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A Complicated, Yet Deserving Union


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Yes, after a number of years in eachother's company (nearly a year of writing together irl time), @Veiere Arenais had 'proposed' to Kay. I know that a bunch of our thread stalkers have been shipping them for ages and think that it's about bloody time :p The where and how it was done was unexpected to

Now comes the complicated part...Elope?...Small wedding?...Big wedding? That's all to be decided. Then there's the whole distance thing between their own respected corners of the Galaxy. And how big would their titles be? Would it give them huge egos?

So many questions with no clear answers. But yes....the Space Nun is finally getting married again after 15 years :p

(Hopefully this one doesn't die like the last one did.....)
[member="Lady Kay"]

I'll try not to get myself killed out there...

I also wish for Commenor to retain it's independence and individuality, our respective political titles won't change but our personal lives certainly will. Let's continue to keep the two aspects of our lives separate, The Dominion is going to wind up with enemies and I don't want to give them ammunition to target Commenor.

That said, I suppose I should be trying to enjoy this moment and not being such a Serious Sam!
When is anything in politics ever simple...

I'm happy with something small, Veiere's not one to show boat around...-Though I guess we both lead world/s and have crowds to please and such. I guess I'm willing to leave it up to you to decide being the future wife and all :p So long as I control the bar tab. Our guests will need plenty of drinks...-And I might partake myself.

Bradshaw Ku

Crown Prince of Commenor
Firstly, I'm completely with [member="Owazza"], totally should have a big televised royal wedding!

Second, you better not die [member="Veiere Arenais"], Bradshaw already has enough daddy issues from watching [member="Lady Kay"]'s first husband, his adopted father, be murdered :p
[member="Bradshaw Ku"]

Unfortunately due to our many Dominions being run, I still have yet to meet you IC !

Or well...At all for that matter...

I think it's reasonable for the both of our characters to be feeling a little uncertain, as far as family bonding goes >.>
I swear to god Kay if I dont have AMPLE time to b*tch about suits around you and semi-angrily fuss over the security detail I will be disappointed.

And remember I used to be a hunter so I'll know if you run off to elope!


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Darlyn Excron"]

Since when have we rushed into anything? You should have plenty of time.

And [member="Veiere Arenais"] , Kay has enemies too, ones that would target you just as easily. It's all par for the course.

But yes, our respective territories will be seperate.

Bradshaw Ku

Crown Prince of Commenor
An Archlord's work is never done, I suppose. And haha, no doubt both characters have good reason to be uneasy with the bonding experience, [member="Veiere Arenais"].

I have a feeling he's going to take to the big-brother role for [member="Cedric Grayson"], though considering his propensity for shenanigans, that may or may not be a good thing.

And yes, [member="Lady Kay"], you have to have a big wedding where [member="Darlyn Excron"] can fuss over the security and Bradshaw can continually threaten to make that job more difficult :p


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
I'll probably never hear the end of it if I don't >.<

Eloping followed by some big public party? How about that? There'll be booze!

[member="Veiere Arenais"] [member="Darlyn Excron"] [member="Bradshaw Ku"]
OK, first off:


Second: It will be a cold day in hell when I let you pick up the bar tab. That'll be me sir. :p Consider it a gift (Next me me not bringing strippers and some crowd control) [member="Veiere Arenais"]



I approve of this union.

[member="Lady Kay"]
[member="James Justice"]

At-least let me buy the first round after that post, damn :D

It shall be a great Rp for Kay and I. We've been building things up gradually over quite a time now and with all the obstacles that've been in our way...-Well, we're stubborn as hell obviously! I am at-least...

[member="Lady Kay"]

I told you I wasn't gonna let you get away from me!


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="James Justice"]

Yeah....going to keep you and [member="Bradshaw Ku"] apart. You'll be bad influences on eachother..

[member="Veiere Arenais"]

Me get away from you? I thought it was the other way around....

Bradshaw Ku

Crown Prince of Commenor
[member="Lady Kay"]

Haha, the first thing I thought after reading his post was how much Bradshaw would want to meet [member="James Justice"]. Especially after being surrounded by so many dedicated, hardworking, and respectable people in the palace...


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Haha [member="Bradshaw Ku"] , I can imagine you and [member="James Justice"] trying to beat eachother's score as to who can sleep with the most women :p

Bradshaw Ku

Crown Prince of Commenor
[member="Lady Kay"]

Haha, no doubt. Bradshaw would feel handicapped, though, since he can't tell anyone he's a prince which would clearly be the ace up his sleeve. So [member="James Justice"] would probably have an advantage. Or at least that's what he'd tell himself if he lost lol.

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