wandered pretty far in the past, he couldn't help but wonder what they'd missed and what she'd been able to find on her own without him.
"Something exciting!" Lori gave [member="Caedyn Arenais"] a mischievous grin before leading him through the backyard and out into the treeline that the two were so familiar with. She was so thrilled to finally be able to explore what she had wanted to. The weather conditions were perfect. Of course what would spoil this is if Cae had already discovered the cave and had gone through it all before she even could. That would just ruin her day.

As they walked through the trees on a path that she knew well, Lori chewed the inside of her cheek a bit. "Promise not to tell Mom and Dad? I've kinda...gone on my own sometimes, when you're distracted with your games and they are busy. Sometimes I go even before you all wake up. It was one of those times that I went before the sun came up that I made the discovery." More than likely they wouldn't be there in the dark, but maybe further inside, some of the glowing rocks that she found would be there.

It didn't take long before she stopped walking, took a look around to be sure that they weren't followed, and then led Cae off the path towards a ridge. The forest surrounding their mountain home was full of them. This one was high and didn't look like much, until her repelled down the inverted slope. Lori had the rope and harness tucked away, buried under a cleverly disguised blanket under some brush. She had woven branches, leaves and small rocks onto it, making it look no different than the ground. "I only have the one harness, so we'll have to go one at a time. You can go first."

Whether or not he chose to go first, didn't matter. She was just eager to get down there and she knew that once Cae saw it, he'd love it. The entrance to the cave itself was breathtaking to behold.

Caedyn Arenais

Peering over the ridge of the mountain Caedyn blinked a little in surprise to how much [member="Loreena Arenais"] had gone and done without his catching on. Typically they weren't too far behind one another when it came to getting up to mischeif and what not but this was something else. "Wow Lori..." He murmured, turning to look back at her and taking the harness, fixing it to his waist; "This thing better hold !" He gave her something of a wary smirk. Heights wasn't exactly his best friend though she knew that, thankfully he didn't have to hide his nervousness.

Being the boy in their family didn't come with the typical attitude that they had to be braver than girls, their mom had taught them both better and Dad had always been on to Caedyn for his manners with women and looking out for his Sister. He had learned to be open with her about his feelings without the shame that most girls would give him.

Slowly he moved to the edge and paused, glancing back at her uncertainly. She'd done this probably a million times but this was his first so he had to force himself to trust her. Nodding to her as if to reassure her and him both, he slowly began to climb down the face of the mountain, the steep angle was difficult but there were fair enough places for his feet in hands to grip to.

The wind sought to pick up around him, climbing and having so little cover from the open breeze. For a moment he had to pull himself in and cling to the rocks he had found a good hold to. "This better be worth it !!!" He called up to his sister shakily, soon continuing to descend and eventually reaching the bottom with a staggered breath, not due to exhaustion but the fear and adrenaline of having taken such an act of aggression towards his fear of heights.

Shrugging the harness off, he soon gave the rope a couple light tugs, "It's all yours Loriiii!" he yelled back up to his sister before turning to look at the massive gaping hole in the side of the mountain. When she had talked about a cave he had expected something far smaller but this...This was something else entirely !
Lori watched as [member="Caedyn Arenais"] went over the edge. Did she feel any glee at seeing the fear in his eyes? No. Pranks was one thing, but dealing with fear was another. She held onto the rope. "It'll hold. Trust me." Trust. For all of the teasing and playing around that they did, one of two things that the twins shared with one another was a trust to never put the other in real danger. Through shared experiences as twins they were quite close. Hurting eachother would only hurt themselves.

She heard him shout over the edge, yet nothing had indicated that he was falling. Instead she let him have his moment to get over his fear. All the while her thoughts drifted to the fun that they were going to have. The cave was massive and it went off to who knows where? Lori had only explored some of it. With Cae she could go further. Maybe there was hidden treasure? Their Mom had hiding spots for special things, like their Dad's holocron. Maybe this was a place where they'd find a Royal Vault or something. Who knows? The possibilities were endless.

Finally he made it to the bottom. The tugs on the rope let her know that it was her turn. Cae's voice echoed back up to her as she began hauling up the rope and harness. It was nearly a 100 foot drop, so it took a bit for her to gather it all up. Finally she did though, and the harness was quickly put it on. "I'c coming!!!!" Like an experienced climber, she was on her way down, finding her grips that she knew off by heart and then repelling the rest of the way down. Lori got to the bottom a lot quicker than her brother did, partly through an eagerness to show him the cave.

Once at the bottom she grinned. "Isn't it amazing? Now follow me!" There was no need to take his hand, she saw the look of curiosity in his eyes. She held onto the straps of her backpack and stepped into the cave's shadow. It took a moment for her eyes to adjust. But then they did. And soon enough the glowing rocks was visible. Lori looked over to Cae with a pleased grin on her face. Who needs a torch when the rocks light the way?"

Caedyn Arenais

'How deep does this cave go...'

Caedyn thought to himself, his mouth hanging agape as he slowly followed behind his sister who seemed rather confident in leading the way; [member="Loreena Arenais"] had clearly come and gone from the place a good number of times before bringing him there which soon begged the question as to why. It wasn't like her to hide things from him; sure they joked around and teased each other but when it came to friends, there were none others that they knew and trusted as much as each other.

"It really is something crazy huh..." He replied almost absently, his eyes taking in the glow of the crystals over head and soon wondering if they weren't the crystals that their father had taught them about. "They look like the kinda rocks that go in Dad's lightsaber..." He pointed out, chances were however that Lori had already come to a similar conclusion, she the much more astute of the two when it came to brain work where as he was a bit more of a go-getter and overly active in everything except where heights were involved.

"I wonder where it goes...-Do you think it leads anywhere?"

The thought crossed his mind that there might be an easier entrance than the scaling of the mountain side, it hadn't been the most exciting way to get in there, nor the most preferable in his mind yet if that was the only way in, he had to suppose that at the least they wouldn't have to worry about anyone sneaking up on them or discovering their hide-away without their notice.
Lori nodded in agreement. She wasn't sure if all lightsaber crystals glowed, but some of them probably could. Regardless it was easy to see the awe written on her brother's face, even in the green light and funny play of the shadows of his features.

To [member="Caedyn Arenais"] ' next question she shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know where it goes. I never really explored very far, as I didn't have much time. But today we have ALL day. So let's find out where it goes!" Or at least part of the way. She'd read up on some caves that would take weeks to explore. Even the caves and tunnels beneath Chasin City had a depth of 30 kilometres. Maybe this cave could link to them? She had no idea.

Lori led him down one of the tunnels, the larger one of course. At certain points they'd pass by a small circle of pebbles either on a large rock or on the floor. She of course pointed them out. "See those pebbles? I put them there so that we'd know where we've been. Try not to disturb them. And we'll need to make more of them soon. So...try to fill your pockets with other pebbles." Even though she was a minute younger, there were times when she was able to take the lead. Today was one of those days. She picked up some pebbles and shoved them into her pockets.

"You're not mad at me, are you? For keeping this from you?"

Caedyn Arenais

"It's kinda surprising I guess"

Caedyn replied rather simply, the fact that she'd been able to keep such a big secret like this place from him was indeed truly amazing given she must've been so excited, he thought, in first discovering this place. "How'd you even find this place..." He questioned almost skeptically; it wasn't like he pictured her scaling down the side of a mountain for the share fun of it...-Though at this point, who really knew what she'd been up to lately.

Wandering down the tunnel beside her now, his gaze shifted to and fro, looking ahead of them but regularly looking down to make sure his feet were heading in a safe direction, the thought of a hole suddenly appearing in the low lit darkness of the caves inner glow somewhat leaving him feeling a little paranoid. Of course, there were no such holes in sight and it was mostly his mind playing tricks on him in this new found discovery, [member="Loreena Arenais"] herself having claimed that she knew little of what to expect the further they moved into it.

Collecting the odd pebble from the floor and walls around them, the two of them continued to delve into the dark underground lair.

"I wonder if anyone else knows about this place or ever used it for anything...-Our house is so far away from everything else, I doubt anyone really came out this far into the middle of nowhere before Mom and Dad built the place..." He mused openly in voicing his thoughts, it seemed hard to believe that such a setting wouldn't have been utilized or at the least discovered in the past given the enormity of the cave in share size and stature compared to how little they were.
Lori couldn't quite place what [member="Caedyn Arenais"] was feeling. Was he disappointed in that she didn't share this with him earlier? It certainly seemed that way. But how much did she want to tell him? Afterall, he got scared when he repelled down, so he'd probably get mad if he found out that there was an easier way to get there. They both loved climbing trees, so she didn't think that the height would be a problem. Yet it turned out that it was. "Well, I went for a walk before you guys woke up. We know the forest well enough to be safe. And I saw the glowing rocks and crystals. Ummm...there is another way to get here, but it takes a LOT longer." That was a bit of a stretch. By a lot she really meant about twenty minutes if they ran.

She made her way along the cavern and paused at a fork. It branched off in two directions. "I don't know whether or not anyone else has been here. Maybe a really long time ago they were." There hadn't been any evidence of other visitors yet. Lori half wondered if this was the secret hiding spot for the Elders that Mom sometimes talked about. But it didn't quite look like the place that great rulers would have lived in.

"Which way shall we go?" She looked over to her brother, wanting to give him the chance to lead part of this exploration at least. Another question was whether or not their commlinks would work deep underground. And also if they'd get in trouble. It'd be annoying to have to have bodyguards following them around all the time.

Caedyn Arenais

So he had been right, there was another way in ! Smirking to himself, he thought it was so like [member="Loreena Arenais"] to take the direct approach and risking the inspiration of his fears, thinking not of the negative but so eager in her discovery and excitement to share it with him instead. Wandering side by side however, it was difficult not to see why she'd been so proud of the place, it was amazing with all the crystals shining down upon them, like a blue light revealing the path for which they were to follow, the floor almost glowing in reflection of the ambiance set to the stone.

"I wonder if we could make something in here without Mom and Dad finding out..." He mused outwardly, his stride casual alongside her in equal pace, his eyes falling to glance to his Sisters curious to see how she was feeling, if there were to be any evidence of what might be going through her head at the time. There wasn't, and admittedly reading her wasn't his strongest suit when she felt inclined to keep her thoughts to herself. Their training in the Force had been more of an introduction at this point and telepathy wasn't a skill for which either of them had yet picked up, thus leaving them only with the sibling intuition they were born with.

Coming to the fork in the underground road, Caedyn glanced to either side, his teeth taking to the inside of his cheek and biting upon it in thought before looking to his sister curiously, "Haven't you been this far before?" he asked, soon looking back to the two tunnels and trying to find some sort of incentive to explore one of them over the other. "I guess we can choose one and always come back to explore the other next time..." He concluded shortly there after, his left hand soon pointing to the tunnel on his side in decisive account; "That one!".
Lori just grinned at his idea of making this cave into something of their own. The possibilities were nearly endless. At least according to her vibrant imagination. "We could use it as our own special training grounds. It's big enough, isn't it? Or we could hide stuff here, special things that we don't want anyone to find." Such as her secret collection of things that she 'liberated' during their trips. For her they were perserving memories. Their Mom lost hers for a while, and so Lori thought that she could prevent that from happening herself if she had a bunch of mementos.

She shook her head as [member="Caedyn Arenais"] asked her if she went this far. The truth was that she hadn't, or at least not on this part. Instead she had studied the cavern walls, moving along the edges of the immense cave. She had collected some stones, even some of the glowing crystals that had fallen down from the ceiling. Of course Lori had hidden all of those in her room. But now she could look for a special spot here.

Cae made his choice as to which route to take, so she led the way. Thankfully the crystals glowed givong them enough light without the need for torches. Her brother could always use his lightsaber fir light. They make good torches, don't they? Surely Dad wouldn't object to that.

"I wonder what made these caves...Some big animal? Or the Empire of old? In history class learned that they came here some times. Or it could be a Rebel base! It's big enough for starfighters, right?" Already Lori was getting giddy just thinking about it, imagining the tunnels filled with pilots, generals and the like hiding and planning out the next assault to save the Galaxy. Of course she knew that that wouldn't happen now. Mom and Dad hated fighting and wars and battle and anything fun.

Caedyn Arenais

Caedyn hadn't really given the possibility that this might have once been a Rebel hideout or a hiding place of the ancient Empire's. Honestly, [member="Loreena Arenais"] had more the brains when it came to things like history where as he was more a boy that focused on the day to day. If they were to study for a test, Lori would've prepared ahead and designed hours per night to commit to her education where as he would've done nothing until the last minute and then panicked and tried to crap in hours resulting in a lack of sleep and a very edgy test the next day. It wasn't the best way to be but he was built that way, he concluded at-least, choosing "not to sweat the small stuff" he liked to put it.

"These tunnels sure are massive..." he replied, the possibility of their training in here wasn't nearly as far-fetched with all the rock formations and climbing they had to do to get as far as they had. They were deep underground and yet there was still life down here, insects and moss, light coming through the cracks of the roof so high above them and of course, the glowing crystals that seemed to radiate down upon them; "How much has Dad told you about the Force?" he asked somewhat curiously, his discussions with his father were rare and often when they were alone as between them, he and Lori found distractions too easily come by in their competitions with one another.

Caedyn knew that their father had a Lightsaber hidden away for Lori too, though he promised not to tell her about it. Apparently she needed to be ready for the responsibility of something that serious which kind of surprised Cae given that she was often more mature than he was; but then their Mom was kinda like his Sister too, not liking the idea of lightsabers and such because they were "too violent for their children to be playing with". Maybe it was a boys thing in the end, it had taken their father some encouraging Mom to get her to consent for Caedyn's lightsaber after all...
Lori had to agree with [member="Caedyn Arenais"] on that one. They were massive. At times the ceiling would lower, but then just around the corner, it'd go back up again. Whatever had formed the cave; water or otherwise, it was awe inspiring. Was her brother just asgiddy over the place asshe was? Not yet. But that could change with more visits.

To his question of the Force, Lori chewed the inside of her cheek. Dad had told her some about it, yet whenever she'd ask Mom about the Force, it always made her uncomfortable for some reason. Their Mom could use the Force, but neither of the two had ever really seen her use it. The reasons for that were kind of silly, she thought, but she wouldn't dare say those words to her Mom.

"Dad's told me a little. He says that it's all around us, connects us and can help us when we need it. But he says that it takes a long time to master. I just don't know when that's supposed to start. Some time soon, maybe." But that'll mean less play time. It wasa good thing that she found the short cut to get to this cave though.

Lori stopped and removed her pack, settling it on the ground at her feet as she took out her bottle of water. Her eyes were fully on her brother. Already she could see certain traits of their Dad in him. "What about you? Did Dad tell you much yet?" It was almost a right of passage. Yet Cae already carried a lightsaber. So there was no doubt that he was already told a lot more than she had. Maybe it's a boy thing.

Caedyn Arenais

"Dad talks about the Force like it's real and like it watches over us...-But at the same time it sometimes seems like he's not sure about it either..." Caedyn's expression shifted into something of confusion and uncertainty as his mind ran to the discussions he'd had with his father in private, always seeming to talk about the Force where others weren't present; "He said it can be a really great thing but that people take advantage of it and abuse it somehow...-But he never really tells me how or why" Cae shrugged his shoulders, glancing back to his Sister a little perplexed over the subject. [member="Loreena Arenais"] was nothing if not intelligent and better organized in the way she behaved, perhaps mature more so than he was when she was required to be around their parents or the times they'd go to Chasin City, it was a wonder she hadn't been taught more than he had yet even his discussions with [member="Veiere Arenais"] had been lacking in detail.

"I asked him if he could teach me a little more about it, like how he can pull things to him..." He continued, apprehension in his voice for the explanation that would follow; "He says that I'm not ready for stuff like that and that Mom wants us to focus on our schooling and stuff...". Caedyn didn't understand why exactly their mom didn't like the idea about the two of them learning about the Force, it seemed that their dad felt the same way. He'd been in a lot of fights, Cae knew that much and figured it was the dangerous stuff that they didn't want the twins to be getting mixed up in.

"A lot of people fight over the force, Dad says...-Lots of people who think they know better than others. It all sounds kinda silly but I think he thinks we'll go getting into trouble somehow".

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